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  1. I take it she fought off the urge to call him “weird”? even after the cat/dog eating thing.. perhaps its too much like bullying..
  2. Hes already spinning it.. he says outlets have him winning debate 91%-8% Says she wants another debate because she knows she lost… I suppose that means him asking for a follow-up debate with Biden means he knows he “lost”?
  3. People are mad at moderators for double standard against Harris…. but the Trump camp hates the moderators for “ganging up” on Trump FOX and Conservative editors will definitely earn their pay working soundbytes to make Trump sound “normal”
  4. If he said that then you can bet thats what he will be celebrated for tomorrow… then again Fox said “the Generals would have their way with her”… not sexually *wink
  5. Guess worst depends on regions affected… if you want to say created the college debt fiasco to deny the”wrong people” a higher education and responsible for atrocities up and down the continent (specially Central America) then Reagan.. If its the endless wars and the Middle East fiasco then Bushes…. If you want local toxicity, emboldening and validating those with biases and prejudices as well as breaking the “faith” in our systems of government then Cheetoh… if you hate tan suits and stuttering then uncle big ears Obama and uncle Joe fit in too
  6. its this damn insistence of always destroying the Interceptor in movies and in the game… I keep hovering around it but never buying it despite its sub-$5 price when on sale (Rage falls on this as well)
  7. 93 is a nice collection of years and he definitely had a formidable acting career.. I cherish Thulsa Doom, Vader, King Joffer of Zamunda, Mr Mertle, and Admiral Greer. Death is inevitable I get that, but can you please pick iff a few big name infamous dirtbags as well.. OJ was a good start but we are loaded with turds.. Dont take only the good
  8. Yeah im not watching either, Trump is what he is.. what annoys me is the folks facilitating his outlandish narratives and refusing to throw his BS right back at his face.. I hope Trump drops or forgets to take the Apple of Eden with him (or whatever the hell hes using to mind control so many peeps) and he crashes and burns on the stage.. Harris wont change the mind of the MAgA devout but hopefully it strengthens (or lights) the resolve in folks to beat him
  9. Its hard arguing with a Trump/MAGA because even when they want to sincerely talk about liking his campaign vision and “promises” you have to constantly remind them that they are just dog whistles to get him votes and nothing more… Donald trump had four years to pass an infrastructure bill. He didn't. He had four years to "repeal and replace Obamacare". He didn't. He had four years to build a wall and make Mexico pay for it. He didn't and they didn't. He had four years to lower middle class taxes, bring back the coal industry, eliminate the deficit, lower prescription drug prices, revive American manufacturing, protect people with preexisting conditions, end the opioid crisis, drain the swamp & "lock up Hillary Clinton". He didn't do any of that shit. None of it. So, how the hell could anyone think he'd do any of it the next time around???? The ONLY singular promise he kept was repealing Roe v Wade… well that and his more aggressive tactics against immigrants (oops misspoke, dark skinned immigrants) But do elect him I want to see this Christian Nationalist Inquisition done and over with already.. lets round up all the “others”
  10. Still on Creed Origins…. Finished the main quest and now its time to clean out the rest of the world map. The main quest was a huge f’n letdown.. game ruining almost. So you go hunt the 4 targets for Cleo no big deal as its what sets you free on the map. I finished those and sure enough she gave me 2 more targets, again no big deal its an excuse to go explore more territories… BUT NOPE the game has other plans. The game locks you into a set of mandatory linear missions where “everything happens. The new targets are served up and killed, Cleo tries to ally with Pompey but hes killed, she sneaks in and allies with Caesar, You help Caesar repel the “rightful” Pharaoh attack, Cleo and Caesar are in charge but have become enemies. Finally after all that some candy ass named “Flavius” is your real target (seriously Flavious is what my fatass says I whenever im shirtless by the mirror). Just like that im rushing towards the Endgame. The momentum just pushes you to the end of the game where Aya (who sucks) and NOT Bayek provides the resolution to the story (admittedly the early days of the hidden ones is shown well). How is it that so many “big moments” got glossed over and powered through in 30 minutes of linear gameplay.. the choices of the moments you actually play are odd. Apparently the Romans are the enemy and not the Pharaoh and Greeks who were slowly encroaching and oppressing the Egyptians. I still love the game, just hate that it so badly crapped its own story. I definitely became an overpowered tank midway through the game. Bayek is an awesome character, he the setting and gameplay carry the weight the endgame dropped I is done whining.. perhaps its time for Unity
  11. Lets be realistic, FOX and the MAGAts would find a line of reasoning to make it acceptable if Jeffrey f’n Epstein and Harvey Weinstein endorsed Trump in exchange for the position of tracking underage girls’ periods... their devotion (at least publicly knows no limits)
  12. thats a nice little loop to put on ballots, these early vote ballots arent valid cause RFK is on them.. brain worm batch arent admissible for votes…. “we have proof folks submitted more than 1 voting ballot”
  13. It will be interesting to see who gets stuck presenting Trumps presidential portrait at the White House.. he refused to do Obamas so a precedent has been set for not doing it.. wonder who will get stuck with the Trump duty
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