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Pedo guy megalomaniacal manchild officially owns Twitter

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9 hours ago, Jason said:


A lot of sites will have you select some topics you're interested in when you create an account. Not like you can't add and remove topics you have set as your favorites later, but the point is to get some basic curation in to make sure you'll have a decent first impression before they let you jump in. I haven't set up my Mastadon account yet but from what you've said above it sounds like something like that would go a long way toward fixing things.


It would. Another thing would be to just have more tutorial bubbles or something that will pop up when you start explaining what you should do and why. E.g., "Here is you home timeline, unlike other social media, your home timeline does not include any content that you haven't followed. The best way to to get more content you care about it is to follow *hashtags* so that you get content you care about even from people you don't follow. Would you like to add some hashtag interests now?"




"Here is the federated timeline. This timeline..."


Etc. I'm sure someone who actually works on UX could come up with better ideas. But right now it's just like "Here it is."


9 hours ago, Jason said:

Also apparently the admin of whichever server you select has full access to your DMs and this isn't really made obvious to you at any point during signup. You know whoever runs a site has that unless it's proper E2EE for the messages, but there's a big difference between say Google in principle having access to your emails and whichever random guy is running your instance having access to your DMs. Not just in terms of they can look in, but if law enforcement comes knocking the random guy will probably just fold (and may not even know it's in principle possible to fight the request/demand a warrant).


Yeah that does seem like a problem. They should absolutely implement E2EE to messages to avoid this scenario. (They will likely have to change how messages work in general to do it, but they should just do it!)

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I had to spend like 10 minutes explaining to a couple of my 13-yo son's friends why I don't like Elon Musk.


These kids seriously believed that Musk was personally responsible for inventing electric cars and space X rocket ships. I was like, yeah, no, he's a business man, not an engineer. He didn't invent jack or shit. He might be a smart business man, but he's not an inventor. He's not a super genius. They were literally in shock. They seriously imagined him in a lab coat like Tony Stark or something, crawling around wiring up breakthrough prototypes for his rockets and electric cars.


The conversation was started because one of the kids was annoyed that his twitter feed was full of Elon Musks tweets even though he didn't follow him.

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43 minutes ago, ort said:

I had to spend like 10 minutes explaining to a couple of my 13-yo friends why I don't like Elon Musk.


These kids seriously believed that Musk was personally responsible for inventing electric cars and space X rocket ships. I was like, yeah, no, he's a business man, not an engineer. He didn't invent jack or shit. He might be a smart business man, but he's not an inventor. He's not a super genius. They were literally in shock. They seriously imagined him in a lab coat like Tony Stark or something, crawling around wiring up breakthrough prototypes for his rockets and electric cars.


The conversation was started because one of the kids was annoyed that his twitter feed was full of Elon Musks tweets even though he didn't follow him.

Why do you have 13yo friends?

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I edited it. These were the friends of my 13 year old, in a discussion driving back and forth to hockey practice.


(Or, if it's more interesting, these are neighbor kids I'm grooming to be transgender communist sex slaves for George Soros.)

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Come on Brandon, use this as a national security pretext to take Twitter away from Elmo.



Nailya Asker-Zade, who posted a selfie of her and Elon Musk to Telegram on Sunday, has been sanctioned by both the UK and Canada.


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I think Elon was always going to hand Twitter off sooner rather than later, regardless of the poll. At this point I'm not even sure if I hope he saves the platform or if he kills it with all his erratic decision making. The rate at which he continues to make terrible decisions and roll them out, only to roll them back, is quite astonishing. I can't think of an example of any other company doing anything similar at such a large scale. Startups do this kind of thing all the time, but once you've got hundreds of millions of users and billions in revenue, it seems like you wouldn't want to act so rashly.



As an aside about the whole jet tracking thing, I feel like there's a very obvious solution that isn't proposed nearly often enough: just don't fly private. I think it's perfectly acceptable that the trade-off for owning your own jet and flying it around the world is that people know where that jet is.

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4 hours ago, finaljedi said:


All of that says coming soon except the blue check

Tesla will currently sell you a preorder for a truck that doesn't exist yet and take $10k from you for a self-driving feature that doesn't work yet. This dude is not going to have qualms about charging an $11 subscription to people before all the features are rolled out.

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2 hours ago, Ominous said:

Paying for Twitter is almost as bad as paying for Sirius XM. 


In my Fiat the radio and Bluetooth connection didn't have different volume levels, the Bluetooth required a higher setting on the volume dial than the radio, and it would default back to the radio every time you turned the car on. This resulted in blasting your eardrums out every time you turned on the car. It was a blessing when the Sirius promo subscription ran out because I could make that the last radio option used and set it to this silent channel so I had time either for the Bluetooth to connect and switch over to that, or to turn the volume down before flipping over to the FM radio for NPR. 

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6 minutes ago, stepee said:

I’ll give credit where credit is due they made that quote very believable!


edit: I shouldn’t give Jason so much credit though and assume he is checking to see if it’s real or not 


It's supposed to be a deleted tweet, and it's hard to keep up with because he's been posting and deleting a lot. However yes, Snopes says this one is fake, my bad.



A fake tweet compared "banning reporters I don't like" to journalists being murdered in other countries.


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