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About Ominous

  • Birthday 05/21/1981

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  1. My wife got a 13 then the 14 totally upgraded to a much better camera system...so with that said I'm sure the 16s will have a totally new something that makes it worth getting lol.
  2. Anyone else order a new iPhone today? I haven't had one in like 10 years, and I'll probably regret it, but I ordered a 15 pro for me and one for my wife. She has a 13 pro max so I know it will be a nice upgrade for her. I have a Samsung s23 Ultra and I'm kinda over the big ass screen. Good to see Apple finally put the same camera in the pro as the pro max. Always felt like I had to get a big ass phone if I wanted the better cameras.
  3. Voodoo is real like Christianity is real. It exists, people practice it, people think it has a higher power but it doesn't.
  4. We have a family trip early that week with school closed for voting, so I'll use my states new early voting to vote "in person" but before election day...then I'll be hide in my election bunker until the dust settles.
  5. I thought this was common knowledge. If you google Linda Ellerbee IGN there are several links, including D1P, talking about it lol.
  6. So this debate has been boiled down to "After I abort my full term delivered baby I'm go eat a dog and get a sex change. - Hannibal Lecter the asylum seeker.
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