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Game of Thrones - Season 8 - Starting April 14th


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4 minutes ago, Kal-El814 said:

She also burned those Dothraki women alive and made the entire Dothraki culture her bloodriders, which means if she dies they’re obligated to kill themselves, or avenge her and then kill themselves. 

Which Dothraki women did she burn alive? There were no women in the temple when she killed all the Khals.


23 minutes ago, Chris- said:

I have to ask it again, what show have some of you guys been watching? The show has spent her entire character arc dealing with the fact that (1) her claim to the throne is flimsy-to-nonexistent, (2) that she is for all intents and purposes leading a foreign invasion, and (3) that she is engaging in mental gymnastics ('break the wheel', LOL) to justify her actions. What happened in the last episode is all of those concepts colliding and leading to the most plainly logical conclusion: that she is complete shit and will stop at nothing to rule.



I disagree with some of this... until Jon's identity was revealed, she did have a legit claim to the throne and Robert knew it which is why he wanted her dead. I also don't think she was going through "mental gymnastics"... I think she was sincere in wanting to be a just ruler. I just think that like most villains, she didn't see herself as one and thought that she knew best what was right and wrong and that her ends justified her means. The show has always been consistent in showing that things are not black and white when it comes to morality.

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1 hour ago, Chris- said:


Season 5, Episode 5. After the Sons of the Harpy attacked Grey Worm and Ser Barristan, she summarily had one of the nobles fed to her dragons to scare the other great families. 

The nobles of Mereen were slave masters, so yes, she is indeed ruthless against anyone she deems as opposition or "evil".  Still a far cry from slaughtering tens of thousands or women and children before even bothering going after her actual enemy, Cersei.

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27 minutes ago, Amazatron said:

The nobles of Mereen were slave masters, so yes, she is indeed ruthless against anyone she deems as opposition or "evil".  Still a far cry from slaughtering tens of thousands or women and children before even bothering going after her actual enemy, Cersei.


Exactly. If after the bells she had flown right to the Red Keep and nuked it and in the process some civilians were caught in the fire it could have been a discussion but she was going literally street by street razing the city to the ground before she even went after her "enemy", she was in full on murder EVERYONE mode which is a substantial leap from her previous actions. 


If instead of just killing the Tarlys that would not bend the knee last season she had also killed all the soldiers that did and we had a couple more scenes of similar actions than episode 5 wouldn't seem like such a huge change. 

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13 minutes ago, Amazatron said:

The nobles of Mereen were slave masters, so yes, she is indeed ruthless against anyone she deems as opposition or "evil".  Still a far cry from slaughtering tens of thousands or women and children before even bothering going after her actual enemy, Cersei.


Sure but that's kinda the point... I mean we're all Batman fans here right? Why do you think he doesn't kill The Joker? He sees it as a slippery slope and that while killing a villain like the Joker may be justifiable and even make sense... where does it end? Danerys' arc is the very illustration of that saying "The Road to hell is paved with good intentions." Danerys, a well intentioned ruler who had a tendency to be ruthless had a series very bad things happen to her loved ones and she snapped. Same thing happened to the Mad King who wasn't always mad. You guys are acting like she pulled complete 180... she didn't. She snapped because of all of her accumulated losses since coming to Westeros... losses she probably thinks she didn't have to endure if she just sacked the city as soon as she got there when she was at full strength. Even with one dragon and half her forces, it was still a rout. They had clearly been building up to this in a very heavy handed way in my opinion and while I myself don't really like that they went this way, they laid the groundwork for it from the beginning. If you ignore what she had gone through this season alone, then yeah, I can see people thinking it came out of nowhere... but you would have to LITERALLY ignore a bunch of things she had gone through and people she lost.


Also Jon... he knew full well that this was a potential outcome. He told Varys that it was up to his queen to decide how she wanted to take King's Landing. He never advised her against it like Tyrion did and he probably has even more influence over her than Tyrion does. Granted he didn't actively participate in the wanton slaughter of innocents... but he was there. I'm curious to see how well he and The North are going to be regarded by the other seven kingdoms after this.


Lastly, did everyone forget what The Hound had been saying all along? He regarded all of the Knights and their "codes of honor" as bullshit. They were all killers... he just accepted it. Bronn said something similar to Tyrion and Jaimie. All of their Kingdoms were built on blood and this has been a recurring theme in the series as well. Danerys is clear proof of that. 

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6 minutes ago, skillzdadirecta said:

Also Jon... he knew full well that this was a potential outcome. He told Varys that it was up to his queen to decide how she wanted to take King's Landing. He never advised her against it like Tyrion did and he probably has even more influence over her than Tyrion does. Granted he didn't actively participate in the wanton slaughter of innocents... but he was there. I'm curious to see how well he and The North are going to be regarded by the other seven kingdoms after this.


Could have fooled me with Jon's entire contribution to the episode as multiple shots of "shocked face", lol.



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6 hours ago, Amazatron said:

The nobles of Mereen were slave masters, so yes, she is indeed ruthless against anyone she deems as opposition or "evil".  Still a far cry from slaughtering tens of thousands or women and children before even bothering going after her actual enemy, Cersei.

These are my thoughts as well. I'm not super knowledgeable on all parts of this show. But up until now I was mostly under the assumption that Dany had no problem killing "bad" people or killing people that wouldn't bend the knee. Maybe a rare instance of an innocent getting killed along the way.  In my eyes the show just didn't earn it when she went full nuclear. It was too rushed. 

I really don't mind what happens in the finale as long as it's satisfying. If it feels just as rushed as these last few episodes, it's going to leave a bad stain on a show that had some amazing seasons. To do the final season dirty just isn't right. 

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For those wondering why people are bumping up against Dany going Mad Queen. I think any big fan understands the whole show has been building up to it, there's been clues going back to season 1, and there's reasons for it. The thing people are being bumped up against is that it feels like the show has been on a steady path for 7 seasons of building it up and on a path from 0 to 100, we got to like 30 over 7 seasons, and the last couple of episodes were quick and maybe built it up to 40-50, but then last episode jumped it all the way to 100 in the span of a couple of minutes. Add onto the fact that the last season or two seasons really have been extremely rushed compared to the slow burn over the first 6 seasons. The show needed more time, the quickness is rubbing fans the wrong way, and Dany's quick jump off the cliff is just the biggest and most recent example of that so it is being focused on. Still love the show, still can't wait for the final episode, but this season has really made me yearn all the more for the final books to get the depth, nuance, and slow-burn that GOT is known for.


Also, perhaps the final episode will still have a twist for us. I like the theory that Bran warged into Drogon. Dany was focused on the red keep. She was staring at it intently, going all crazy face. She wasn't going to burn Kings Landing, just Cersei or just the red keep... but then Bran takes over Drogon. The next shot we see is the same dragon shadow we saw in Bran's vision several seasons ago. We never see Dany again, her reactions. In the after-game of thrones, the producers said it was cause they wanted to show the actions from the ground (several times they said that). Even if that's true, it still seems like it's an odd choice not to show Dany screaming in rage mode as she blasts the red keep or even the citizens for at least a second or two. If Bran does take over Drogon, what could Dany do? She can't jump off. She can't yell for help. It's a bit of a stretch for Bran, I'm not Bran anymore, Stark's character, but perhaps less jarring than Dany's quick Mad Queen turn. Perhaps Bran does it as it's the only way that Jon would overthrow Dany and take the throne.

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18 hours ago, Amazatron said:


What innocent people?


She also threw her dragons in a dungeon for burning a peasant's girl to death while they were roaming.


She chose the people over her dragons and came to severely regret it after she saw how that made them so much more vulnerable.


She showed no mercy to her enemies and came to see the citizens of kings landing as her enemies. Simple. 

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I’m sure being cast off the gravy train because D&D wanna go play with A Star War has nothing to do with their collective disappointment :p

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17 hours ago, Gavin King said:

For those wondering why people are bumping up against Dany going Mad Queen. I think any big fan understands the whole show has been building up to it, there's been clues going back to season 1, and there's reasons for it. The thing people are being bumped up against is that it feels like the show has been on a steady path for 7 seasons of building it up and on a path from 0 to 100, we got to like 30 over 7 seasons, and the last couple of episodes were quick and maybe built it up to 40-50, but then last episode jumped it all the way to 100 in the span of a couple of minutes. Add onto the fact that the last season or two seasons really have been extremely rushed compared to the slow burn over the first 6 seasons. The show needed more time, the quickness is rubbing fans the wrong way, and Dany's quick jump off the cliff is just the biggest and most recent example of that so it is being focused on. Still love the show, still can't wait for the final episode, but this season has really made me yearn all the more for the final books to get the depth, nuance, and slow-burn that GOT is known for.


Also, perhaps the final episode will still have a twist for us. I like the theory that Bran warged into Drogon. Dany was focused on the red keep. She was staring at it intently, going all crazy face. She wasn't going to burn Kings Landing, just Cersei or just the red keep... but then Bran takes over Drogon. The next shot we see is the same dragon shadow we saw in Bran's vision several seasons ago. We never see Dany again, her reactions. In the after-game of thrones, the producers said it was cause they wanted to show the actions from the ground (several times they said that). Even if that's true, it still seems like it's an odd choice not to show Dany screaming in rage mode as she blasts the red keep or even the citizens for at least a second or two. If Bran does take over Drogon, what could Dany do? She can't jump off. She can't yell for help. It's a bit of a stretch for Bran, I'm not Bran anymore, Stark's character, but perhaps less jarring than Dany's quick Mad Queen turn. Perhaps Bran does it as it's the only way that Jon would overthrow Dany and take the throne.

Stop being absurd. Dany did that, not Bran.


the ridiculous ideas and theories going around as people try to fit the episode into their head canon.

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2 hours ago, Emblazon said:

Looks like I wasn't the only one to make the comparison:



Hey, maybe he'd might have a chance of a new life like the Hound, oh wait.

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31 minutes ago, Kal-El814 said:

Star Wars headcanon is stronger than a billion Death Stars, GoT headcanon burns hotter than all of Dany’s dragons.

Actually, Star Wars had real canon. Over 30 years of actual canon... that was wiped out in an instant, just like Alderaan. 

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Quaithe prophecy from the books:


“No. Hear me, Daenerys Targaryen. The glass candles are burning. Soon comes the pale mare, and after her the others. Kraken and dark flame, lion and griffin, the sun’s son and the mummer’s dragon. Trust none of them. Remember the Undying. Beware the perfumed seneschal."


  • Confused 2
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So Bronn's storyline is still hanging out there, they must have had that little tangent for a reason.


I am thinking with Dany finally Queen we see Bronn come to collect what Tyrion promised. If Dany doesn't just expel/execute Tyrion for releasing Jaimie(and the way things turned out she might be in a forgiving mood or might not necessarily even know he did it) Tyrion will insist on giving Bronn what he wants(a Lannister always pays their debts) and Dany will fry Bronn for trying to extort a lordship.


Then Dany decides the North needs to be brought to heel. Perhaps motivated by some more goading from Sansa. Here's a thought, in response to Dany's actions at King's Landing the people of Westeros will already be turning against her. Sansa spreads the word far and wide that Jon is the true heir to the throne. And the people will be eager to accept him after what Dany has done.


Dany is making plans to give Winterfell the ol Drogoning treatment, and on top of that she orders Jon to be brought to her for execution. Since Arya and Jon have been really close since the beginning it would be cool for Arya to swoop in and save Jon by killing Dany. They could even have Nymeria come out of nowhere to leap onto Drogon's face as he leans in to fry Arya to give her enough time to kill Dany.


Then here's a crazy idea that I don't  think I have seen anyone suggest even though it's pretty obvious when you think about it. Jon marries Sansa to secure the rule of South and North. 

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3 hours ago, Chairslinger said:

So Bronn's storyline is still hanging out there, they must have had that little tangent for a reason.


I am thinking with Dany finally Queen we see Bronn come to collect what Tyrion promised. If Dany doesn't just expel/execute Tyrion for releasing Jaimie(and the way things turned out she might be in a forgiving mood or might not necessarily even know he did it) Tyrion will insist on giving Bronn what he wants(a Lannister always pays their debts) and Dany will fry Bronn for trying to extort a lordship.


Then Dany decides the North needs to be brought to heel. Perhaps motivated by some more goading from Sansa. Here's a thought, in response to Dany's actions at King's Landing the people of Westeros will already be turning against her. Sansa spreads the word far and wide that Jon is the true heir to the throne. And the people will be eager to accept him after what Dany has done.


Dany is making plans to give Winterfell the ol Drogoning treatment, and on top of that she orders Jon to be brought to her for execution. Since Arya and Jon have been really close since the beginning it would be cool for Arya to swoop in and save Jon by killing Dany. They could even have Nymeria come out of nowhere to leap onto Drogon's face as he leans in to fry Arya to give her enough time to kill Dany.


Then here's a crazy idea that I don't  think I have seen anyone suggest even though it's pretty obvious when you think about it. Jon marries Sansa to secure the rule of South and North. 

Jesus christ man, there is one more episode. The fighting is done. Dany is getting John's sword in the belly, and John is going north past the wall. That's it. 


And it's obvious that a guy who wouldn't sleep with his aunt is going to marry the girl raised as his sister, who is actually his first cousin instead? How is any of that obvious? It's absurd. Talk about abandoning logic to get an ending you want. 

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