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Everything posted by TheShader

  1. My area of study in university and professionally is speech and rhetoric, I know what bad faith is and what it looks like. What I wist is when things like this are stated there wasn't someone to hop along and act llke 'you just can't handle a disagreement' when someone states they've had enough with someone else's words or actions.
  2. It's not worth discussing this with them. They are not discussing this issue in good faith, and nothing you say will convince them of anything because they don't want to be convinced or have an open mind.
  3. The single post followed by '1 year later' had me in stitches. I'm not sure if it's actually funny or I'm still just waking up.
  4. #timmeadows #themandalorianseason3 #starwars#deweycox #JoosMFJones #fy... | TikTok WWW.TIKTOK.COM #timmeadows #themandalorianseason3 #starwars#deweycox #JoosMFJones #fyp #2023 #fypシ #fypシ゚viral #fypage #newrelease
  5. The claim was originally quoted that " We feel that she identifies as trans, but we’re still in the initial investigation into all of that and if it actually played a role into this incident." They had not investigated enough to even feel confident that the shooter was trans. Which was quite frankly dangerous and unprofessional on their end. We still do not know what the contents of the manifest are other than the shooter had further plans of violence. I don't know how anyone can say that the reporting on this was fine. The entire internet is on fire about this and most people's formed opinions have been horribly incorrect as news media have all been rushing out inaccurate or misleading articles in order to gain those sweet clicks and views. I haven't seen any two people have the same view of what the facts were, and I have seen very few people who have opinions that are actually backed up by the actual information available. This whole event has been a prime example of the damage bad reporting can cause.
  6. Yes, one shooting, because I'm not going to sit here at work for an hour proving this point only for you to move the goal post and continue to say 'nuh uh'. And what is more relevant than the day of the shooting? All the headlines Monday were of the shooter being trans, the day of the shooting, not three months later after everyone has forgotten about it and moved on. Because let's be real, even with this shooting most Americans have already moved on and formed their opinions based on the initial first day of the shooting. No information that comes forward from here will puncture the formed opinions general society has made, including if the investigation shows a full reversal of the claim that the shooter is trans. It is well documented that minorities are reported upon differently than minority groups when it comes to any crime, and that includes mass shootings. I don't need to sit here and waste time at work convincing you when you clearly just want to believe what you believe.
  7. Can we do at least a modicum of research when discussing a serious tragedy of gun violence and trying to quote politicians over it that are blatantly purposeful misinterpretations of reality? People are dead, trans people are being harassed/sent death threats/physically attacked, but you can't spend five seconds checking the context of a quote before posting it in a discussion about said things?
  8. Fact check: Biden, the Nashville shooting, and ice cream WWW.DW.COM Yes, US President Biden did joke about chocolate chip ice cream before addressing the school shooting in Nashville. But his remarks have been stripped of significant context.
  9. I'm guessing you actually tried to include the immediate past president but hit the character limit.
  10. The only exception seems to be when people go the opposite direction and use punctuation willy nilly. Just, tossing in; punctuations...wherever they really, feel like it!!!?
  11. In my experience, this isn't generation specific. If you can tell me how to get the Boomers, Gen X, and Millenials around me to use punctuation then I'm all ears. Doubly so if you can tell me how to get them to use it properly.
  12. I remember they specifically went through a phase where it was exclusively unintelligible memes, and the fact that the memes were equivalent to absolute gibberish was the point.
  13. This goes for any kind of messaging, to be honest. I've had people that will text 'Hey' and then wait for my response before saying what they want. It's infuriating. And they always take forever between responses. Friend: Hey Me: Hey, what's up, need something? *20 minutes later* Friend: What are you up to? Me: Not much at the moment, why? *35 minutes later* Friend: Was just wanting to ask you something Me: Sure, what is it!? *45 minutes later* Friend: Was wondering if you wanted to catch lunch today? Me: WELL IF YOU HAD ASKED THAT IN THE FIRST TEXT, BUT NOW IT'S 12:30 SO I ALREADY GRABBED FOOD FOR LUNCH 10 MINUTES AGO SO NO
  14. I told my very white coworker about the news story, and he was also confused as he didn't know what it stood for until I explained it to him. I'm flabbergasted.
  15. There's a few problems at play here, though. 1) The original response was on whether or not it's ok to misgender people who are pieces of shit such as a mass shooter, which unequivocally no matter how much a piece of shit someone is it is NOT ok to be bigoted towards them. Just as it wouldn't be ok to start tossing around racial slurs and say it's acceptable 'because the act itself was terrible'. Being racist/transphobic/homophobic is simply never acceptable, and these situations don't give anyone a magic pass to be an asshole themselves. 2) As far as I'm aware, it hasn't been confirmed the person is actually trans, and the fact that the news have immediately taken that and ran with it IS a problem. Especially when it's been a consistent problem with news immediately taking shaky claims to mass shooters being trans, running with it, and then being dead silent when it comes out that the rumor they were trans was absolute BS. This is being done to intentionally harm the trans community. 3) There is a larger systemic issue of news reporters ONLY reporting someone's demographic if and when they turn out to be from one or more minority groups. We have a huge problem in which 'White Christian male shoots up mall' almost never makes the headlines, but 'Black Muslim man arrested for murdering his wife' constantly does. This hurts these minority groups as it builds a stigma over time that they are a larger 'threat' to God-fearing-innocent-white-Americans™ even when the statistics do not back up this claim. People don't read statistics, they read headlines. 4) There are most definitely things we can do to reduce these numbers, and there are most definitely demographics that are perpetuating these atrocities more than others. Outliers don't prove that it's everybody, it proves that outliers will always exist. Whether or not the shooter was trans in this case does not suddenly mean there is a widespread case of trans mass shooters. We're at the point in which there have been more mass shootings than we've had days in the year. And the solution isn't 'Well now every demographic has done it, guess there's no way to prevent this now'. This is entirely preventable, the problem is the fires are being purposefully stoked by extremists in our country while shouting 'thoughts and prayers' so they don't have to enact any change. Not to forget that we had a president not that long ago that encouraged very specific demographics in our country to commit these awful atrocities.
  16. I had to deal with a phone call this morning with a guy ranting about how we should ban trans people now that they've proven to be a violent mentally ill cult. It was great for my mental well being 🙃.
  17. Transgender people. For the record 'Transgendered' is demeaning language. It has the same connotation as calling people 'Blacks' and also implies that it's something they became rather than something they are. That said, I don't have the energy to further talk on the issue of this shooting and it's best anyway to let a trans person talk on the subject anyway, so I stole a Facebook post instead that I think says enough:
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