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Didn't realize I hit 20K posts. To celebrate, I'm going to buy one of you a game on any platform...


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All you have to do is post what you're thankful for most in your life. I will give it this weekend and choose Monday who wins. How I choose will not be disclosed. :p


I will need assistance from the professionals around here in the process of providing the winner in how they will obtain the game. Good luck!

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  • Best changed the title to Didn't realize I hit 20K posts. To celebrate, I'm going to buy one of you a game on any platform...

I mean, I am most thankful for my Mom. But outside of family in general, definitely video games. Since before I was even born Video Games have had a lot to do with my life. Video Games have made me into the person I am for the most part. My entire friend group was always playing games. We would skip school together to play games. Hell, for Halo 3 ODST a friend and I took our mom's to the midnight release and then spent the next 4 hours beating the game. 

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I'm thankful for two things, 1st my wife specially with all the suffering she is going through for us to have a kid. 2nd my dad for getting me into computers at a really early age, if not for that I wouldn't be where I am today and wouldn't have meet my wife.

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Well as many here know the last 2 1/2 years have been just a Mother Fucker.....

    I'm very thank for  a strong family bond that stick together when the SHIT really really really hits the FAN! Living through the loss of our home and everything that has ever belonged to us, our jobs and our community all in a 35 hours period due to the 2018 Camp Fire {}almost 14 thousand homes, 200 businesses, and the destruction of a small paradise town up in the hill from Chico California, ALL  gone}, all the while dealing with our oldest Sons Brain cancer treatments. Living in our truck a week, then a Hotel for 7 months. Eventually losing our son all the while struggling to find a permanent place to call home again! eventually find a home but in a new state "Oregon". Then dealing with our sons Wife whom turned to drugs and lost custody to our 3 grand kids from our sons side. Then watching the system take over 2 years to finally get custody and now just now, getting close to them going to live with our youngest son who also has 4 kids of his own. These kids were in foster care for over 2 years, and the fucking Covid thing hit and was tangled in all of this making everything run at a snail case!.

   Dealing with unbelievable stress over money, grandkids, a place to call home, the depression of it all......


YEA I'M MOST THANKFULL TO MY WIFE AND OUR KIDS that faced really fucked up circumstances and though struggled.....made it though and are just now getting the resemblance of a normal life, etc!

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I'm most thankful for my wonderful twin daughters. I am also thankful for the tiny baby tortoise I recently got, because watching it go about its tiny tortoise business brings me immense joy. Also, I am thankful that I can now go places without a mask. Just walking into the supermarket and smiling at people is great.

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I don't want to be considered for this giveaway because I have too many games as it is, but I am very thankful for all of the posters here who make it generally very fun to discuss video games, which is a hobby with a fairly obnoxious and horrible culture overall.  Thanks for this corner of the internet and the small but dedicated community!

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Well I will say I'm probably most thankful for my job. I'm currently "working" right now making double time and all I have to do is babysit who is here. I did this yesterday too for time and a half. There are millions out there with no job at all and I never once even had a day off since the pandemic. I'm truly blessed to have my job that will carry me to retirement.


I'm also extremely thankful for my health and family. I may pick myself to win this contest, guys. :lol:

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On 5/22/2021 at 5:05 PM, DPCyric said:

I am thankful that Trump is no longer the President because he encouraged a culture of hate. Also along those lines I am immensely thankful for the Covid-19 hates crimes bill.


MY GOD I second this 1000x if I could! What a relief to say the least. Problem is, he's still brewing back in the shadows along with his vile cult enablers / followers whom literally scare me. This the backing of this guy and the lies he spewed daily was so laughable at first, but then we realized the scope and size of his packers willing to believe bullshit after bullshit and look us right in the eye doing so. 


opp.......Sorry this stuff gets me all messed up! Having 5 kids and 10 grandkids with people like that out there running our country isn't funny in the least!


Ahhh hell, I meant no disrespect to any that like the guy, honestly I can't see how people adore him is all. I know I may have fucked my self out of the frre game give away, that what I usually do. Excuse me while I remove my hate filled shoe out my asss..lol 

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20 hours ago, best3444 said:

I'm going to push this to Tuesday because the weekend is light around here. I've decided to pick two winners. 🏆 


Sorry to keep doing this, but I'm pushing this until Wednesday. Give more people an opportunity to post. Some really good posts in here so far. A lot of great people on this forum.

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On 5/22/2021 at 8:57 PM, ShreddieMercuryRising said:

I don't want to be considered for this giveaway because I have too many games as it is, but I am very thankful for all of the posters here who make it generally very fun to discuss video games, which is a hobby with a fairly obnoxious and horrible culture overall.  Thanks for this corner of the internet and the small but dedicated community!

The only boards I've ever been on are actually NeoGAF and then this and you're right about that. Only reason I even post on here is because it's actually fun contrary to basically any other online activity. I've also been recommended quite a few games I would've never otherwise checked out that became some of my favorites. 

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On 5/22/2021 at 8:57 PM, ShreddieMercuryRising said:

I don't want to be considered for this giveaway because I have too many games as it is, but I am very thankful for all of the posters here who make it generally very fun to discuss video games, which is a hobby with a fairly obnoxious and horrible culture overall.  Thanks for this corner of the internet and the small but dedicated community!

Agreed. This is a fun community and y’all are cool. 😎 

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