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I have ascended upwards and beyond !!

    Pretty proud of myself for buying a game like Mortal Shell {30 Bucks PC} and actually beating the game. I'm so very aware of my skill level when it comes to Dark Souls, and ones that model themselves in that image! Out of all the Dark Souls games I haven't beaten a single one, I did beat Demon Souls on PS3, and now I have beaten Mortal Shell though I'm sure it's probably a lesser DS type game combat difficulty wise? I always know early on that I will need to grind and level up far past where most people just find a boss door and go in, I tend to turn around and go the other way...lol I easily maxed everything I could before tackling the bosses. Loaded up on Crossbow bolts, and so many boiled rats {Healing item in the game}, I had 99 of them when I went to fight the final Boss. I had heard it was a easier one. I died about 8 times. Actually I can tell that the power of my character was pretty much a tank if played smart. The fact that you can harden at anytime given you have the thing filled is really a super mechanic. I liked that it made the game easier for me. So now I have New Game + if I ever want to put myself through that again!

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More Undertale - which I’m enjoying and looking forward to possibly finishing next week. More Control which I’m enjoying as well but it currently has that ‘go here so I can help you’ vibe that I’ve hated in so many games. I’m hoping that it’s part of the message behind the game as I’m starting to enjoy the set up - even if nothing still makes much sense outside of evil, possessed people and things need smacking with heavy things and shooting.

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The usual multiplayer kind of weekend, with some Diablo 3 and Mario Kart 8. Think I might try to finish Jedi Fallen Order soon (stuck on the second to last boss) then pick up one of the myriad of single player games I've fell off of (Demon's Souls, Spider-Man, Horizon, etc.)

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On 3/6/2021 at 12:09 PM, Fizzzzle said:

I loved The Talos Principle, except for when it tried to dip into platforming. Like the puzzles where you had to jump at a certain point at a certain time. First person platforming is always kind of clunky, and when it hit a point (in a puzzle game no less) where I KNEW the solution to the puzzle, the problem was I just couldn't line up the jumps correctly, I got frustrated.


Also, beware, it took me over 20 hours. And I wasn't ashamed of using a guide if I just didn't get a puzzle.

I think I get frustrated by puzzles being either solved or not in games like this. There's no "I'm slowly getting better at this level, I'll eventually beat it" and I reached a point now where every puzzle is brutal. No more green, orange and somewhat easy red blocks :thumbdown:. Still had a great time with it for like 8 hours so I think I'm good. Having to look up solutions just makes me feel even more butthurt haha


I'll probably pick it back up with my girlfriend though, she's a brainiac and I feel like she'd be way better at this. 



11 hours ago, silentbob said:

I’m still playing the hell out of Control looking in every possible spot I can collectables. Big booms on headphones late at night while stoned is . . . fun:twothumbsup:

It's really addictive. I'm glad I got to play it for the first time with both DLCs, they were both great and really fleshed the game out. I'm actually bummed that I finished everything and I think I'll go back and scour every corner for secrets I may have missed. One of those games where I love just being in its world. 

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21 hours ago, ManUtdRedDevils said:

Went back to Immortals Fenyx Rising but I keep bouncing off that game. It feels like an old PS2 game in a bad way. Decided to ditch it


That's unfortunate to hear. I was going to play that next after valhalla. @stepee loved it if I recall. Ugh.

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19 hours ago, silentbob said:

I’m still playing the hell out of Control looking in every possible spot I can collectables. Big booms on headphones late at night while stoned is . . . fun:twothumbsup:

I’m playing this as well - love everything about it except the gunplay so far, but once you unlock a few abilities it gets better. Obviously the game oozes style and good works building. 

Also playing Valheim with a little Animal Crossing, ESO, and Rogue Legacy 2 mixed in.

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42 minutes ago, stepee said:


It’s great and I get the ps2 game thing but in all the best ways imo. Also the game is more fun than BOTW.


Very good news. I loved Botw so if this is more fun, awesome. Thanks for responding. 

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1 hour ago, best3444 said:


That's unfortunate to hear. I was going to play that next after valhalla. @stepee loved it if I recall. Ugh.

I love Ubisoft open world games but this did nothing for me.  I don’t think our gaming tastes are similar so definitely give it a try. You may really like it. 

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12 minutes ago, ManUtdRedDevils said:

I love Ubisoft open world games but this did nothing for me.  I don’t think our gaming tastes are similar so definitely give it a try. You may really like it. 


Ok, will do. Did you enjoy BOTW? 

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Control is getting better now I can enjoy testing people with rocks, dashing away and the headshot the rest. I kind of want to binge it once we’re at the weekend as it feels like the kind of world to just get lost in.


then FF7 after that for a more laid back, so an hour here, do some bits there...

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24 minutes ago, gamer.tv said:

Control is getting better now I can enjoy testing people with rocks, dashing away and the headshot the rest. I kind of want to binge it once we’re at the weekend as it feels like the kind of world to just get lost in.


Control was awesome with extremely satisfying combat. It gave me a real challenge near the end. Overall it's a great game. Keep at it.

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One of the things I haven't touched on yet with Moguri Mod are the battle backgrounds.  Not all of them look fantastic, but occasionally you run into a backdrop that the upscaler handles really well.



Insane to think those were sampled from PS1 textures.

And just generally for FF9, I love how many of these backdrops change by the environment you're in outside of battle.  It's impressive that they built so many of them.

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I need to get back into Demons Souls and get the last couple trophies for the plat. My biggest problem is Old King Doran, who I don't really want to resort to cheese but even on regular NG with 30 vitality his one handed attacks one shot me and his two handed one 1 shots me. Usually what gets me is just losing patience because he has so much damn HP I get caught in a 2 handed attack and die. 

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3 minutes ago, AbsolutSurgen said:

Oh, it's been kicked a couple of times.  Real good.  But, I've won a bunch of encounters as well.  I've definitely learned to save often. 


The first time I played it I had like a stealthy rogue and like a knight of some kind. It was a no go.

The second time I played I was like a mage and my friend was a ranger and we beat the game!

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I’ve started up this hot new game on my iPad- XCOM: Enemy Unknown. I’ve owned it pretty much since it came out, but would always get frustrated immediately and put it away. I’ve only played it for maybe 3 hours and I’m already seeing a bunch of new stuff, so that shows just how little I’ve played up until now. :lol: 

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11 hours ago, AbsolutSurgen said:

I started up Divinity: Original Sin....  So far, it's not clicking with me.

The Divinity: Original Sin games are overrated IMO. The first game has a much too wordy cliche and convoluted story, extremely poor pacing and slow and difficult turn-based combat. I found it to be a boring slog. The second game is better in a lot of ways, especially the story and characters. I like it more than the first game, but the slow paced and difficult turn-based combat with too much of an emphasis on magic (enemies including animals like alligators almost exclusively use long range multi party member hitting magic attacks) turned me off. I can accept long winded battles for boss fights, but when each and every battle against even the lowliest of enemies is a long drawn out slog it becomes too much. Divinity II: The Dragon Knight Saga is one of my favorite RPGs, and is much better than the Original Sin games IMO.


10 hours ago, TheLeon said:

I’ve started up this hot new game on my iPad- XCOM: Enemy Unknown.

That’s one of my favorite strategic/tactical turn-based combat games.

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21 hours ago, AbsolutSurgen said:

I started up Divinity: Original Sin....  So far, it's not clicking with me.  I'm spending most of my time trying to figure out where I am supposed to go and not progressing very much.


It shouldn't be long until you mostly know where to go. Basically you look at the map to see what hasn't been explored and go there. If you can beat the enemies you're in the right place, if not go explore somewhere else. Occasionally you might miss or forget about something in an area but it's mostly just find enemies with similar levels and explore the area. If the enemies are too tough you might want to make a note of their level and where they are so you know when to come back.


For combat you just need to know how things work. The easiest is generally elemental combos so with your mage use oil attacks and set them on fire. It's useful to have multiple magic users, ideally the one who uses the oil goes before the one that uses fire so that you can set the whole group of enemies on fire in a single round while avoiding setting yourself on fire.

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Got the final achievement in Dirt 5 last night and then hit a rut where I don't really feel like playing anything, or there are games I want to get into or back into but I'm waiting to see if they get some kind of enhancement update. I'm not as gungho on AC:V as I was but it's still there as a game to play time to time. I probably should give my PS5 more love, but I've been wanting to get into TLOU2 and again have been hoping it gets a PS5 update patch soon. 

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30 minutes ago, best3444 said:

7 hours into immortals fenyx rising and enjoying it. Currently stuck on a puzzle of sorts but so far it's been interesting. 

I YouTubed all the puzzles. Some of that shit was crazy hard and ain't nobody got time for trial & error

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