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~*The Official Thread of One Term/Twice Impeached/Convicted Felon/Worst of Them All Presidential Tantrums, Candy Throwing, and Pants Shitting*~

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2 minutes ago, Ghost_MH said:


That pride is the result of systemic racism. Because of media portrayals and how good of a job you can get depending on how well you get some with white folk, you end up with this perverse cultural appreciation for all things more Caucasian. Straight hair is good hair and curly/nappy hair is bad. Lighter skin is prettier and darker skin is unfortunate. There's Puerto Rican slang specifically for people like my wife, that is white skin but with the super curly hair. She's also first generation Puerto Rican. When you get raised in Spanish-speaking churches, you meet people.


Either way, that's how you end up with folks that for some crazy reason are proud of their Spanish ancestry. Cause I guess it's better than remembering that you were all slaves and that your great great great grandmother from way back when was probably raped by Columbus and his buddies when she was ten.


Yep. I just don't get why it's so much more with Caribbean Latinos, specifically. When I visit my wife's family in Mexico, they see me as an interesting, but very foreign and exotic entity. 


I once dated a Dominican girl and she was absolutely obsessed with my hair. "Oye, tu tiene ese pelo fino y bueno!" Meanwhile, I look at thick "nappy" hair with complete jealousy, wishing I had it. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, I suppose.

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9 hours ago, Jose said:


Yep. I just don't get why it's so much more with Caribbean Latinos, specifically. When I visit my wife's family in Mexico, they see me as an interesting, but very foreign and exotic entity. 


I once dated a Dominican girl and she was absolutely obsessed with my hair. "Oye, tu tiene ese pelo fino y bueno!" Meanwhile, I look at thick "nappy" hair with complete jealousy, wishing I had it. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, I suppose.

I think because after independence Mexico was like "we are ALL Mexicans" regardless of colorism or race. Conquistadores came over but few women, they had babies with the Indios, and those babies couldn't hold jobs regardless of their ancestry (pelados). When women would come from Spain, they would have to get shipped back to have the baby in Spain or it wouldn't qualify for good jobs either, despite being 100% Spanish. You had to be a Peninsular. This created a culture of outlaws of mixed and white banditos surviving in the northern deserts which in part created the vaquero or the cowboy. This class system led to the revolution with mostly the mixed and white citizens rebelling, while natives picked different sides. The reason the Aztecs fell wasn't because of Cortez and his superior army, who first lost, disease certainly helped the Spanish, but the biggest helper was other tribes who hated the Aztecs. Likely most Mexicans are descended from the groups that helped the Spanish than the Aztecs. (That's what happens when you rip people's hearts out while they're still alive, they turn on you asap.) The Aztec pride is a product of The Revolution after rejection the Porfiriato. Unfortunate because Mexico was strongest then, the Revolution was supposed to create financial equality but it didn't solve anything. Anyway, so Mexicans see themselves as Mexican due to this history, and being Spain Spanish is like you're an alien. Colorism is definitely still a problem tho.

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9 hours ago, Jose said:

Yep. I just don't get why it's so much more with Caribbean Latinos, specifically. When I visit my wife's family in Mexico, they see me as an interesting, but very foreign and exotic entity. 


I once dated a Dominican girl and she was absolutely obsessed with my hair. "Oye, tu tiene ese pelo fino y bueno!" Meanwhile, I look at thick "nappy" hair with complete jealousy, wishing I had it. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, I suppose.


There's a simple way to look at it. Mexico was conquered. The Caribbean was enslaved. You had the conquistadors making their way through Central and South America while Columbus bragged about raping kids on the islands. Let's also think about how fucked up it is that since Puerto Rico is a Commonwealth to the US, Columbus Day is a federal holiday for them.


All that shit has a ripple effect into the future. It's made doubly so worse in Puerto Rico since everyone living on the island today is still treated like a second class citizen.

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31 minutes ago, SlipperySlope said:

I think because after independence Mexico was like "we are ALL Mexicans" regardless of colorism or race. Conquistadores came over but few women, they had babies with the Indios, and those babies couldn't hold jobs regardless of their ancestry (pelados). When women would come from Spain, they would have to get shipped back to have the baby in Spain or it wouldn't qualify for good jobs either, despite being 100% Spanish. You had to be a Peninsular. This created a culture of outlaws of mixed and white banditos surviving in the northern deserts which in part created the vaquero or the cowboy. This class system led to the revolution with mostly the mixed and white citizens rebelling, while natives picked different sides. The reason the Aztecs fell wasn't because of Cortez and his superior army, who first lost, disease certainly helped the Spanish, but the biggest helper was other tribes who hated the Aztecs. Likely most Mexicans are descended from the groups that helped the Spanish than the Aztecs. (That's what happens when you rip people's hearts out while they're still alive, they turn on you asap.) The Aztec pride is a product of The Revolution after rejection the Porfiriato. Unfortunate because Mexico was strongest then, the Revolution was supposed to create financial equality but it didn't solve anything. Anyway, so Mexicans see themselves as Mexican due to this history, and being Spain Spanish is like you're an alien. Colorism is definitely still a problem tho.



While this is very interesting (I love reading about that evil fucker, Hernan), I don't think it completely encapsulates the situation. It's not just Mexicans: I've worked with Salvadorans, Hondurans, Guatemalans, Nicaraguans, and Costa Ricans who do not view themselves as remotely Spanish. The thing that's constant to me in these countries is that the indigenous people survived the conquistas and procreated with the Spanish to create the mestizo race. This did not happen at all in the Caribbean countries. The Tainos were nearly completely massacred by the Spanish. I've only met Puerto Ricans that are proud of their Taino ancestry; Dominicans and Cubans basically act like they never existed. So if you're a modern-day Dominican or Cuban, you have two choices: either say you're family is closely tied to Spain or acknowledge that you have African blood in you. Dominicans especially will be blacker than some black dudes and they will deny having any African blood in them. They prefer to act like their family just got off the bought from Spain last week. Very sad, but their history was taken from them.

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2 minutes ago, Jose said:

While this is very interesting (I love reading about that evil fucker, Hernan), I don't think it completely encapsulates the situation. It's not just Mexicans: I've worked with Salvadorans, Hondurans, Guatemalans, Nicaraguans, and Costa Ricans who do not view themselves as remotely Spanish. The thing that's constant to me in these countries is that the indigenous people survived the conquistas and procreated with the Spanish to create the mestizo race. This did not happen at all in the Caribbean countries. The Tainos were nearly completely massacred by the Spanish. I've only met Puerto Ricans that are proud of their Taino ancestry; Dominicans and Cubans basically act like they never existed. So if you're a modern-day Dominican or Cuban, you have two choices: either say you're family is closely tied to Spain or acknowledge that you have African blood in you. Dominicans especially will be blacker than some black dudes and they will deny having any African blood in them. They prefer to act like their family just got off the bought from Spain last wee. Very sad, but their history was taken from them.


The Taino weren't completely killed off in Puerto Rico. I think last I saw, some 60% of all Puerto Ricans are of some part Taino ancestry.


Either way, the history of Hispaniola is all sorts of messed up. How did it go? The French killed off nearly all the Arawaks and Taino on their half of the island, replaced them all with African slaves that then escaped for greener pastures on the Spanish side of the island. Anyone that wasn't to deny slavery has an ill effect on future generations, should just look at the cultural identities of the Caribbean versus the rest of Latin America. They didn't have to deal with the red lining or segregation blacks had to deal with in the States, but still wound up scarred.

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51 minutes ago, MarSolo said:



Of course a little wind blew down the three miles of wall that was built.


Isn't part of the problem with this entire wall design that debris is getting trapped between the bars which is then putting a ton of stress that the walls were just never designed to handle?


Such a fun waste of money. I'm pretty sure for less money, they could have just planted a tall pole with a 360 degree camera on it every quarter of a mile and wound up with better results.

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17 hours ago, Ghost_MH said:


Isn't part of the problem with this entire wall design that debris is getting trapped between the bars which is then putting a ton of stress that the walls were just never designed to handle?


Such a fun waste of money. I'm pretty sure for less money, they could have just planted a tall pole with a 360 degree camera on it every quarter of a mile and wound up with better results.

This stretch i believe wasn't properly installed and the ground was eroding along it.

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42 minutes ago, BloodyHell said:

So Donnie just tweeted about delaying the election. I wonder if he knows that would make Pelosi president in January?


i don’t have the tweet because I don’t have twitter. 


I love this hypothetical, because Pelosi might not actually become President under that scenario. Normally, the Speaker is chosen by the new House, and is a member of the House. But if there is no election, there is no House, nor any House member to become speaker. Under that premise:

  • Chuck Grassley becomes President, as President Pro Tempore of the Senate (3rd in line)
  • There is no House, and only 2/3 of the Senate (which Democrats then control)

However, the selection of Speaker is almost entirely based on convention. There is nothing that says the Speaker must be a sitting member of the House, nor that a Speaker's term ever expires (except when a new one is selected). So under that premise:

  • Nancy Pelosi becomes President, as continuing Speaker of the House
  • There is no House, and only 2/3 of the Senate (which Democrats then control)

However, this is also unlikely, as there is no minimum requirement for electoral college winner, house size, etc. As long as a single state holds elections, then that state will determine the makeup of the House, and the winner of the Presidency and Vice-Presidency. That is why (legally, at least), Republicans would be dumb to try and stop elections, as if only Republican-controlled states followed through, Democrats would massively sweep the Electoral College and House elections. That is only legally speaking, of course. If they were trying to make the election illegitimate in some way as a pretense to take control of the government by force, then all bets would be off.

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3 minutes ago, ThreePi said:

I have no love for TikTok but I'm going to guess Trump's reasoning behind this is stupid.


He started getting noisy about this right after the TikTok crowd reserved a fuckton of tickets for his bust-out Tulsa Klan rally.

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9 minutes ago, mclumber1 said:

Yep.  He's doing this out of spite, not because Tik Tok is a national security risk.


Actually, was TikTok on the administration radar at ALL before that? Like, was Pompeo talking about TikTok before that?

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