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Everything posted by Chairslinger

  1. Name. I guess maybe my brain was thinking "utter the kid's name from their mouth" He looks like if Christian Bale's character from American Psycho was also a vampire.
  2. It was pathetic how the right, and the White House in particular, used him as a tool during his presidency. They took every miniscule opportunity to ring the "both sides" gong when anyone would even utter the kid's mouth. The one I always remember was a woman at a Congressional hearing. I think it might have been one of the ethics issues for Trump. And she made a quip like, "Donald Trump can name his son Baron but he can't make him one" and oh my god the right tried for a week to turn it into a Both Sides shitstorm the size of Kathy Griffin I never went after the kid, and I don't think I even made jokes about him. But all I said was that it's fine to shy away from him, but all indications were that he was just going to be another soulness, spoiled rich white kid like Don Jr., Ivanka, and Eric....turns out that looks like the case.....
  3. Well it's cool that it's longer. While it might not seem like a huge difference, I think they'll be able to get a better narrative flow with 5x5x5 than they would have 3x3x4. Regardless, I will most likely wait until the end to binge anyway. Netflix is basically for Cobra Kai and Stranger Things for me at this point.
  4. Noem is speed running the full conservative gaff circuit. That second one is basically "I can see North Korea from South Dakota" Next she'll be assuring everyone she's not a witch and claiming that the female body has a way to reject the sperm if a woman is raped....
  5. I guess it makes sense. We all know they will do anything to glorify his behavior. And there have been some pretty convincing photos in the past where he sure looked like he was wearing an adult diaper. I just missed the part where it became so well known on the right that they felt the need to create merch to justify it....
  6. Maybe I will think of an example later, but it's a bit tough to think of something that didn't happen. Like, we've even had brushes with Fascism in America before(like during WWII) but in hindsight they maybe look less dangerous than they actually were because they didn't happen and we like to tell ourselves it could never happen here. I will say this, if we can just beat Trump this year we have a built in advantage. Most Facist demagogues don't start their ascent in their 70's. I have given up on the "the fever will break" idea for the Republican Party but I also have long believed that the "Next Trump, but smarter" worries were overblown. If we can beat Trump this year, even this morally and intellectually bankrupt party will not run an 83 year old Trump again in 2028. And far from having an even more dominant Facist take his place I believe the party will be in absolute shambles the day after if Trump loses. Look at DeSantis. Trump's unique celebrity is the secret sauce here.
  7. I don't know how often this has happened, but I remember some of these polls show Trump nearly even with the Hispanic vote and like 25% of the black vote. Granted we shouldn't do the Trump thing of screaming "fake polls" but a lot of these numbers simply do not pass the sniff test. And most of the polling misses have been in our favor since 2016 and even more so since SCOTUS made reproductive freedom into one of the biggest political issues.
  8. I mean, remember especially early on in Trump's first term there was incident after incident where Trump took advantage of the "norms" thing and just did this, that, and the other thing where people were like, "Wait, that was never illegal? That was just something everyone assumed a President would never do?" This is basically that, on steroids. Trump saying, "I am going to do this? Whatcha gonna do about it?" He had already ran roughshod over the norms, and now he wants judicial sanction to basically turn everything into norms. Everything is, "Whatcha gonna do about it?" Under this conception SCOTUS is basically saying, "We'll make our ruling, but if the president does it anyway our hands are tied." I know I am stating a lot of the obvious here, but I wanted to point it out because what they are doing is basically Andrew Jackson'ing themselves into irrelevance. "We have made our ruling. Now let us try to enforce it." I still think they will just kick the can on this and delay it until after the election but I have heard more than one legal expert that is absolutely astounded by just how receptive at least 4 of this doofuses are to these arguments.
  9. The GOP has long been the party of racists and misogynists, but I feel like bullies, grifters, and sociopaths have made serious inroads during the Trump years.
  10. It really is frustrating and an inherent example of how Trump, just walking in the door, has already beat the system(both judicial and media) that we all are apparently expected to stroke our chins and say, "Mmmhmmm, yes yes. This is a very fascinating legal conundrum that requires weighty thought and adjudication from the highest court in the land. Who knows, could go either way. Perhaps the Justices in their austere wisdom will pave an understated path through a middle ground that can really unify the country." He wants to attempt coups and get a fucking Get Out of Jail free card because he can't even do Dictatoring without declaring figurative bankruptcy!!!!!!
  11. This is where it was always going. It's thier way of making Trump de facto immune without having to make the asinine ruling.
  12. Tough row to hoe on this argument since everyone assumed Nixon could/would be prosecuted. That's why Ford pardoned him and Nixon accepted it. Why do that if he was already immune?
  13. I am pretty sure if we accepted Trump's conception of absolute immunity that he would actually be more powerful than King George was..... As if their argument wasn't ridiculous enough, with their whole escape hatch being that he could be impeached, has anyone pointed out that no Senate would vote to impeach a man if he could simply send troops onto the floor of the Senate to execute them all?
  14. Is conspiracy to defame already a law or are these fuckers just creating new crimes as they go along? I do enjoy that even after nearly a decade "Vote Your Conscience" Cruz is still finding a way to be emasculated by Trump. "Who helped kill JFK, bitch?!?!" "My daddy, sir." Oh, sorry, I meant.... ....you know what....either one is good.
  15. "Conservatives angered over Donald Trump's trial say "Wait, that's how the legal system actually works?!" after decades of complaining criminals have it way too easy.".
  16. If this event had happened a few years later or the show debued a few seasons earlier this would have definitely been an episode of South Park where the boys found a new toy, fought over it, Cartman inevitably did something horrible to "win" the competition of who gets it, and then starts playing it like a flute or something right as everyone finds out what it really is.....
  17. I feel like the news that Trump was dozing off at his trial was the perfect moment for Dems to stick him with the moniker of "Donald Slump". It works for so many things. Whether he is dozing off in court, his polls start sagging, he has little Don energy at his rallies, or when he inevitably bombs at the debates.....
  18. Jesus fucking Christ can you buy a fucking punctuation, Pat? Did he ever get to the point? I am genuinely trying to figure out what his point was. He started out by doing the academy thing as an aside.....but then never seemed to get to what he was actually trying to say about Kimmel....
  19. I just got done watching it for the first time since I was a kid and man, around season 5 MASH goes from being Patch Adams to Saving Private Ryan
  20. I wouldn't say Lower Decks was the best show, but it was certainly the most consistent. You weren't going to get the next Inner Light or Pale Moonlight with Lower Decks, but you could tune in every week and know you were going to get a good, entertaining episode. Didn't have to worry about canon shattering plot devices or overambitious season long arcs that only live up to about to 50-75% of their potential. Kind of ironic for what it was, but it was the workhorse of New Trek. I have been more patient than most with New Trek. I always tried to find the positive. But between this, their baffling refusal to greenlight Legacy, and a Star Trek movie that may literally be the least interested I have ever been in a property that bears the Star Trek name.... it's wearing thin on me. Season 3 of Picard proved that New Trek doesn't need to be graded on a curve, or made excuses for. It can be as good as any Trek ever made. But, while it doesn't guarentee a good show, step 1 of making a good Trek show is probably for the creators to really understand why Star Trek fans are Star Trek fans and not Star Wars or other generic Sci-fi show fans.
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