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Joe Biden beats Donald Trump, officially making Trump a one-term twice impeached, twice popular-vote losing president

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Does anyone remember the tweet about a modern day conservative being like a gambling addict playing the slots: all buildup, no payoff? I think it was in reference to Giuliani always having some bombshell lawsuit or discovery only for it to play like a wet fart in the wind.


It'd be easier to find if the threads weren't merged; I can't even remember who tweeted it.

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4 minutes ago, 5timechamp said:

If... “if” the Democrats win the Senate from the GA elections.. when will it become official? past all the lawsuits and accusations of fraud...

I do appreciate that the GOP sees elections as fair when they win and corrupted when they lose


I'm not sure when they are seated.  However, it will definitely be at least days after the January 6th counting of electoral votes.  Perdue will lose his seat (at least temporarily) on January 3rd.  This puts the Senate at 51 Rs to 48 Ds.  It would take just 2 Republicans to balk at any type of EV shenanigans to shutdown any hopes of a coup on the Senate side of congress.   

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9 minutes ago, mclumber1 said:


I'm not sure when they are seated.  However, it will definitely be at least days after the January 6th counting of electoral votes.  Perdue will lose his seat (at least temporarily) on January 3rd.  This puts the Senate at 51 Rs to 48 Ds.  It would take just 2 Republicans to balk at any type of EV shenanigans to shutdown any hopes of a coup on the Senate side of congress.   

Well with a lot of senate Rs saying Biden is President Elect now theres like 0 chance any of this goes down now.

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1 hour ago, marioandsonic said:

Oh you sweet summer child.


I doubt anything will happen, but I would never expect the GOP senators to have any sort of spine.

Any GOP with tangible skin in the game has stopped this overturning election results shit. From Barr to the Supreme Court to McConnell. 

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1 minute ago, Comet said:

Any GOP with tangible skin in the game has stopped this overturning election results shit. From Barr to the Supreme Court to McConnell. 

At this point it's only the true believers that are pushing this bullshit. At the very minimum, I couldn't see Collins or Romney voting for overturning the election and that would be enough to end whatever fuckery they attempt on January 6th. 


This is clearly an exercise in poisoning the waters of a Biden presidency and fundraising for the Trump family from here on out. Not that it was ever anything but that. 

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