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~*Official #COVID-19 Thread of Doom*~ Revenge of Omicron Prime

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So, I have a question for everyone here:


What do you tell the family in your life that is 65+? Especially those that are 80+? I’ve got a few grand parents / great uncles or whatever that are clearly in the group that are most at risk. One the one hand, I feel like their limited activity is what is keeping them alive. On the other hand, I feel like I should tell them not to go to their weekly pottery class or whatever.


Any advice for dealing with the older folks in your life?

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5 minutes ago, TwinIon said:

So, I have a question for everyone here:


What do you tell the family in your life that is 65+? Especially those that are 80+? I’ve got a few grand parents / great uncles or whatever that are clearly in the group that are most at risk. One the one hand, I feel like their limited activity is what is keeping them alive. On the other hand, I feel like I should tell them not to go to their weekly pottery class or whatever.


Any advice for dealing with the older folks in your life?

My parents both have health issues and for sure would be at risk. I'm just trying to remind them to practice good habits--hand washing, soap, don't touch the face, etc.


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8 minutes ago, TwinIon said:

So, I have a question for everyone here:


What do you tell the family in your life that is 65+? Especially those that are 80+? I’ve got a few grand parents / great uncles or whatever that are clearly in the group that are most at risk. One the one hand, I feel like their limited activity is what is keeping them alive. On the other hand, I feel like I should tell them not to go to their weekly pottery class or whatever.


Any advice for dealing with the older folks in your life?

I have one grandmother left and she turns 89 this weekend. My dad wants me to drive with him to surprise her for her birthday but I don't think it's a good idea. I don't THINK I have Cornavirus or anything but I've been traveling a bit the last two months flying back and forth between NY and LA and I've been in NY everyday this week. I also was around a bunch of people this weekend on a commercial shoot and while again, I don't FEEL sick, I don't think I should be traveling to see my elderly grandma either.

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10 minutes ago, TwinIon said:

So, I have a question for everyone here:


What do you tell the family in your life that is 65+? Especially those that are 80+? I’ve got a few grand parents / great uncles or whatever that are clearly in the group that are most at risk. One the one hand, I feel like their limited activity is what is keeping them alive. On the other hand, I feel like I should tell them not to go to their weekly pottery class or whatever.


Any advice for dealing with the older folks in your life?

my dad is going to church and i can't talk him out of it. he is listening to every other precaution and said he will try to sit away from people at church. he's pulling the "i've been around a little longer than you, trust me it'll be okay" and it's like yeah dad but 40 years ago you weren't more at risk than the rest of the population 

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14 minutes ago, TwinIon said:

So, I have a question for everyone here:


What do you tell the family in your life that is 65+? Especially those that are 80+? I’ve got a few grand parents / great uncles or whatever that are clearly in the group that are most at risk. One the one hand, I feel like their limited activity is what is keeping them alive. On the other hand, I feel like I should tell them not to go to their weekly pottery class or whatever.


Any advice for dealing with the older folks in your life?

My 75 year-old mother has already effectively self-quarantined.

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I'm not gonna pretend to know what exactly to change, but I think we need to find a way to teach people math differently. I think that when you take away the true Fox News poisoned MAGA chuds who believe literally everything in the news is a globalist hoax to hurt Trump, the other people who are still in the, "this whole thing is overblown" camp are people who are looking at the still relatively small number of cases and are just not really able to conceptualize what it means a few weeks from now if the number of cases keeps doubling every couple of days. That's the sense I get, at least.

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Satellite images show Iran has built mass graves amid coronavirus outbreak (The Guardian)



Satellite images of mass graves in the city of Qom suggest Iran’s coronavirus epidemic is even more serious than the authorities are admitting.


The pictures, first published by the New York Times, show the excavation of a new section in a cemetery on the northern fringe of Iran’s holy city in late February, and two long trenches dug, of a total length of 100 yards, by the end of the month.



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28 minutes ago, CitizenVectron said:

People seem to think that things will return to normal in a few weeks or a month...



This. I keep hearing ppl think it will blow over. If anything, any effort so far seems to just be slowing the process but not stopping the spread. A longer, slower pandemic. Like.. sure China has it under control, until it gets out again via reintroduction. 

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17 minutes ago, SlipperySlope said:

This. I keep hearing ppl think it will blow over. If anything, any effort so far seems to just be slowing the process but not stopping the spread. A longer, slower pandemic. Like.. sure China has it under control, until it gets out again via reintroduction. 

I know there are folks way smarter then me but it seems like a slow process could be worse. 

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So the way Korea has been alerting people is as follows: if you are near an infected victim you get a text, informing you of the places that person went. Then you can go to a website for more info.

It goes something like this: "Victim #31, female in her 50s. Underlying issues: diabetes. Went to the department store 3/7. Went to the grocery store 3/7. Convenient store 3/8 in the evening" etc. The info is based on interviews with the victim and bank card statements. So I've been getting several text messages each day, alerting me to anyone nearby.


I'm trying to imagine America implementing the same system.
"Victim #100, male, 70s. Underlying issues: severe obesity, turd brain. Went to KFC, the White House, back to KFC, back to the White House, Mar a Lago, golf course, KFC, another golf course, KFC, Mar a Lago, back to White House, KFC."

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3 hours ago, TwinIon said:

So, I have a question for everyone here:


What do you tell the family in your life that is 65+? Especially those that are 80+? I’ve got a few grand parents / great uncles or whatever that are clearly in the group that are most at risk. One the one hand, I feel like their limited activity is what is keeping them alive. On the other hand, I feel like I should tell them not to go to their weekly pottery class or whatever.



Good riddance. 

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We need a Nuremberg trial for the GOP. Seriously, I can’t believe this shit is actually happening.


On that note, any GOP voter needs to have their ability to vote taken away.


I can’t even imagine the shit show that the D1P discord is right now with Biggie.

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Now how often do you wash your phone?

The answer is probably close to never, but it shouldn't be. For most of us, our phones are like appendages, traveling with us everywhere we go, accompanying us through all of our daily activities. Maybe you take a cloth to your phone now and then to wipe away the smudges and call it a day, but if you think that actually cleans it, you're in for a rude awakening. 

A cell phone reportedly has 18 times more bacteria than a public restroom. That might sound crazy, but think about it — everything your hands touch touches your phone too. So, that bacteria lurking on the grocery cart you pushed, the doorknob you opened, the subway pole you held — well, you know where it ends up. 

If these cringe-worthy facts just made you never want to touch your phone again, I get it. Luckily, there's a solution — and no, it doesn't involve dousing your phone in hand sanitizer. 

Meet PhoneSoap, the little gadget that safely sanitizes your phone, leaving your device free of bacteria and you with some peace of mind. 


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9 hours ago, Ricofoley said:

Extremely normal stuff goin' on on Fox News tonight




Here's the best part about the clip.


When you realize Geraldo Rivera, the guy going, "You're lucky you're not in front of me, big guy," and implying he'd kick his ass, is the adult in the room.

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