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Playing through Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night and I'm really digging it. Looking forward to the upcoming patches and such so it runs better (it plays fine in my experience, but sometimes it takes a minute to load between areas) but in the meantime it's a great new addition to the IGAvania games! 

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Does anyone have a spare "Fat Black Chocobo" code for FFXIV from Amazon's promotion in June?


Also, I think I'm enjoying FFXIV, I just got it after using the free three day subscription to WoW, leveling from 114 to 115, and re-uninstalling after about two hours. I like that the game seems to be less about racing to the endgame for "the real game to begin" and instead seems to hang its hat on authored story-based content. The ability animations are also flashy and go a long way towards making pretty standard MMO combat feel impactful. It is a bit of a bummer that I primarily want to heal and it sounds like healers in general were the only jobs not improved in the recent expansion.

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I have been playing WoW for the past month. No MMO really compares. FFXIV is really good, but it demands way more of my attention than WoW does. And I really like WoW for the fact that I don't have to pay attention. Like, in FFXIV almost every class has something I have to constantly keep up. Like, a dot or debuff. Not in WoW, I just press buttons, and then sometimes something procs and then I press that button. 


Edit: WoW isn't even in a good state and I still enjoy it more than most other things. 

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1 hour ago, Bacon said:

I have been playing WoW for the past month. No MMO really compares. FFXIV is really good, but it demands way more of my attention than WoW does. And I really like WoW for the fact that I don't have to pay attention. Like, in FFXIV almost every class has something I have to constantly keep up. Like, a dot or debuff. Not in WoW, I just press buttons, and then sometimes something procs and then I press that button. 


Edit: WoW isn't even in a good state and I still enjoy it more most other things. 


Im not deep enough into ffxiv to really compare complexity between the two games. What I do miss about WoW is the way the world feels vast and open and each zone feels distinct. The loading screens between areas in ffxiv is honestly a huge immersion killer and the world doesn't feel like it has much continuity.

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This weekend I beat Shadow of the Colossus and Symphony of the Night (had started and was decently far into both prior to this weekend). 


I am actually making good progress on my backlog. Over the past few months I've completed those two, Rondo of Blood, Super Hot, Final Fantasy 9 (switch), Resident Evil 2 (with both characters), MK 11, and Sekiro. 


I'm kind of trudging through the end game of DQ11 (man, there's a lot there), always coming back to Persona 5, and I started a new game of No Man's Sky (I'd like to play through that game until I just feel like I've got my fill of it). 


But mostly I'm playing Mario Maker and FFXII. 

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I've been playing through my backlog... in the last couple of weeks I've beaten Dead Rising 3, Watch Dogs 2 and Wolfenstein. Now I'm playing Resident Evil 7, Gears of War 4 and a couple of other games. I'm gonna see what Prime day deals there are tomorrow, got my eye on a couple of games that I want to try and grab cheap. 

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I've been playing a ton of FFX, beat the main game and trying to do all the post game stuff. I ended up restarting and starting over because I got blitzball fucked. I don't know why I spend so much time on this. 


I want to get into Wasteland 2 before 3 comes out so might start that soon. 

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After putting it down several months ago, I got back into Ocarina of Time 3DS and made some solid progress. I'm getting close to the end, I think (Spirit Temple). I don't want to blow any minds here, but OoT... it's a pretty good video game. 

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I can't seem to sit down and play a console game at the moment (I've been busy with this and that and have found myself reading a lot more at the moment) but, for whatever reason, I've started New Super Mario Bros again (on the DS) and it's great. I love handheld gaming for this very reason (pick up and play, short bursts) and if I finish it, will either move on to Spirit Tracks, or something else...DS-based for the time being. 

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2 minutes ago, SoberChef said:

120+ hours deep into Odyssey (and haven't even gotten to the DLC yet, jeezus how big IS this game!?)

I just started Origins and will possibly be doing Odyssey right after.  May take the rest of the year to finish both.

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8 minutes ago, Dre801 said:

I just started Origins and will possibly be doing Odyssey right after.  May take the rest of the year to finish both.

I had right around 150-170 hours in Origins including DLC when all was said and done. Here with Odyssey, I feel like I'm not even close to finishing the campaign/main world prior to exploring the additional content!

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On 7/21/2019 at 9:34 PM, SoberChef said:

I had right around 150-170 hours in Origins including DLC when all was said and done. Here with Odyssey, I feel like I'm not even close to finishing the campaign/main world prior to exploring the additional content!

I’d completed the “three endings” by about 110 hours. However, there was still a ton of side content left. And I had basically stopped doing the procedurally generated stuff after about 30 hours. You can basically take as long as you want to in completing the main game. 

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