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Moa last won the day on November 4 2019

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  1. I really liked the scene of Alicent making her case and her support crumbling. Aemond took the regency without having to say a word. I also agree that Cole's reticence is because he's absolutely shook from the battle, the dragons, and suddenly seeing the pit of vipers he's placed himself in the middle of. I would be tired of Luigi's Mansion if it weren't for how hilariously Matt Smith plays it.
  2. The Hughie's dad stuff has definitely not had the intended impact for me. He was a small part of the show at the beginning, but having him have a stroke out of nowhere when he was a completely forgotten character felt unearned and reeked of the false choice it inevitably became.
  3. This episode felt much better than the rest in the season. Stuff happened, the plot actually moved forward. Bro.
  4. Yeah, this was among the many things this episode that felt off. When you're doing this kind of turbo-satire there's always going to be moments of dissonance, but recently it feels like they flip a coin on whether they're going to treat something messed up that happens seriously. The show is still fun and outrageous, even if I think there are more misses on those scenes than previously, but it's getting harder to remember when it was actually unsettling. The show also has a very weird thing going on with sex and romance. All the bad guys are sexual deviants (in a bad way), every romantic relationship is poisoned, sex and Taco Bell are only for idiots (I'm offended.)
  5. The show has gotten dumb independent of its political messaging. There's no tension, stakes, or character development anymore.
  6. All I'm saying is that in a world with dragons, people would've figured out parachutes.
  7. Didn’t enjoy this one. I think I draw the line on weird movies when the characters don’t speak or act recognizably human. When things become too stilted everything loses impact. Emma Stone’s dance and the dogs at the end of the second act were the highlights for me.
  8. 5 episodes in and I'm liking it as much if not more than previous seasons. It's fast, spare, and disconnected. Pure showing, no telling.
  9. Why is culinary culture so fucked? I know that not everything is like The Bear, but I've seen similar themes in basically everything having to do with food service. Every industry with actual stakes has figured out that unnecessary stress, pressure, and abuse worsens performance and outcomes. It seems like the industry has a collective Napoleon complex, and I legitimately don't understand it. Anyway, great first episode. That might get me to actually watch a Marvel movie.
  10. I'm not going to stop watching, but my god what a boring episode. The animals were funny one time, but they pulled the exact same thing three times. There's no tension or stakes, everything is just one step forward, one step back.
  11. I think walking simulators fall into this in that fans of the genre are into it but many people just don’t turn to games for less active entertainment.
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