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Official "Look How Insane and Shitty ALL GOP Officials Are" Thread

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2 minutes ago, Anathema- said:

If the head of the republican party could actually lead them instead of basically strapping a saddle to a cyclone, Mitt would have been a fine president. Unfortunately he has to continually debase himself even as he has flashes of statesmanship.



I am constantly debating with myself how much I blame most GOP politicians.


I mean, a guy like Grahmn or Rubio are obviously pathetic, gutless pieces of shit....but the bottomline is that if they didn't supplicate themselves before Trump and his base they would likely just be voted out and we'd end up with people even worse than them.


I have no sympathy or respect for them because they certainly aren't hapless victims(and, among other things, they earn monetary gain while Rome burns)but at the end of the day I think I only give about 20% of the blame to the elected ghouls with about 40% each going to the base and the rightwing media echo chamber. I think most of the politicians are just riding the tiger. And even if some of them more enthusiastically embrace the nihilism of it, that still doesn't make them anymore in control of it.

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1 hour ago, Chairslinger said:

I have no sympathy or respect for them because they certainly aren't hapless victims(and, among other things, they earn monetary gain while Rome burns)but at the end of the day I think I only give about 20% of the blame to the elected ghouls with about 40% each going to the base and the rightwing media echo chamber. I think most of the politicians are just riding the tiger. And even if some of them more enthusiastically embrace the nihilism of it, that still doesn't make them anymore in control of it.


I mean yeah, this one issue is emblematic. Romney wisely brushes aside old issues to focus on new ones while the right wing grievance industry is out there whinging about how he was right (he wasn't).


I mean fuck the whole Benghazi nonsense was the same shit. Romney said something less-than-statesmanlike but the aforementioned RW grievance industry mobilized a made up scandal to distract/legitimize Romney criticizing The President while the attack was still underway


So even if you could come up with a good ratio of complicity, the "good ones" still wind up inside the tiger. And that was his problem. Not that he wanted to be president, but that he allowed himself to seek the presidency based on the support of domestic terrorists and white supremacy. 

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My congressman just quit his race due to an affair with an ISIS bride 😂😂



Taylor made the stunning announcement hours after he finished his five-way primary with 49% of the vote. Former Collin County Judge Keith Self, who finished second, is now likely to become...


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13 minutes ago, Comet said:

My congressman just quit his race due to an affair with an ISIS bride 😂😂



Taylor made the stunning announcement hours after he finished his five-way primary with 49% of the vote. Former Collin County Judge Keith Self, who finished second, is...


Let’s not judge too harshly


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On 2/27/2022 at 5:12 AM, thewhyteboar said:

The GOP is openly white supremacist now. If Trump wins in 2024 Republicans will be walking around in swastika armbands. 


On 2/27/2022 at 7:39 AM, SuperSpreader said:

They'll have WWJD on a cross instead of a swastika on them. 


On 2/27/2022 at 8:17 AM, CitizenVectron said:


Yeah it'll be something different because on their minds it's the swastika that is bad, not the ideas behind it (being called racist worse than being racist, etc).


Update, it will be the letter Z. 

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When the GOP mostly stopped publicly opposing gay marriage after the Obgerfell decision, that was a strategic retreat and not an admission that they were on the wrong side, and they will absolutely start trying to tear down gay rights again if they feel like they have a window to do so. Already starting with this bill, really.

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8 hours ago, Ricofoley said:

When the GOP mostly stopped publicly opposing gay marriage after the Obgerfell decision, that was a strategic retreat and not an admission that they were on the wrong side, and they will absolutely start trying to tear down gay rights again if they feel like they have a window to do so. Already starting with this bill, really.

They already said in a scotus hearing that if they overturned Casey or Roe (openly or “not technically overturned but in effect they are overturned”) then Obgerfell, Lawrence, and even Griswold are targets. 

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1 hour ago, CitizenVectron said:

What's the over/under on how many days until the GOP fully adopts "Z" merchandise/messaging?

They gonna turn into a very weird version of Sesame Street. Today’s lessons were brought to you by the Letters Q and Z and by the number 11 780

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