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Pedo guy megalomaniacal manchild officially owns Twitter

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12 minutes ago, DarkStar189 said:

I feel like a real noob here as I have absolutely no idea what Twitter alternatives there are. Can someone name a few I should keep an eye on?

There's some more in the pipeline from the sound of it, but right now the two big ones people are migrating to are Post and Mastodon. I don't know as much about Post. It's in kind of a closed beta right now and you need to get on a wait-list to join. Mastodon you can just sign up right away.


The look and feel of Mastodon is very similar to Twitter, but what's turning some people off is they have this weird philosophy where they seem to want to try and be Discord and Twitter at the same time. Basically you don't just sign up for Mastodon, you pick one of a bunch of different decentralized servers. Some are very general--like you can just sign up for mastodon.social which is the closest thing to a "main" Mastodon site, but you can also pick a specialized one based around a certain topic. You can still follow people from different servers and view everyone's posts in a single timeline, but there's basically one annoying extra step in following someone on a different server unless you download some browser extensions.

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21 minutes ago, Ricofoley said:

There's some more in the pipeline from the sound of it, but right now the two big ones people are migrating to are Post and Mastodon. I don't know as much about Post. It's in kind of a closed beta right now and you need to get on a wait-list to join. Mastodon you can just sign up right away.


The look and feel of Mastodon is very similar to Twitter, but what's turning some people off is they have this weird philosophy where they seem to want to try and be Discord and Twitter at the same time. Basically you don't just sign up for Mastodon, you pick one of a bunch of different decentralized servers. Some are very general--like you can just sign up for mastodon.social which is the closest thing to a "main" Mastodon site, but you can also pick a specialized one based around a certain topic. You can still follow people from different servers and view everyone's posts in a single timeline, but there's basically one annoying extra step in following someone on a different server unless you download some browser extensions.



I think the biggest problem Mastodon has is your home timeline works *very* differently from other social media. Other social media just shoves all kinds of stuff in your home timeline. In Mastodon, it's *only* content you follow. You have to go to the "local" or "federated" timeline to get aggregate data. But those timelines have two problems.

1) It just doesn't refresh as smoothly because of the nature of the operation it's doing.

2) There is no curation on those aggregate timelines at all. It's really just the live dump of what's happening.


There is, however, a good way to make your home timeline much better. Don't just follow people, follow hashtags. That makes your home timeline include content from people you don't follow, but whom are tweeting  tooting about stuff you care about it. It also is quite nice because it doesn't feed you the viral social war drama that twitter does.


However, the fact that it's different and requires some upfront effort to get a good timeline is probably going to turn people off at first and I'm not sure it will survive that.

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3 hours ago, ThreePi said:

Killing linktr.ee will damn-near kill porn on Twitter, and porn is the ultimate arbiter of a platform/technology's success.


This just isn’t true anymore and hasn’t been for awhile.


Also I was pretty sure that stuff like preventing discussion / links / referrals to other platforms runs afoul of EU antitrust stuff, but I could be wrong and I’m sure technodunce Musk doesn’t give a shit anyway.



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He already back tracked on that, saying the only thing banned now is accounts with the singular purpose of promoting other services under the notion that such content violates the spam policy. Still seems sus.

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Just imagine the immense privilege it represents to be able to take a private jet halfway across the earth to attend one of the best sporting events in recent memory, and instead of just taking in moment you spend the entire rest of the night accelerating the utter collapse of the website that you spent $44 billion on.

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28 minutes ago, thewhyteboar said:

This guy is lying in bed in Qatar, frantically refreshing his twitter poll to see if anyone likes him. He basically posted a poll that's the equivalent of the middle school "Do you like me? [ ] yes [ ] no" note. He is the world's most insecure man.

Which is amazing since the bar for World's Most Insecure Man was set so ridiculously high recently.

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Again, Elon is so fucking stupid that he forgot that places like AOL already tried this walled garden bullshit and it failed horribly. Unclear whether or not Elon knows and thinks this time it’ll work because it’s him or that he has no idea he’s picking spaghetti off the floor and throwing it at the wall again to see if it sticks. I’m sure it’s whatever of those options is stupider, because it’s him.

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6 minutes ago, Ricofoley said:

The ban on cross-promoted other sites has been completely scrubbed of the site now. This man simply does not have the Mod mentality. Folds like a house of cards at the slightest pushback.

It's more likely he comes up with this on a whim and gets some boot lickers to write up and "enforce" then actual smart people tell him what a disaster it will be like the EU getting ready to fuck him in the ass over most of it

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28 minutes ago, johnny said:

i tried using mastodon and it was kind of a piece of shit and i don’t like how it has different, like, feeds you sign up for. twitter has it right. 


You don't need to sign up to different feeds. It's just it works differently than anyone expects :p 

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16 minutes ago, johnny said:

sorry i don’t have a fuckin AI brain im too stupid to use mastodon :blart:


TBC, I didn't mean that as a criticism of you! It's a failing of Mastodon's UX that it has thoroughly confused people about how it works. If you spend some time with it, you can get the hang of it of better, but that barrier they've put between people and using it effectively may prevent it from becoming more popular. Which is a shame because there are a lot of good ideas in it that *could* be solved with better UX.

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54 minutes ago, Ricofoley said:

The ban on cross-promoted other sites has been completely scrubbed of the site now. This man simply does not have the Mod mentality. Folds like a house of cards at the slightest pushback.


Thank you for the validation. Being a mod is truly doing god's work.












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2 minutes ago, legend said:

TBC, I didn't mean that as a criticism of you! It's a failing of Mastodon's UX that it has thoroughly confused people about how it works. If you spend some time with it, you can get the hang of it of better, but that barrier they've put between people and using it effectively may prevent it from becoming more popular. Which is a shame because there are a lot of good ideas in it that *could* be solved with better UX.


A lot of sites will have you select some topics you're interested in when you create an account. Not like you can't add and remove topics you have set as your favorites later, but the point is to get some basic curation in to make sure you'll have a decent first impression before they let you jump in. I haven't set up my Mastadon account yet but from what you've said above it sounds like something like that would go a long way toward fixing things.


Also apparently the admin of whichever server you select has full access to your DMs and this isn't really made obvious to you at any point during signup. You know whoever runs a site has that unless it's proper E2EE for the messages, but there's a big difference between say Google in principle having access to your emails and whichever random guy is running your instance having access to your DMs. Not just in terms of they can look in, but if law enforcement comes knocking the random guy will probably just fold (and may not even know it's in principle possible to fight the request/demand a warrant).

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9 hours ago, Ricofoley said:

The ban on cross-promoted other sites has been completely scrubbed of the site now. This man simply does not have the Mod mentality. Folds like a house of cards at the slightest pushback.

He just ain’t got that dawg in him


My distinct impression is he is man who spent 44billion to become a forum moderator and expected people to respect or like him for that. Which, lol. Buddy you paid 44billion for people to hate you. At least mods on other forums have personalities!

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