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I was playing the tower calibration mini game in FFX-2 HD and was having trouble because of big screen + tiny button prompt icons (made worse by the whole grew up with SNES layout but prompts use Xbox layout and I'm using a DS4). While trying to find out if there was a way to make the icons bigger I saw that I could hit ESC to pause so I used that to finish off the rest of the towers but then the icons some how got bigger but it was too late cause the ESC trick was better.

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As expected, The Witcher 3.  A friend of mine and my Partner is coming over today so they can do some drawing/painting, so I'll game whilst they have fun with that.  I also woke up with a desire to play some N64 (specifically Starfox, 1080 and Wave Race) so I'll make that happen if the feeling doesn't change. 


Also downloaded Hearthstone onto my phone, so I'll try that out properly tonight. 

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   Been in a bit of a slump. Buying still a shit ton of games here and there telling myself I'm doing better, yet knowing i'll NEVER play them. Bought the two expansions for Destiny 2 on PS4, played to the "Soft Cap" of 345'ish and then find myself not knowing yet again what this game is asking from me. So stopped that shit again! Sure I want to play with People, try strikes and Raids, and cool stuff but I do not know how. It's a fun shooter, but it askes to much from a guy like me. So . . . 


   What am I playing this weekend you ask? A cool little Racer on Steam called: Wreakfest!! It's killing time, it's fun, it's crazy, and it was cheap. So there you have it!

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I'm home sick today so I picked up okami on Switch. Man, talk about a poorly paced intro. Non-stop annoying gibberish voices and cutscenes interrupting you every few steps. Awful. Got out of the first cave and now I see what the praise was about. It's got a real ocarina of time vibe to it, and the combat is pretty fun so far. 


I'm playing with a pro controller - am I missing out on any motion control stuff, or is it just the drawing, which seems fine with the analog. 

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3 hours ago, mo1518 said:

I'm home sick today so I picked up okami on Switch. Man, talk about a poorly paced intro. Non-stop annoying gibberish voices and cutscenes interrupting you every few steps. Awful. Got out of the first cave and now I see what the praise was about. It's got a real ocarina of time vibe to it, and the combat is pretty fun so far. 


I'm playing with a pro controller - am I missing out on any motion control stuff, or is it just the drawing, which seems fine with the analog. 

I grabbed the HD version for Xbox and I felt the same way. I couldn’t get past the intro. It’s like 40 minutes of nonsense. I’ll have to tough it out I guess. 

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3 hours ago, atom631 said:

I grabbed the HD version for Xbox and I felt the same way. I couldn’t get past the intro. It’s like 40 minutes of nonsense. I’ll have to tough it out I guess. 


It gets better. It's just so story heavy and hand-holdy at the beginning. It feels like they expected very dumb or very young people to have problems grasping what to do. 

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22 hours ago, mo1518 said:

I'm home sick today so I picked up okami on Switch. Man, talk about a poorly paced intro. Non-stop annoying gibberish voices and cutscenes interrupting you every few steps. Awful. Got out of the first cave and now I see what the praise was about. It's got a real ocarina of time vibe to it, and the combat is pretty fun so far. 


I'm playing with a pro controller - am I missing out on any motion control stuff, or is it just the drawing, which seems fine with the analog. 

This game is really weird for me. I bought the PS2 version back in the day and everything about it seems so right. It looks gorgeous, it's basically a Zelda game and on and on...yet I would constantly get bored with it and put it down and then force myself to play another small stretch only to feel the same way again. 


I ended up dropping it maybe halfway through, it somehow just never came together for me and I don't know why.

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On 8/10/2018 at 4:35 PM, gamer.tv said:


May some point I’ll return to finish off the pointless second act.

It's like they wrote and put together the entire game, which was up until 


Skullface dies

playtested it, suddenly realized the fucking thing is entirely too short and just dropped some bizarre second act in there that then ALSO wasn't enough padding so finally they added silly difficulty variations of old missions. Just...what...and why do I love this game so much? I'm even doing the stupid difficult versions of old missions. 

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Sunset Overdrive - Since I got an Xbone a month ago, this is one of the few games I've put some real time into. This style of open world action game doesn't always click with me, but I'm enjoying this one. It's not the kind of thing that I can play for hours at a time, but I love jumping in for a mission or two and wrecking stuff. I think I'm getting close to the end of the story, and that'll probably be enough for me.

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I haven't played DJ Max Respect a few weeks already, but was able to make some new records on songs, which is nice.  Still can't do any difficulties past 8 stars :\

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21 hours ago, atom631 said:

I couldn’t do it in 2005 either. Never understood the love for that game. 


I'm still OK with the control scheme, though I could imagine it feeling weird not on a GC controller.  Though I have an urge to play some Resident Evil before the remake of 2 is released and I've never had a problem with 'tank controls'. 

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Forza Horizon 2 - continuing to explore the games that just appear on my Xbox, I decided to download this one as a sort of preview for 4, which comes out in just a couple months. I don't play a lot of racing games, and this one is about as "realistic" as I can handle, but I'm digging it. 

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