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  1. Gambling is fine as long as you have the right mind set to have fun not make money. However too many people can't handle their shit.
  2. I love how QT bucks the modern trend of constantly throwing shit in your face in fear of the audience getting bored which IMO causes a "loudness" problem. If everything is turned up to 11 constantly there is no difference between the climax of the movie and any other part. It just makes the audience numb to everything. Look at movies like Alien, Easy Rider and 2001 A Space Odyssey. There are plenty of slow parts of those movies which make the intense parts that much more shocking and memorable.
  3. Dawg its the petty reasoning and asymmetric focus on Biden despite them being within a few years of each other that is the problem. Not thinking Biden is too old.
  4. On the totem pole of historically garbage teams I think only the Mariners are under my team (the Padres).
  5. As I previously stated just because I'm American doesn't mean I approve all American actions. And I would have a lot more sympathy for Israel if they didn't support their terrorist settlers.
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