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3 minutes ago, Fizzzzle said:

I assumed he didn't come up with it. I just also wouldn't dismiss it based on "the gun lobby would shoot it down." Insurance lobby is more powerful. If senators had to choose between the two, the NRA could get fucked.

It's not dismissed because the Gun lobby would shoot it down... THEY'VE ALREADY DONE IT. I'm personally all for this idea and treating guns the same way we treat cars. What you will hear from the gun lobby is that guns, unlike cars, is a RIGHT guaranteed by the constitution. Cars aren't. Folks on this very board have made that argument in the past. Yes, it makes sense to insure guns... a LOT of gun proposals make sense. Have any of them passed? No. Because 2nd amendment folks see owning guns as an uninfringeable right.

  • True 4
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Its interesting to see Trump discussing gun control and raising age limits… it would appear gun nuts would be more accepting if it was one of their own making that suggestion..,… But NOPE, just by reading some of the replies you have Trump lovers ready to renounce him should he ever attempt to follow through with this… As always folks tied it into “if you can join the Army at 18 and learn to shoot”…. blah blah..

As with many Trump ideas its something brought up that he immediately forgets cause shiny objects and advisors

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22 minutes ago, skillzdadirecta said:

Social media companies deserve some smoke too


Uvalde gunman threatened rapes, school shootings on Yubo app in lead up to the massacre, users say


Salvador Ramos told girls he would rape them, showed off a rifle he bought, and threatened to shoot up schools in livestreams on the social media app Yubo, according to...




Just ban anything social media. 


Robbins, who said she lives in California and only ever interacted with Ramos online, told CNN she reported him to Yubo several times and blocked his account, but continued seeing him in livestreams making lewd comments


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Heckle the living shit out of everyone involved, and don’t make them feel comfortable. Why should they sleep comfortably at night when these families will never have chance again. So fucking heckle them up people and maybe they will find a comfortable barrel to rest their head against afterwards. 

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In response to the "guns don't kill people, people kill people" line of bullshit argumentation, my uncle, a now-retired 6th grade teacher of 30 years, said "If you see a kid hitting another kid with a stick, you blame the kid and not the stick. But you still take the stick away." 

  • Halal 5
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Of course, an ammosexual would just say "that doesn't mean we should take sticks away from everyone though". 


To which I would say, "If enough kids are going around picking up sticks and hitting other kids, it absolutely does."

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