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Joe Biden officially declares he's running for reelection

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6 minutes ago, Keyser_Soze said:

Also, nothing but positive comments on that video. I wonder how heavily moderated they are. :p


One last question, why is the presidential seal blurred out? I think it was shown twice and looked like it was censored both times. 🤔

In normal times with normal people campaigning under official symbols or using your official office, is supposed to be illegal i believe.

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48 minutes ago, PaladinSolo said:

In normal times with normal people campaigning under official symbols or using your official office, is supposed to be illegal i believe.

Actually illegal or just one of those “norms” without actual rules? (I’m legitimately asking btw :p )

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39 minutes ago, Spork3245 said:

Actually illegal or just one of those “norms” without actual rules? (I’m legitimately asking btw :p )


Actually illegal.  18 U.S. Code § 713.  You can't use the presidential seal for any sort of advertisement outside of a few key exceptions.

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GOP has always been mixed messaging on the opposition


Obama is ruining us with open borders… but somehow hes deporter-and-chief


Joe Biden is “Sleepy Joe” and doesnt know what day it is while at the same time hes a machiavellian villain plotting the destruction of the US… I think they finally settled on him being a puppet for others? or did that change too?

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Honestly yeah the best thing about Biden running again is that the right really just can’t get anything to stick with him. He’s too much a boring vanilla white dude and he’s managed to live with very little real baggage tied to him.


I think it’s hard to go against him unless what you are offering instead is something that appears more progressive which they obviously can’t do. So they tried to act like he’s some super far left tyrannical socialist and I just don’t think the masses are delusional enough to buy into that.


I can seriously see them running against him next year with nothing but another round of hunter biden laptop stories. That’s like their biggest hit and it’s one of the most nobody gives a fuck situations of all time.


The only other thing that kinda stuck is “let’s go brandon” but that’s just a dumb meme and isn’t actually anything about him or anything.

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1 hour ago, stepee said:

Honestly yeah the best thing about Biden running again is that the right really just can’t get anything to stick with him. He’s too much a boring vanilla white dude and he’s managed to live with very little real baggage tied to him.


It's worse than having no baggage, his baggage is sexism and racism. 

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1 hour ago, LazyPiranha said:

Anyone who bought into lets go brandon was never voting for a democrat anyway.  



Biden's campaign is selling a $32 "Dark T-shirt" of Biden with red laser eyes, surrounded by the number "2024," embracing the Dark Brandon meme.


He's even making fun of them.

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1 minute ago, Anathema- said:



President Biden's 2024 reelection campaign team has embraced his darker alter ego — "Dark Brandon," featuring beaming red laser eyes. It shows up on error pages and...




Biden's campaign is selling a $32 "Dark T-shirt" of Biden with red laser eyes, surrounded by the number "2024," embracing the Dark Brandon meme.




Might buy one tbh

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28 minutes ago, DPCyric said:


Same it's pretty awesome :lol: Honestly thought the ad was great actually calling out "MAGA extremists".


Yeah the ad isn't bad. I think he has a pretty good shot if he just presses on how extreme the other side is, and everything he was able to accomplish his first term.

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A majority of Democrats didn't want Biden to run again, but now that it looks to be trump again, it's just like... *Sigh* sure, whatever. Let's do this.


Biden 2024 boys, he may actively work against labor movements, but at least he doesn't want to strip rights away from minorities and women, so... Get excited...


I hate that that's where the bar is set. "Look how shitty it would be with the other guy!"


I'm also worried because the stage is set for Congress to do even more nothing than normal until the election, so it's going to be hard to galvanize people to vote.


And yeah, I know, doom posting, blah blah blah. You don't need to @ me about it.

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47 minutes ago, Spork3245 said:


44% of Democrats don't want Biden to run again


51% of Democrats don't want Biden to run again


More than half of Democrats don't want Biden to run for reelection and a massive seven in 10 Americans overall claim he shouldn't seek a second term. Only six percent of Americans want to see a rematch of 2020 between Trump and Biden in 2024.


It seems to depend on who you ask, apparently, but that was just after googling for 30 seconds.


Biden does not inspire loyalty, his campaign is literally "if you don't vote for me, you're fucked."

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Jesus fucking christ, vote for Joe Biden in 2024 but stop pretending he's the best thing since sliced bread. The fact that you guys want to suck his dick because he's better than Trump makes me want to invent new tehnology to ram my head up my own ass.


We have to choose between a candidate who hates poor people and does everything in his power to further the power of corporations vs. a candidate who hates poor people and does everything in his power to further the power of corporations AND also wants to strip away the rights of minorities, women, and LGBTQ people.


There's a clear person I should vote for in that scenario, but don't think for a fucking second that I'm happy about it and you shouldn't be, either. Stop sucking the dick of neoliberal asshats like Joe Biden. Start demanding more.



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1 hour ago, Fizzzzle said:

Biden does not inspire loyalty, his campaign is literally "if you don't vote for me, you're fucked."



The poll by The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research shows that 26% of Americans overall want to see Biden run again — a slight recovery from the 22% who said that in January.


“Only about half of Democrats think President Joe Biden should run again in 2024, a poll shows, but a large majority say they'd be likely to support him if he became the nominee.“


This seems kind of normal after a first term, I dunno. Anecdotally I remember Obama being called “disappointing” near the end of his first term and that “maybe he should let someone else run”. But, tbf, I think a lot of that was on Slate and what-not, so literal garbage news outlets that were also speculating that the dems in 2008 wouldn’t honor the primary debates and just pick Al Gore so Hilary and Obama fans wouldn’t be upset from the rivalry or some nonsense :p 


1 hour ago, Fizzzzle said:

but stop pretending he's the best thing since sliced bread.

 Lol, who is doing that? Stop pretending he’s awful and meet the middle ground of him being fine.

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Biden has been fine, first couple years were good, shit has completely stalled because dems lost control of congress, no idea where you get the idea biden hates poor people, extending child care credit, expanding free school lunchs, and other things were being blocked by a dem senator or two not Biden.

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10 hours ago, DPCyric said:


Same it's pretty awesome :lol: Honestly thought the ad was great actually calling out "MAGA extremists".

I thought the callout was weak. I do think the ad was fine, but a bit boring. He should have called out conservatives, period. Stop pretending that they are political  party with ideas, their only policy is "I hate the other side". Only the richest conservatives actually care about taxes. 


I'm a little disgusted the DNC isn't planning to do debates. We all know Biden will still win the primary, but it's disgusting. The "Only Joe can beat Trump" nonsense is just that, nonsense, and pretty undemocratic of them. 

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44 minutes ago, finaljedi said:

I don’t think either party does debates when you get a couple also ran nobodies running against the incumbent.  It just gives the other side ammo in the general election.

It’s still anti-democratic bs, period. Especially from the guy who claims to be defending democracy. Does Williams or bozo have a real shot? Probably not, but the president should still be willing to debate them.


people were more than willing to criticize the RNC for saying they wouldn’t do presidential debates, but this isn’t even mentioned by anyone but independent news sources. I think it’s gross, and there should always be a debate, by law, if any opponent is polling at even 5%. Especially when the media is working to make sure you don’t know anyone else is running.


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