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Official "Look How Insane and Shitty ALL GOP Officials Are" Thread

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1 hour ago, Jason said:

Governor Bodyslam has been in Tuscany.



Gov. Greg Gianforte is back and plans to "survey damage and meet with residents," his office said.


Just researching on how to build housing for states with/around watery canals. . . every now and then.

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Jesus Christ, I haven’t read the Bible since high school and even I remember the story of one of Jesus’ Apostles literally cutting off an ear of a Roman soldier in defense of Jesus, and Jesus stopping them, going as far as to heal the soldier.

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I'm all for hating on the Montana governor, but like... This happened WHILE he was on vacation already (allegedly). It wasn't like a ted Cruz situation where he dipped out after things went to shit. The crime is more that his office tried to hide the fact that he was on vacation that's the problem, not the he was on vacation itself. Politicians are allowed to take vacations.


That being said, why would you CHOOSE to leave Montana in June? It's fucking gorgeous! And Italy kind of sucks in June. 


I'll never understand why people go on vacation when it's the most beautiful time of the year where they already are. I never left Oregon during the summer as an adult.


Like, if you live in Vermont, go on vacation in the winter! People don't know how to vacation properly.

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1 minute ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

You had me agreeing until this

You forget that I'm basically allergic to the cold.


But really, you want to take a vacation to another place that's in their summer.... while you're in your summer? That makes no sense to me. Shouldn't you want to opposite? Like it's 95 in New Orleans right now, do you think I want to take a vacation to fucking Cancun? That's stupid. I want to go to Norway. I'll visit the Yucatan in January.

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4 minutes ago, Fizzzzle said:

You forget that I'm basically allergic to the cold.


But really, you want to take a vacation to another place that's in their summer.... while you're in your summer? That makes no sense to me. Shouldn't you want to opposite? Like it's 95 in New Orleans right now, do you think I want to take a vacation to fucking Cancun? That's stupid. I want to go to Norway. I'll visit the Yucatan in January.

A lot of it has to do with having kids, they're out of school so don't have to worry about it, and also living in NY its almost never 95 degrees for more than a day or two, and there isn't any beaches around here and if there was the water isn't in the 80s.  Like the shallow finger lakes can get to like 75 in later august, the deeper ones you're lucky if they get to 70, lol.

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49 minutes ago, Fizzzzle said:

I'm all for hating on the Montana governor, but like... This happened WHILE he was on vacation already (allegedly). It wasn't like a ted Cruz situation where he dipped out after things went to shit. The crime is more that his office tried to hide the fact that he was on vacation that's the problem, not the he was on vacation itself. Politicians are allowed to take vacations.


That being said, why would you CHOOSE to leave Montana in June? It's fucking gorgeous! And Italy kind of sucks in June. 


I'll never understand why people go on vacation when it's the most beautiful time of the year where they already are. I never left Oregon during the summer as an adult.


Like, if you live in Vermont, go on vacation in the winter! People don't know how to vacation properly.


The correct time to leave New England for a vacation isn't the winter, it's spring. New England springs suck. It's cold and wet. It randomly snows and then turns into slush and mud since it's not actually cold enough to remain as snow...until it does and everything gets coated in ice. There's nothing redeeming there. Even the chores suck. Nothing like going through a muddy yard to clean up the leaves from last fall/winter that you didn't get the chance to cleaning out before it was all covered in snow. It's also really cool when you randomly get desert weather and it drops 30 degrees from day to night. Super cool when you're out and it's too warm for a jacket, but then your freezing on the way home.

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5 hours ago, marioandsonic said:

And there it is.




Ranting and preaching to the choir here, I know, but my god is this so infuriating. What evidence can you show to people who don't believe in evidence? What logic can you use with people who don't believe in logic? :/ 

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On 6/19/2022 at 9:24 AM, marioandsonic said:

And there it is.




This is fucking nuts.


It's the second biggest state in the union.  And this isn't even some fringe party or fringe wing of the GOP anymore, it's the official party platform. This is how fucking civil wars get started.


This should be front page news, everywhere.

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