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I think I’m now burned out on AAA single player games...


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With being pretty busy all year, I’ve not exactly flown through games recently. Major releases I’ve finished this year would be God of War and Red Dead Redemption 2. 


Its the summer now, so I thought I’d use this time to catch up on a few. I tried Horizon Zero Dawn and...no. We have the Assassins Creed releases and again, no. 


Would this be the right time to maybe look at ‘indie’ titles and expand my enjoyment (though that brings its own headache on deciding which one  is the right one).


I'm not sure of my point, although this slump and meant I’ve picked up Rocket League again and already hitting my ceiling after a couple of days.

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Play A Short Hike! It's pretty short, as the name implies, but it was a lot of fun for me. Charming and a joy to control, with a surprising amount of content. I would actually like to see it expanded into a "full" game, as I enjoyed all the concepts quite a bit.


Monster Boy is pretty fun, might give you some entertainment for a bit. Bloodstained is fantastic if you haven't played it yet. CrossCode is still absolutely top notch and despite being a 2D pixel-art indie game, it's like upwards of 50 hours long with a killer story and rock solid gameplay. There's a lot of indie games of varying lengths but that are all high quality that don't feel "cheap." I've kept the list here to a minimum so as not to cause choice paralysis, but I heartily recommend giving any of these games at the very least a cursory look in whatever store you use most frequently.

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It sounds like you might be burnt out on the homogenized open-world format, which I am too.  There are tons of incredible single player games to choose from that don't employ the same mechanics.  Recently I've enjoyed Outer Wilds, Resident Evil 2, and the Dishonored series.  For indie stuff I recommend Inside, Hyper Light Drifter, Ape Out, and Into the Breach, if you haven't played them.

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3 hours ago, gamer.tv said:

Thank you everyone, I’ve been thinking about Dead Cells, Hollow Knight and a number of the suggestions so will pick one up soon and hope for an ‘end of summer’ sale.

Tread carefully with Hollow Knight!  Maybe it'll be right up your alley and you'll love it, but I found it overly frustrating and obtuse, even by confusing-metroidvania standards.  It feels good to play, but I think generally that it's highly overrated and that people vastly undersell its learning curve.

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12 hours ago, ShreddieMercuryRising said:

Tread carefully with Hollow Knight!  Maybe it'll be right up your alley and you'll love it, but I found it overly frustrating and obtuse, even by confusing-metroidvania standards.  It feels good to play, but I think generally that it's highly overrated and that people vastly undersell its learning curve.

I'm with you on that 100%. The map design, fast travel (or lack of) options, sparse save spots all ended up being a recipe for pure frustration for me and I absolutely love Metroidvanias. I'm very methodical with these games, taking notes and everything and even I found it too obnoxious about 70% in and just dropped it. I'd say I played about 35 hours total and the last 15 of those felt like the definition of a slog. 


There is so much to love about that game and I wanted it to fantastic but those issues above make it grating as hell. 

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12 hours ago, ShreddieMercuryRising said:

Tread carefully with Hollow Knight!  Maybe it'll be right up your alley and you'll love it, but I found it overly frustrating and obtuse, even by confusing-metroidvania standards.  It feels good to play, but I think generally that it's highly overrated and that people vastly undersell its learning curve.


28 minutes ago, Bloodporne said:

I'm with you on that 100%. The map design, fast travel (or lack of) options, sparse save spots all ended up being a recipe for pure frustration for me and I absolutely love Metroidvanias. I'm very methodical with these games, taking notes and everything and even I found it too obnoxious about 70% in and just dropped it. I'd say I played about 35 hours total and the last 15 of those felt like the definition of a slog. 


There is so much to love about that game and I wanted it to fantastic but those issues above make it grating as hell. 

I am gonna third this

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21 minutes ago, Bloodporne said:

I think he needs the short and ultra-sweet replay value of Resident Evil 2 Remake. I beat that game like 9 times and did all extra modes and all kinds of shit and I usually rarely beat any of these massive AAA spectacles even once at this point. 


I did love RE2 and really enjoyed RE7, so this is a logical choice for me, though it will need to wait a little bit. 

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6 hours ago, Bloodporne said:

I'm with you on that 100%. The map design, fast travel (or lack of) options, sparse save spots all ended up being a recipe for pure frustration for me and I absolutely love Metroidvanias. I'm very methodical with these games, taking notes and everything and even I found it too obnoxious about 70% in and just dropped it. I'd say I played about 35 hours total and the last 15 of those felt like the definition of a slog. 


There is so much to love about that game and I wanted it to fantastic but those issues above make it grating as hell. 


Same for me on Hollow Knight. Tried really hard to like it but it just didn't click. Sundered & Ori and the Blind Forest are great options if you're looking for that sort of game.


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I've been not in a mood to play much games lately as well and recently started playing Dragon Quest Builder that I got as a gift maybe a year or so ago with my daughter.  The game has me hooked similarly to how Fallout 4 got me hooked on wasting so much time building your damn town.  The game is only about $15 or so right now since its old and a 2nd one is out.

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As is the way, the free money that I had has been thrown at some travel costs, so I meandered around my house and ended up setting up my Gamecube. I've tried to play a few games a while ago, but Composite into HDTV just didn't cut it. 


However, after the realisation that I can just change the aspect ratio to 4:3, it's pretty much playable. Off that, I'm nearly onto the third Chapter of Eternal Darkness, which I remember barely anything of. So far, it's ridiculous, quite silly, very clunky but ultimately charming. So rather than look at what's current, I may look into the last 20 years of gaming and see if forced restrictions in build will help with this 'problem'.

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I recently decided to crack down and play Ass Creed Odyssey almost exclusively until I beat it.


I've been playing the game off and on for a while, but as of a few weeks ago I had still only put 25 hours into it and my character was barely into the twenties. So I said you know what? I'm finally gonna give this game the time it needs.


I'm currently lvl 40 with about 62 hours put into it and holy fuck it's killing me. I'm loving the game, but I'm definitely gonna need to take some time off after this, and when I come back maybe just play some Luigi's Mansion or something.

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On 8/9/2019 at 6:30 AM, Bloodporne said:

I'm with you on that 100%. The map design, fast travel (or lack of) options, sparse save spots all ended up being a recipe for pure frustration for me and I absolutely love Metroidvanias. I'm very methodical with these games, taking notes and everything and even I found it too obnoxious about 70% in and just dropped it. I'd say I played about 35 hours total and the last 15 of those felt like the definition of a slog. 


There is so much to love about that game and I wanted it to fantastic but those issues above make it grating as hell. 

I kind of had the opposite experience. It’s a slog initially when your traversal options are limited and you don’t understand (can’t yet understand) the systems in place. But once you obtain a few key abilities and understand the fast travel and map system, man, that game sings. 


The atmosphere is impeccable as well.    

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On 8/10/2019 at 8:13 PM, Xbob42 said:

Yo dudes, if you don't like a certain type of game... just don't play it.


On 8/11/2019 at 3:15 AM, CastlevaniaNut18 said:

It's pretty easy to just not play games that don't interest you.  

Easy for you two to say! But I’m a big fan of The Legend of Zelda and it’s killing me not having played through Breath of the Wild because it’s another freakin’ open world game like another dozen others out there. :thumbdown:


I haven’t played it because it falls into that particular genre I can’t get into, but I still *want* to play it because it’s a favorite franchise of mine. :( 


The struggle is real! :cry: :p 

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Welcome to the exact problem everyone else has had with Zelda for the past 2 decades as it grew more and more stale! Now you get to be on the side that bitches about it not being what you want. :sun: We'll have someone come by and call you a picky spoiled baby sometime later today, as is tradition.

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