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~*Official Thread of America's Return to Thoughts & Prayers Normalcy*~

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Just now, Greatoneshere said:


Tucker Carlson and Ben Shapiro are MSM, that's my point. I'm talking/discussing them and other media people taking the "trans narrative" and running with it, weaponizing it. You can't separate them from the rest of "MSM" because most people solely get their news from such people and places like Fox News. 

Tucker Carlson and Ben Shapiro are not journalists.  They are Conservative political commentators.

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12 minutes ago, Greatoneshere said:


Tucker Carlson and Ben Shapiro are MSM, that's my point. I'm talking/discussing them and other media people taking the "trans narrative" and running with it, weaponizing it. You can't separate them from the rest of "MSM" because most people solely get their news from such people and places like Fox News. That's where the concern lies, not with CNN reporting the facts of a mass shooting.

It's not worth discussing this with them. They are not discussing this issue in good faith, and nothing you say will convince them of anything because they don't want to be convinced or have an open mind. 

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11 minutes ago, sblfilms said:

I wish the internet never learned the term "bad faith", as it gets applied to all sorts of things that are no more than simple disagreement.

My area of study in university and professionally is speech and rhetoric, I know what bad faith is and what it looks like. 


What I wist is when things like this are stated there wasn't someone to hop along and act llke 'you just can't handle a disagreement' when someone states they've had enough with someone else's words or actions. 

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1 minute ago, TheShader said:

My area of study in university and professionally is speech and rhetoric, I know what bad faith is and what it looks like. 


What I wist is when things like this are stated there wasn't someone to hop along and act llke 'you just can't handle a disagreement' when someone states they've had enough with someone else's words or actions. 


You could also use your own power of self control and not respond instead of expect other people on a discussion board to not discuss things.

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1 hour ago, AbsolutSurgen said:

Tucker Carlson and Ben Shapiro are not journalists.  They are Conservative political commentators.


Right, but for millions of average Americans, those most susceptible to the anti-trans narrative such "news" people are pushing; to those people, this is a distinction without a difference for them; for them Fox, Facebook, OANN, NewsMax are MSM, and that's where the concern lies. I know they aren't journalists but most average hate mongers don't know that or don't care.

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27 minutes ago, Greatoneshere said:

Right, but for millions of average Americans, those most susceptible to the anti-trans narrative such "news" people are pushing; to those people, this is a distinction without a difference for them; for them Fox, Facebook, OANN, NewsMax are MSM, and that's where the concern lies. I know they aren't journalists but most average hate mongers don't know that or don't care.


I think it is important to be more expansive today in our recognition of what the news is for the average person. You are missing a whole lot of how people get their news when you narrow it down to what I think we all would typically describe as actual journalism. The reason that most TV news is just commentary now is because that is what most people consume!

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9 minutes ago, Commissar SFLUFAN said:

I'm pretty sure that I don't have a clue what the concept of "bad faith" actually represents so I looked up its article on Wikipedia.


Not only don't I understand it any better than I did before, but whoever even developed the concept to begin with was an incredibly stupid individual.

Wow, way to look up that concept in bad faith. 

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1 hour ago, TheShader said:

It's not worth discussing this with them. They are not discussing this issue in good faith, and nothing you say will convince them of anything because they don't want to be convinced or have an open mind. 

Nobody is arguing in bad faith. My argument was that you used a case, maybe the most specific case that had nothing to do with white supremacy to say white supremacy isn't mentioned when the shooter is alt-right. It doesn't get more "Not discussing the issue in good faith" than that. Nevermind the dozens of headlines where it absolutely was discussed when it was applicable to the case, like the charlotte Car homicide, or the attacks on Jewish/black churches. It's literally the first thing reported on. And it damn well should be, because identity is important in almost every major crime. 

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1 hour ago, sblfilms said:

I wish the internet never learned the term "bad faith", as it gets applied to all sorts of things that are no more than simple disagreement.


I mean my friend that is a gun nut doesn't argue in good faith. 


He doesn't want gun control legislation because people will get around that. Yes they will. Just like I'm only not taking an opiate for pain because I can't get them but can get weed.


When I point these things out he focuses on these shootings will still happen but the person having a pistol will kill less people then the nut with 2 AR-15s and a pistol. 


I legit fear for him because quite frankly I can get back with my ex because I can change my mind about things. I thought she changed and became a worse person. I get positive vibes from her as opposed to my father or the chick that used me for money so I want her back kinda thing.


I analysed the relationship with what I know figured out she was traumatized by some not good events and it fits so ya I'd get back with her. I need conformation that my theory is right or wrong to not want to be with her. 


It'a something I observed in my preSNRI days. To the point I wonder if they have I think it's called borderline personality disorder. Still reading up on it but I can see how it might fit to me.

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5 hours ago, sblfilms said:


I think it is important to be more expansive today in our recognition of what the news is for the average person. You are missing a whole lot of how people get their news when you narrow it down to what I think we all would typically describe as actual journalism. The reason that most TV news is just commentary now is because that is what most people consume!


Agreed! It's a sad state of affairs, but hence why it's a distinction without a difference in the current era between "news" and "opinions/commentary". People aren't going to the right websites and getting really into debate and policy and facts, they just listen to a bunch of idiots on TV with agendas spouting nonsense while they watch at night passing out on the couch and it's framed as "news", and more importantly, it's accepted as news by the audience, and that's where the narrative rub is. 


I mean, does the Fox News audience even know that due to the Dominion court case, all the Fox News "hosts" and "commentators" have been completely outed as liars who hate Trump? Which means they can and would lie about anything else as well, yet tons of people are still watching Fox News, and they love a good anti-trans hate mongering narrative. And that's where my issue comes in - for many in the media (like Fox News, not the Walter Cronkites of the world :p), this is a hate call to action, and using the trans identity of the shooter in malicious ways is something many parts of the media are doing. Yes, hard hitting journalists are not wasting their time on engendering hate mongering anti-trans narratives, but there are many "in the news" that are doing so right now due to this.


Edit: And the important distinction here is that when a mass shooter is pointed out as a white supremacist or alt-right winger or whatever, there's no worry about a hate call to action against white men. That's the difference. There's no harm to really be had there - the only call to action is stop and address the issues causing these white men to do mass shootings. Again, there's a pattern there that needs to be consistently pointed out - one does not exist here, but many media outlets will treat it as one, and that's the entire issue!

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Got an email from my kids elementary school this afternoon. This morning a 5th grade student brought an airsoft gun to school in his backpack. Showed it to a kid on the bus. Shortly after arriving to school he told another kid to go look at it in his backpack. Thankfully another student reported it. No threats had been made. Turned out to be unloaded thankfully and police took over quickly. So many emotions about it. This time it was just a dumb kid doing something dumb. Just hitting too close to home here...  My son is in 5th grade also and just last week police officers came to the school to do a little assembly for the 5th grade classes. Talking about the dangers of drugs/weapons/etc… Now a week later a kid brings a “toy” gun to school… idiot.

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22 minutes ago, thewhyteboar said:

If you don’t believe that guns are the cause of violence and that the 2nd Amendment should be abolished you are just flat-out delusional. Hope it’s fun to wake up, wash your hands with blood before you enjoy your stupid fucking hobby. 


I'd say they aren't the only cause and Republicans use that one as cover. The other sounds like a personal issue and distracts from the other issue of guns. 


Did I mention we suffer a lack of mental health care professionals and mental health care is expensive plus meds are expensive?


Ideally we should ban guns used in these incidents, do a buy back program for existing owners, and fix our mental health crisis. Once the effect of mental health crisis start to look better you think about unbanning the guns perhaps as a compromise to gun owners. Reasonable solution that we can't implement because people are unreasonable. Plus people are used to getting the short end of the stick so they don't believe they'd get the right to say AR-15 rifles. 


I don't recall who's union on the boards. The Obama era union contract grandfathered in pension plans essentially. New workers will get an enchanced 401k match. We won't ever gwt that back tbh. The precarity of life in America makes the kind of long term strike needed to get that back as undesireable.

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3 minutes ago, skillzdadirecta said:

The Shooter livestreamed his attack and worked at the bank :|


I still remember how fucked up it seemed to me at the time that part of my onboarding training at my current job was how to respond to an active shooter in the workplace. :/ 


I mean, yes, being prepared is better than not, but.... damn this country for making it necessary. :/ 

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1 minute ago, stepee said:

It sounds like there are three problems: guns, mental health, and the scientific impossibility of tackling one source of a problem when another source also exists 


Yes, but also I am 100% ok with tackling the not gun problem and see where it gets us. Medicare for all to cover all dollars spent on mental health care along with in patient care and prescriptions.

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Mental health care would need reform even if we didn’t have gun violence issues.


Gun laws would need to be reformed even if we didn’t have mental health issues.


Also known as the “independent variable”.

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3 hours ago, sblfilms said:

Mental health care would need reform even if we didn’t have gun violence issues.


Gun laws would need to be reformed even if we didn’t have mental health issues.


Also known as the “independent variable”.

Maybe we can trick the GOP to getting us healthcare tho

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4 hours ago, sblfilms said:

Mental health care would need reform even if we didn’t have gun violence issues.


Gun laws would need to be reformed even if we didn’t have mental health issues.


Also known as the “independent variable”.

But have you tried praying really hard?

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