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ThreePi last won the day on April 17 2021

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  1. Cops must hate it when they have to shoot a buddy of theirs.
  2. I should add that both bouts did occur within days of spending time with my near-3-year-old nephew.
  3. I got hit with (what I assume) was Norovirus twice in December. A few weeks ago I had 3-4 days of chills, diarrhea, and vomiting, was fine for two weeks, then had another day and a half of even worse chills and vomiting.
  4. So this is what I don't get, the military was on-board to prevent members of the National Assembly to access the building to vote, but then once they all snuck in and voted to end the martial law, the military was also on-board and respected that decision?
  5. Never went to an apple orchard as a school field trip?
  6. His decline in the last 6 months is stark, say nothing about when he was last president. Get those betting markets back up and running and I'll put money down on him croaking in a year.
  7. I just don't know how to react. The way the media treated Biden's age and mental faculties compared to Trump still makes me angry. The way they turned his nonsensical ramblings into policy was incredibly dishonest. How anyone sees him fit for the presidency is just beyond me.
  8. In line to early vote. Early vote has been open for a week and a half already, but this line is probably twice as long as it was during the covid election.
  9. How much of that stock had been previously bought back by the company over the past two decades?
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