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Joe Biden beats Donald Trump, officially making Trump a one-term twice impeached, twice popular-vote losing president

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5 minutes ago, Joe said:

I did literally 10 seconds of digging and found this. I rest my case. We can definitely move on! It was a stressful time, but this shit was constant around here and Spork isn't going to gaslight me into thinking it didn't happen.


That's literally what I just reiterated just now.

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17 minutes ago, Joe said:











I did literally 10 seconds of digging and found this. I rest my case. We can definitely move on! It was a stressful time, but this shit was constant around here and Spork isn't going to gaslight me into thinking it didn't happen.

I didn’t gaslight, I seriously asked and you refused, then started saying that I can’t read and whatever else. You showed one person and the very drive-bys I talked about with the first couple. I just went to that date to see what BM was responding to with the 10/6 post, you missed this follow-up where he clarifies:


On 10/6/2020 at 12:34 PM, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

Yes. The entire current republican project, from CJR to Trump to Cruz is predicted upon voter suppression and counter majoritarian rule; you see it now in gerrymandered state legislatures and you see it in their overt and open questioning right now of the ballots cast in the upcoming election, looking for any technical reason to throw out ballots in "the right areas"

I want to be wrong, trust me.

Scotus will come down on Trump's side, whether it gets sent up to them is the tossup

So, you definitively have one person, one you’re definitely not targeting with your posts, and kinda BM?

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15 minutes ago, Spork3245 said:

I didn’t gaslight, I seriously asked and you refused, then started saying that I can’t read and whatever else. You showed one person and the very drive-bys I talked about with the first couple. I just went to that date to see what BM was responding to with the 10/6 post, you missed this follow-up where he clarifies:


So, you definitively have one person, one you’re definitely not targeting with your posts, and kinda BM?



If it's even remotely close, yes. If it's not, I give it a tossup. Especially if only one state is required to flip the election, like Biden with 279 electors. 


I agree with the assessment of@Ghost_MH here


Kinda BM. Sure bud, ok. Move on. This shit was constant here and I bet you this was the first time you saw those posts.

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Biden on Wednesday introduced retired Gen. Lloyd J. Austin III, his pick for defense chief, launching his weeks-long pitch that Austin is the right choice despite the tradition of civilian leadership at the Pentagon.


I honesty didn't know the waiver was a thing.

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8 minutes ago, Joe said:

Biden on Wednesday introduced retired Gen. Lloyd J. Austin III, his pick for defense chief, launching his weeks-long pitch that Austin is the right choice despite the tradition of civilian leadership at the Pentagon.


I honesty didn't know the waiver was a thing.

I've no idea if he will be good or not, but I'm sick of generals in government. 

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4 minutes ago, Joe said:


Yep, I had no idea Mattis got one!



I learned about this waiver thing because of Mattis.


While it is something I would generally be against, I remember it was one of the few moves early on in the Trump administration that I wasn't opposed to because Mattis was one of the  very few people Trump nominated that was actually qualified.

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6 minutes ago, Chairslinger said:



I learned about this waiver thing because of Mattis.


While it is something I would generally be against, I remember it was one of the few moves early on in the Trump administration that I wasn't opposed to because Mattis was one of the  very few people Trump nominated that was actually qualified.

You know the only reason trump even considered him was because he liked the nickname mad dog.

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3 hours ago, Spork3245 said:


The alarming thing should be that the seal has been pulled back on this type of behavior. If anyone thinks that Trump will be the only Republican to attempt this now that it’s a thing is kidding themselves. 

this to me has been the scariest part of Donald’s Presidency has been knowing a more competent Republican now knows they could get away with so much. That maybe the only reason things haven’t really gotten bad in past Republican administrations was norms  and fear of impeachment and prosecution. Both things that Donald has shown are meaningless. 

Its a good thing Republicans didn’t control the House or Senate in 1973 or we’d have found out back then. 

fuck the Republican Party. 

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15 minutes ago, 5timechamp said:

So all these loopholes Trump exploited/exposed... can they be closed by adding new rules/laws? Dems need it because GOP could do it again... and GOP can agree too as a means to prevent possible Democrat payback


No?  There are largely no "loopholes" to exploit.  They're exploiting an angry mob and essentially thumbing their nose at literal, actual established law.  What can you possibly do to people who don't actually give a fuck about the law itself?  

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10 minutes ago, LazyPiranha said:


No?  There are largely no "loopholes" to exploit.  They're exploiting an angry mob and essentially thumbing their nose at literal, actual established law.  What can you possibly do to people who don't actually give a fuck about the law itself?  


-things like Electoral College Electors being bound to cast their votes in accordance to the votes.. it keeps being stated that its not in writing to vote against the popular vote, its just not a “wise” move


-States suing for other states, u know odd shit like that

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21 minutes ago, Air_Delivery said:

The biggest takeaway of all of this is that Republicans are no doubt going to use this an excuse to instate even more draconian voting laws in the future.


which is all good and fine for them cause their media wing will bark to the skies if Democrats violate them snd the GOP will ignore as they see fit.. as has been happening

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