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~*Official Thread of America's Return to Thoughts & Prayers Normalcy*~

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2 minutes ago, Littleronin said:

I'm starting to get it now. Most schools are starting to look like prisons with the fencing and single point entries. Now they want to arm teachers while also pushing for privatizing schooling. I get it, the new for-profit prison system. 


Get 'em while they're young.

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2 hours ago, Littleronin said:

Most schools are starting to look like prisons with the fencing and single point entries.

Thing is , its just theater for the public. Ive said this before but I worked closely with a school district that was going to spend shit tons of money to renovate schools for "security". One of the higher up who knew this was a waste would have me enter schools under a false premise to see if I could gain access. I would pull up in a pick up or a van, broad day light, pull out my tool bag and walk right up front to the door. Ring the buzzer and tell them something like "here to fix your clocks" or "leaky sink". Every time they would give me access no questions asked. Several times I got in without ever going thru the front door, just knock on the door by the kitchen and tell the staff I am here working and but left my key inside.

The school district still spent the money to do it.

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33 minutes ago, SimpleG said:

Thing is , its just theater for the public. Ive said this before but I worked closely with a school district that was going to spend shit tons of money to renovate schools for "security". One of the higher up who knew this was a waste would have me enter schools under a false premise to see if I could gain access. I would pull up in a pick up or a van, broad day light, pull out my tool bag and walk right up front to the door. Ring the buzzer and tell them something like "here to fix your clocks" or "leaky sink". Every time they would give me access no questions asked. Several times I got in without ever going thru the front door, just knock on the door by the kitchen and tell the staff I am here working and but left my key inside.

The school district still spent the money to do it.


There is simply very little to nothing that can be done to secure a building like a school from someone who is willing to kill to get into it and willing to die when they've accomplished their goal. And this says nothing about the fact that, to your point, someone capable of looking and behaving like they belong for a brief period of time will almost always just be let in.


I think I've said this before but when I was in college a buddy of mine was a theater kid. Bill Clinton was on campus one night to give a speech / presentation on some topic or another and they used one of the on campus theaters for it. My buddy forgot or didn't realize that the event was happening that night and went to the theater to do some of his assignments, as theater kids do. The side door was unlocked as usual and he literally bumped into Bill Clinton backstage while he was on his way out to give his talk. I dunno if he was still under Secret Service protection at the time or if it was private security or whatever, but it's not really relevant. They wanded everyone on their way into the theater, they thought they closed all the other entrances, etc.


If theater kids can bump into former Presidents inside a relatively small building that has ostensibly been secured, big school campuses have no chance.


Get rid of guns. The end.

  • Halal 2
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4 minutes ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

Man the things you can do with a little social engineering and a blue collar occupation looking uniform is wild. 


1 minute ago, GeneticBlueprint said:


100% of heist films involve a blue collar uniform.

No need to wear a uniform, it was t shirt, jeans and work boots.

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14 minutes ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

Man the things you can do with a little social engineering and a blue collar occupation looking uniform is wild. 


Yeah, you don't even need that. I did liquor delivery in an unmarked minivan wearing shorts, sandals, and a Playboy t shirt.

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I once skipped the line to get into a nightclub by just walking straight passed while holding a clipboard on a dare to see if it would work. It did. I waited for the rest of my friends at a table inside while drinking a beer. 


Mind you this was in Australia where they have very strict gun laws after the Port Arthur Massacre, but still. 

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10 hours ago, best3444 said:

Give teachers gun training and allow them to carry. I think this would make a positive difference imo. It wouldn't fully eliminate shootings but kids would maybe think twice? I don't know. Such a difficult subject because you're dealing with mentally ill children behind these shootings. 


There are actually a number of nightmare scenarios that would be suddenly possible if we armed teachers; teacher on teacher violence, teacher on student violence, enablement (as discussed above, potentially arming shooters with intent) -- but even the most generous and hopeful situation still puts a teacher in the position of having to shoot to kill a current or former student (regardless of the fact they're on a murderous rampage, that's not something people can just 'do'). 

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6 hours ago, Littleronin said:

I'm starting to get it now. Most schools are starting to look like prisons with the fencing and single point entries. Now they want to arm teachers while also pushing for privatizing schooling. I get it, the new for-profit prison system. 


Some asshole heard "school to prison pipeline" and said he could make that more efficient.

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8 hours ago, SimpleG said:

No need to wear a uniform, it was t shirt, jeans and work boots.


You literally just have to act like you belong. You don't even have to look the part. I know plenty of folks that have "broken" into corporate offices, banks, schools, government facilities, you name it. Red teaming always shows that the weakest link everywhere is people and people aren't going anywhere quite yet. We still have a good two or three years left 

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2 minutes ago, Ghost_MH said:


You literally just have to act like you belong. You don't even have to look the last. I know plenty of folks that have "broken" into corporate offices, banks, schools, government facilities, you name it. Red teaming always shows that the weakest link everywhere is people are people aren't going anywhere quite yet. We still have a good two or three years left 


No technology will ever penetrate a solid S.E.P. field. Ever.

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3 hours ago, Ghost_MH said:


You literally just have to act like you belong. You don't even have to look the last. I know plenty of folks that have "broken" into corporate offices, banks, schools, government facilities, you name it. Red teaming always shows that the weakest link everywhere is people and people aren't going anywhere quite yet. We still have a good two or three years left 


Yep. At the hotel I worked at there was this old guy who came in in the mornings, and got coffee and they had complimentary breakfast there too. And he as nice and friendly and I thought he was a guest. But after challenging the guy he was not a guest so I was always on the lookout for the guy. I even took a picture of him and he FARTED on me.


Long story short, the dude would just know when I got off work and come in anyway since there was no one to stop him. :p

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FAIRFAX, VA—In the wake of Monday’s tragic Nevada school shooting in which a 12-year-old student killed a teacher and wounded two classmates, representatives from the National Rifle Association pushed for all teachers around the country to keep a loaded gun pointed at their classes throughout the school day. “The only…


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Even senior citizens are slaughtering each other, now.



A 71-year-old man arrested on suspicion of fatally shooting two parishioners and injuring another at an Alabama church small-group meeting Thursday was subdued and held down by an...


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On 6/14/2022 at 5:03 PM, Brick said:

I once skipped the line to get into a nightclub by just walking straight passed while holding a clipboard on a dare to see if it would work. It did. I waited for the rest of my friends at a table inside while drinking a beer. 


Mind you this was in Australia where they have very strict gun laws after the Port Arthur Massacre, but still. 

In all my time working at bars/clubs, I've often thought about that. The owner/manager rarely tells the rank-and-file when people are supposed to be there to fix things, so we just roll with it. Walk up to the bar with a few things that look like they could be used to fix something, and they'll practically let you in anywhere

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That reminds me, at a bar I used to work at, there was some random guy that came in that was like "I'm so-and-so, I was sent from [sister bar] to fill in tonight," and the MOD just let him in because she was so used to shit like that getting sprung on her with no notice. The dude ended up stealing all of the tips from the servers and leaving. No one thought anything of it until he was long gone.

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21 minutes ago, Dodger said:

Even if some office has security it’s probably an unarmed minimum wage person that’s not stopping anyone seriously trying to do anything. They would just be the first ones shot.


Someone came in and shot some people at a bank headquarters in downtown Cincinnati, so the last office I worked in had this cop detailed in the lobby every day wearing like the full vest and tactical pants and shit.  They also for whatever reason kept the 80 year old Korean War vet security guard on duty too.

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The classroom door that was barricaded and that police could not get into? They lied; the doors to the classrooms were never locked, and police never tried to open them



Surveillance footage shows police never tried to open the door to the classrooms at Robb...




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On 6/14/2022 at 4:24 PM, Kal-El814 said:


There is simply very little to nothing that can be done to secure a building like a school from someone who is willing to kill to get into it and willing to die when they've accomplished their goal. And this says nothing about the fact that, to your point, someone capable of looking and behaving like they belong for a brief period of time will almost always just be let in.


I think I've said this before but when I was in college a buddy of mine was a theater kid. Bill Clinton was on campus one night to give a speech / presentation on some topic or another and they used one of the on campus theaters for it. My buddy forgot or didn't realize that the event was happening that night and went to the theater to do some of his assignments, as theater kids do. The side door was unlocked as usual and he literally bumped into Bill Clinton backstage while he was on his way out to give his talk. I dunno if he was still under Secret Service protection at the time or if it was private security or whatever, but it's not really relevant. They wanded everyone on their way into the theater, they thought they closed all the other entrances, etc.


If theater kids can bump into former Presidents inside a relatively small building that has ostensibly been secured, big school campuses have no chance.


Get rid of guns. The end.

But guns aren't going anywhere, and any assertion otherwise is is wrong. 

There's nothing wrong with making schools more secure, but those schools also needs to train everyone on their policies. If people are just not locking doors or letting others into buildings unchecked, then the problem is training and that can be fixed. If everyone understands that nobody can enter the school anywhere but the front, nobody will, but that requires training. If a cook ir whatever, as SimpleG said, is just leaving people in, then theres obviously a policy problem. We're very good at securing other buildings when we want to, there is no reason we shouldn't secure schools. 


"Get rid of guns" is just a non starter. It's not going to happen.

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14 hours ago, CitizenVectron said:

The classroom door that was barricaded and that police could not get into? They lied; the doors to the classrooms were never locked, and police never tried to open them



Surveillance footage shows police never tried to open the door to the classrooms at Robb...





Every cop who was there should be fired. It seems there is no charges that can be laid (from what ive heard lawyers say), so at least name, shame, and fire every cop that was there. 

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17 hours ago, CitizenVectron said:

The classroom door that was barricaded and that police could not get into? They lied; the doors to the classrooms were never locked, and police never tried to open them



Surveillance footage shows police never tried to open the door to the classrooms at Robb...




Is this confirmed? 


EDIT: Reading this story on from other sources... holy shit this is bad. Apparently there's no way the shooter COULD have locked the door from the inside.

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There was another article a few days ago that reported an officer armed with a rifle had a chance to shoot him but didn’t take it so as to avoid hitting bystanders, so putting it all together the cops absolutely shot either a child or a teacher. 

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