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Joe Biden beats Donald Trump, officially making Trump a one-term twice impeached, twice popular-vote losing president

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25 minutes ago, Jason said:

175254 dimensional chess, people 




For some reason I found this part interesting:


The secretary of state repeatedly sought to correct Trump, saying at one point, “Mr. President, the problem you have with social media, they — people can say anything.”

“Oh this isn’t social media,” Trump retorted. “This is Trump media. It’s not social media. It’s really not. It’s not social media. I don’t care about social media. I couldn’t care less.”


Like, trump media isn’t a real thing that exists, so he really is plainly stating that he is basing everything off of this world that only exists in his head. Which, yeah, but it’s interesting to hear how he describes it.

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9 minutes ago, stepee said:


For some reason I found this part interesting:


The secretary of state repeatedly sought to correct Trump, saying at one point, “Mr. President, the problem you have with social media, they — people can say anything.”

“Oh this isn’t social media,” Trump retorted. “This is Trump media. It’s not social media. It’s really not. It’s not social media. I don’t care about social media. I couldn’t care less.”


Like, trump media isn’t a real thing that exists, so he really is plainly stating that he is basing everything off of this world that only exists in his head. Which, yeah, but it’s interesting to hear how he describes it.

Trump media is absolutely a thing.


Maybe not in name, but certainly in function.

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1 minute ago, osxmatt said:

Trump media is absolutely a thing.


Maybe not in name, but certainly in function.


I mean I get that, I just mean it’s not an actual tangible thing or reality and he’s saying basically all he follows are people who are propagandists for him. Which again, we know, but idk I thought it was interesting how he said it but I’m also super high.

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2 hours ago, Ricofoley said:

I honestly didn't think that Trump actually believed his own bullshit comparing rally sizes, but the fact that he's bringing it up on what was supposed to be a private phone call suggests otherwise. Wild.


He also apparently actually believes that 139% of Detroit voted.




CNN has obtained the full January 2 audio call between President Donald Trump and Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger. Trump is joined on the call by White House chief of staff Mark Meadows and several lawyers.


I've always thought he believes his own bullshit. He is literally a crazy conspiracy grandpa president.  

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10 hours ago, SaysWho? said:


Biden won, so technically, yes, it's the end of "Teflon Don" who is one of the few twice popular-vote losing impeached one-term presidents.


But nothing stuck or something. :p 



I think him losing the first popular vote, but still becoming president, and being impeached for very blatant misuse of power, but not convicted are examples of things not sticking.


Him losing this election is perhaps the first time something meaningful will stick. I'm hopeful that NY comes through with charges after he leaves office so we can have some more consequences for this deep corruption. But his term has very much been a term of him frequently getting away with horribleness.

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After all the grifting and blatant cheating im fully expecting Trump to get away with it all... the disgusting part is that he has opened the gates for more “ambitious” grifters to further bring ruination on the nation (including the Trump spawn).... I only wish the Dems would expose every single inch of the GOP corruption...unfortunately the Dems are too busy holding olive branches while the GOP still hold knives behind their backs..


I can hope winning the Senate would give the democrats the backbone needed to act.. but even that is a false hope... the dems only know how to wave their fingers in disapproval and the GOP is dug in like ticks

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3 hours ago, Chadatog said:

I just listened to the whole thing, man that was exhausting.  I don't know how the Georgia side of the call didn't do the "we are loosing you Mr. President ....... going .......... tunnel ......... (dial tone)" after the first few minutes.

Yeah, I just got done listening to the entire thing and part of me can't believe I am saying this because he looks pretty dumb to start, but the motherfucker is legit dumber than he looks. 

Listening to him try to bully Raffensperger and Germany (and try to compliment Germany into agreeing with him), Meadows intentionally misstate what was said to try and get an agreement to share information out of them, and Trump's lawyers practice from the Lionel Hutz School of Law Stuff made the guys' conversation on how they were going to kidnap Michigan's governor sound like seasoned professionalism. 

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5 hours ago, legend said:



I think him losing the first popular vote, but still becoming president, and being impeached for very blatant misuse of power, but not convicted are examples of things not sticking.


Him losing this election is perhaps the first time something meaningful will stick. I'm hopeful that NY comes through with charges after he leaves office so we can have some more consequences for this deep corruption. But his term has very much been a term of him frequently getting away with horribleness.


Losing the popular vote and still becoming president has nothing to do with getting away with anything, imo; it has to do with our system which did the same for a handful of other people such as Bush, and Bush wasn't Teflon. Bill Clinton was impeached but not convicted yet him being a horny disloyal husband stuck and is still the running joke on him two decades later. And I can't remember the last time a president even went to jail.


What I've seen -- and whether anyone here took the same approach, I really don't remember -- is that people really didn't think any attacks ever worked on Trump ever, that he was this force of nature that was different than everything that came before him. And attacks meant nothing because his base believes everything (this I know was echoed here billions of times).


And none of this ever made sense because it's irrelevant what his base thinks since that's the point of a base to begin with -- they're with you and not persuadable. He barely got into office, he joined 44 others who never went to jail no matter what any of them did, and once he got into office, nobody thought Democrats were going to win anything despite every sign imaginable showing that they were. "Haha moral victories they barely lost, what good does that do?!" People pushed aside common sense when Trump's mental breakdowns were clearly hurting his party.


And Trump certainly doesn't think he got away with anything. He's hysterical. His lie of being a great businessman blew up when his tax returns were uncovered and everyone discovered he was a half a trillion in debt. By being president, he entered a world where he couldn't control everything anymore. His actions had consequences in Virginia, and Washington, and Michigan, and Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania, and Maine, and Kansas, and Arizona, and California. He tried to stop people from voting but failed. He joined H.W. and Carter as a one-term president, but those two actually could win the majority of the vote once. And he will forever be an impeached president, same as Clinton and Johnson, a tiny trio of people.



The one thing I do agree with is that Republicans seem to have to be 100 times crazier than any Democrat in order to have no chance of winning, which is less a Trump thing and more an America thing right now. Fake socialism attacks were more effective this year than real QAnon attacks. And people are so obsessed with "both sides" rhetoric that they twist themselves into knots to make it seem as if both sides are the same. That part continues to irritate me.

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23 minutes ago, SaysWho? said:

Holy SHIT, someone on Twitter just pointed something out and now I can't outsee it. For reference, here's Jason Miller:







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...he’s also awful close to:


...It must be some hive being taking multiple, related forms to prank us from his extradimensional alt-right-bro basement.


That might also explain Trump, come to think of it...I wonder what he’d look like with a goatee?

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12 hours ago, Ricofoley said:

I honestly didn't think that Trump actually believed his own bullshit comparing rally sizes, but the fact that he's bringing it up on what was supposed to be a private phone call suggests otherwise. Wild.


He also apparently actually believes that 139% of Detroit voted.




CNN has obtained the full January 2 audio call between President Donald Trump and Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger. Trump is joined on the call by White House chief of staff Mark Meadows and several lawyers.


What’s funny is that he’s called up officials involved in the state governments where he has postelection litigation going on to ‘talk’ to them several times since the first Tuesday in November and the Republicans have acted like he hasn’t been doing anything untoward in doing so—when he’s clearly been doing this kind of stuff all along.

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15 minutes ago, thewhyteboar said:

More in the thread.


I don't have any adjectives for this kind of crazy.

This so reminds me of my aunt. Literally down to "I have all the evidence but I'll only give it to Donald Trump, nobody else can be trusted". Yes, aunt Cindy, you haven't left the backwater in 30 years, but you're holding onto evidence that could destroy countries, and I'm sure Trump will contact you soon."


I feel bad, she won't get help, and I'm sure 20 years of heavy abuse by her ex caused a lot of her mental illness. But I'm at the point where I can't deal with her and won't answer when she calls.

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1 hour ago, SaysWho? said:


Losing the popular vote and still becoming president has nothing to do with getting away with anything, imo; it has to do with our system which did the same for a handful of other people such as Bush, and Bush wasn't Teflon. Bill Clinton was impeached but not convicted yet him being a horny disloyal husband stuck and is still the running joke on him two decades later. And I can't remember the last time a president even went to jail.


What I've seen -- and whether anyone here took the same approach, I really don't remember -- is that people really didn't think any attacks ever worked on Trump ever, that he was this force of nature that was different than everything that came before him. And attacks meant nothing because his base believes everything (this I know was echoed here billions of times).


And none of this ever made sense because it's irrelevant what his base thinks since that's the point of a base to begin with -- they're with you and not persuadable. He barely got into office, he joined 44 others who never went to jail no matter what any of them did, and once he got into office, nobody thought Democrats were going to win anything despite every sign imaginable showing that they were. "Haha moral victories they barely lost, what good does that do?!" People pushed aside common sense when Trump's mental breakdowns were clearly hurting his party.


And Trump certainly doesn't think he got away with anything. He's hysterical. His lie of being a great businessman blew up when his tax returns were uncovered and everyone discovered he was a half a trillion in debt. By being president, he entered a world where he couldn't control everything anymore. His actions had consequences in Virginia, and Washington, and Michigan, and Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania, and Maine, and Kansas, and Arizona, and California. He tried to stop people from voting but failed. He joined H.W. and Carter as a one-term president, but those two actually could win the majority of the vote once. And he will forever be an impeached president, same as Clinton and Johnson, a tiny trio of people.



The one thing I do agree with is that Republicans seem to have to be 100 times crazier than any Democrat in order to have no chance of winning, which is less a Trump thing and more an America thing right now. Fake socialism attacks were more effective this year than real QAnon attacks. And people are so obsessed with "both sides" rhetoric that they twist themselves into knots to make it seem as if both sides are the same. That part continues to irritate me.

the media and washington chattering classes taking a "teflon Don" approach to him have been brain poisoned by Watergate and the historical narrative surrounding it to think that if something is bad enough it will get supporters to turn on the president. The reality is that Republicans supported Nixon up until the very end, and (this is the most important thing that is left out of any analysis comparing, even if only implicitly, Watergate and the republican crime of the day) if nixon had the right wing media to protect him that exists today he would have finished his term and not been removed from office during impeachment. To say nothing of him being the first historically recent crime president, the effect of the Ford pardon, and the changed political landscape due to the dieing vestiges of the new deal coalition not having taken hold yet.


They're trying to apply bad history to the current/past situations when there isn't a lot connecting them together

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2 hours ago, SaysWho? said:


Losing the popular vote and still becoming president has nothing to do with getting away with anything, imo; it has to do with our system which did the same for a handful of other people such as Bush, and Bush wasn't Teflon. Bill Clinton was impeached but not convicted yet him being a horny disloyal husband stuck and is still the running joke on him two decades later. And I can't remember the last time a president even went to jail.


What I've seen -- and whether anyone here took the same approach, I really don't remember -- is that people really didn't think any attacks ever worked on Trump ever, that he was this force of nature that was different than everything that came before him. And attacks meant nothing because his base believes everything (this I know was echoed here billions of times).


And none of this ever made sense because it's irrelevant what his base thinks since that's the point of a base to begin with -- they're with you and not persuadable. He barely got into office, he joined 44 others who never went to jail no matter what any of them did, and once he got into office, nobody thought Democrats were going to win anything despite every sign imaginable showing that they were. "Haha moral victories they barely lost, what good does that do?!" People pushed aside common sense when Trump's mental breakdowns were clearly hurting his party.


And Trump certainly doesn't think he got away with anything. He's hysterical. His lie of being a great businessman blew up when his tax returns were uncovered and everyone discovered he was a half a trillion in debt. By being president, he entered a world where he couldn't control everything anymore. His actions had consequences in Virginia, and Washington, and Michigan, and Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania, and Maine, and Kansas, and Arizona, and California. He tried to stop people from voting but failed. He joined H.W. and Carter as a one-term president, but those two actually could win the majority of the vote once. And he will forever be an impeached president, same as Clinton and Johnson, a tiny trio of people.



The one thing I do agree with is that Republicans seem to have to be 100 times crazier than any Democrat in order to have no chance of winning, which is less a Trump thing and more an America thing right now. Fake socialism attacks were more effective this year than real QAnon attacks. And people are so obsessed with "both sides" rhetoric that they twist themselves into knots to make it seem as if both sides are the same. That part continues to irritate me.


Thanks. I see what you're saying but I guess I still wouldn't cite him losing the first popular vote and being impeached as examples of stuff sticking to him, because the outcomes were still consequence free for them. They're the "Gilly..." equivalent of consequences. It took to the next election for anything to actually happen as a result of so much.


I guess I'm saying there is a middle ground here. You're right that thinking he can get away with everything is defeatist and wrong. But we should speak very plainly about how much he did get away with and push to have that stopped. The system is not working as it should.

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13 minutes ago, legend said:


Thanks. I see what you're saying but I guess I still wouldn't cite him losing the first popular vote and being impeached as examples of stuff sticking to him, because the outcomes were still consequence free for them. They're the "Gilly..." equivalent of consequences. It took to the next election for anything to actually happen as a result of so much.


I guess I'm saying there is a middle ground here. You're right that thinking he can get away with everything is defeatist and wrong. But we should speak very plainly about how much he did get away with and push to have that stopped. The system is not working as it should.


I think my agreement is on the system. A lot of people look at Trump as this guy that overcomes anything, and I think b_m put some good historical context to why people and political journalists think as they do, but I blame how much of the system relies on norms (which has become more apparent now than ever), and further proof of how bad the electoral college is.

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On a related note, since skillz was part of the convo and one of the ones I responded to, I specifically remember him not thinking Donald was a force of nature who has never been experienced before but more a populist who was simply using 21st century technolog, unless I'm remembering wrong. So in his case, I don't think I'm really disagreeing with him because his perspective was different than the "Teflon Don" ones, I think.

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