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stepee last won the day on July 21

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  1. I think everyone has been fucking their couches for a long time now but it’s a problem that it’s being called out in the mainstream
  2. The DEI racist bullshit is so misguided too because it brings into question record - at which you can easily make the case of Harris over Trump - she has a rock solid career in politics across many levels versus Trump who only has ever been in one position of power and then hella people died
  3. I actually was able to make it to the Eiffel Tower and gave up at the first floor because it was too scary.
  4. wow this bald guy has it going on
  5. At this point congress should be asking to hear from the couch before the nomination can be approved
  6. Olympics globalist agenda confirmed btw “and the world will be as one”
  7. if I complain about the noise from the fireworks am I still allowed to live on this earth
  8. How can the GOP be anti-family when they are the ones tracking your daughters menstrual cycle??
  9. Its the only thing I cared about so far, was hoping you saw that to make it all worth it
  10. The opening ceremony - it’s a cover of “Imagine” which I’m pretty sure you have expressed your hate for
  11. ahahahahahaja @Commissar SFLUFAN i hope you are watching it’s your favorite song
  12. I love how close this is to just being a “One little trick drug lords use won’t believe!” spam article
  13. or maybe you need to see this historical film about my dickkkkkkkkkkk
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