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Brick last won the day on November 9 2019

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  1. This series just keeps getting better. That must have been the best episode yet, and Penguin was barely in it. Sofia is such a compelling character I'm thinking I'd rather have a series based on her. This episode definitely made me root for her, even though we're supposed to be rooting for Oz. Was John Turturro not available to come back as Carmine though? Having Mark Strong bugs me as a continuity breakage even if I do like Mark Strong.
  2. Yeah felt way too short this week. I'm getting sick of some of these Disney+ shows that are less than 30 minutes constantly.
  3. I told you all to have faith! I know some people doubted Bloober because before they just made walking simulators, and their last game, The Medium, had some controversy in how the ending could be interpreted, but I had a feeling this could be their time to really shine.
  4. I've heard really good things about this game, but never really had my eye on it. For that price though I might pick it up.
  5. I've asked it before, but I'll ask it again; why is his smile upside down?
  6. Also they didn't do it in the first game, but now they have a chance to do it in the sequel; make a Spaceballs reference. How hilarious would it be if you had to do a super secret, hard, and obscure thing, and your reward was seeing a chestburster pop out of someone, and it starts dancing, and singing, "Hello my baby, hello my honey..." before running away? You could even make an achievement for it called "Check Please!". I would burst out laughing if they hid something like that in there.
  7. I have a friend who went down to Disneyworld in Orlando with his family on vacation. They were supposed to go last year, but his brother got covid. Hope they stay safe.
  8. Yeah I know a lot of the people who worked on the first game have either left the studio or were laid off, but hopefully either some of those people are coming back to work on this, or the people who are there now have a good framework from the first game to build upon and make a good sequel. Not sure how they change things up enough that it isn't just more of the same (not that I'd really be complaining about that as long as it's a bit more refined and polished). Maybe have different types of Aliens that you need to use different stealth tactics against to avoid. Like you have your standard Alien, then maybe you have a runner Alien that is faster, one that can camouflage, etc.
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