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Joe Biden beats Donald Trump, officially making Trump a one-term twice impeached, twice popular-vote losing president

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3 minutes ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

Also Republicans offer actual material gains that working class people can understand: tax cuts.


Tax advantaged bullshit and complicated means tested schemes won't get you far!


Yep.  Means testing is dumb.  If you are going to have a welfare state, give it to everyone.  No questions asked. 

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1 minute ago, mclumber1 said:


Yep.  Means testing is dumb.  If you are going to have a welfare state, give it to everyone.  No questions asked. 

That and it's just a simpler message.


Think: "make college free" vs "increase pell grant amounts for people making 125% of the poverty line" or some bullshit. But for any program it's the same thing!

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3 minutes ago, Kal-El814 said:

BloodyHell smoking Snoop Dogg under the fucking table bruh

Snoop smokes 7 gram blunts. 
you guys are seriously disconnected from reality if you think smoking 7 grams in a night is an unachievable task. Its a bowl here and there, all night. You’re acting like fools to attack me 🤷‍♂️ Enjoy it. I don’t know what You get out of it, but you’re obvious bullies. Do whatever you wish, whatever makes you feel “powerful”.

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Just now, GeneticBlueprint said:

Nevada saying they won't have totals until tomorrow. How can the last ~15% take that long?


It could be that they are waiting on remaining mail in ballots to arrive and get processed.  State law says that if it's postmarked by the 3rd, it will be counted if it arrives by the 10th. 

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4 minutes ago, johnny said:

Tf? Are they counting but just not releasing new numbers until they’re done? 

No idea. Maybe ts to keep President Manbaby from a Trying to stop the vote, since early shows biden ahead. His only option is shut up and wait, or push to stop and biden wins.


but then again, they aren’t that crafty.

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22 minutes ago, Chris- said:

Incredible to learn ort’s marijuana intake given our beloved ort rage moments. Wouldn’t expect those from someone who’s dropped on a nightly basis. 


I'm nothing like my online rage persona. I'm about the most laid back chill person you'll ever meet. I use message boards to let it all out. It's theraputic.



22 minutes ago, BloodyHell said:

Then you smoke less than a 1/4 gram a night 🤷‍♂️ 7 grams is not very much pot. 


I don't really smoke that much when I do. It's like 5-10 one hitter bowls a night. Just enough to take the edge off, turn off the anxiety and make whatever shitty show I'm watching a little better. And help me sleep.


I'm like the housewife who ends her day with 3 glasses of wine kind of pothead.



22 minutes ago, Joe said:


Do you usually do this before eating provel cheese? Maybe that's why you think it's good.


Proven cheese is good. Fuck all y'all.


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As someone who isn’t directly impacted by the election but I’m interested in it, can we stop talking about getting stoned so I can read all the reposted tweets and opinions without having to scroll through all load of unrelated posts (except for the discussion of legalisation). Cheers.

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2 minutes ago, CitizenVectron said:



It's America's shame that the pandemic seems to have barely factored in.

That’s what angers me the most. Trump and especially Fox News need to be held accountable for the lives they cost due to their misinformation.

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