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DeSantis will be president in 2024

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1 hour ago, Uaarkson said:

Actually, most people just don’t have the money to move.

Extremely poor people from Central America find a way here to America all the time, a far more difficult prospect than a move across state lines in the US.

Or read up on the great migration where Black folks moved in massive waves from the south to north to flee oppression.


It is literally only weak willed white people who believe it is impossible to move, and it just turns out this board is full of whiteys so of course “move to a state that shares your values” is seen as some horrific crucible. I’m just not going to baby the white people any more.

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7 minutes ago, sblfilms said:

Extremely poor people from Central America find a way here to America all the time, a far more difficult prospect than move across state lines in the USz

Or read up on the great migration where Black folks moved in massive waves from the south to north to flee oppression.


It is literally only weak willed white people who believe it is impossible to move, and it just turns out this board is full of whiteys so of course “move to a state that shares your values” is seen as some horrific crucible. I’m just not going to baby the white people any more.


"There are starving children in Africa so your own problems are irrelevant."

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moving can be extremely expensive and more importantly difficult if you don’t have a community in the place you’re moving to. Many migrants and immigrants do have this support or community and this is how a LOT of immigration to the U.S. has worked. China towns, little Italy’s, stuff like that. This type of support is what gives women the ability to get themselves and their children out of absolutely horrific home situations, women’s shelters and an extensive network dedicated to keeping these people safe and hopefully off the streets. It’s how many Black people migrating to northern cities, based on some of their own accounts I have read, were able to move to e.g. Detroit and get a job. 

White people these days largely don’t have any community, especially outside of a church, let alone community in a new state many miles away that aligns with their values. Maybe someday that could happen, a network to help people moving to good states from shitty ones. But instead of building that network in CA and NY for white southern expats it might be better trying to make the places like Texas where people live better instead.


Idk though, I don’t live in an unsalvageable shithole, so that’s not my fight. Do whatever makes you feel better like yelling at strangers online or uprooting your whole life and moving across country. 

besides, it’s not like the right isn’t coming for those values in CA and NY through the federal government.





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I relocated twice across the country post military. The first time it was concerning but I managed, second it didn’t phase me at all. It’s not as hard as it’s made out to be; requires some sacrifice but most things do.


I’m not relocating again within the US, I’m legit in the only place here I could stomach, and I already have my final relocation set. But I’m forced to agree with sbl here.

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12 minutes ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

moving can be extremely expensive and more importantly difficult if you don’t have a community in the place you’re moving to. Many migrants and immigrants do have this support or community and this is how a LOT of immigration to the U.S. has worked. China towns, little Italy’s, stuff like that. This type of support is what gives women the ability to get themselves and their children out of absolutely horrific home situations, women’s shelters and an extensive network dedicated to keeping these people safe and hopefully off the streets. It’s how many Black people migrating to northern cities, based on some of their own accounts I have read, were able to move to e.g. Detroit and get a job. 

White people these days largely don’t have any community, especially outside of a church, let alone community in a new state many miles away that aligns with their values. Maybe someday that could happen, a network to help people moving to good states from shitty ones. But instead of building that network in CA and NY for white southern expats it might be better trying to make the places like Texas where people live better instead.


Idk though, I don’t live in an unsalvageable shithole, so that’s not my fight. Do whatever makes you feel better like yelling at strangers online or uprooting your whole life and moving across country. 

besides, it’s not like the right isn’t coming for those values in CA and NY through the federal government.






I don’t think I’ve read a more hilarious “woe is white” notion than that it is really the Blacks and browns that have the network that makes moving possible 😂

White people have the instant community of being a member of the dominant culture wherever they go in America!


Y’all have gotten softer than a roll of charmin :p 

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3 hours ago, sblfilms said:

Extremely poor people from Central America find a way here to America all the time, a far more difficult prospect than a move across state lines in the US.

Or read up on the great migration where Black folks moved in massive waves from the south to north to flee oppression.


It is literally only weak willed white people who believe it is impossible to move, and it just turns out this board is full of whiteys so of course “move to a state that shares your values” is seen as some horrific crucible. I’m just not going to baby the white people any more.


I always found it funny that the people complaining about a lack of jobs, and how it's the democrats fault for that, have often never left the county they were born in also simultaneously complain about people walking thousands of miles to come here to try and find a better opportunity. 

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6 hours ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

Many migrants and immigrants do have this support or community and this is how a LOT of immigration to the U.S. has worked. China towns, little Italy’s, stuff like that. 

White people these days largely don’t have any community, especially outside of a church, let alone community in a new state many miles away that aligns with their values. Maybe someday that could happen, a network to help people moving to good states from shitty ones. 


besides, it’s not like the right isn’t coming for those values in CA and NY through the federal government




Bro. White people have every community that isn't a China Town or Little Italy or a "Ghetto" as a support system. THE ENTIRE SYSTEM


Do you think Chinese people are like yo random Chinese, welcome welcome, heres ten thousand dollars and let me pay for your U-Haul and movers. Yeah we gotta support each other man that's why I'm giving you a ton of shit person I don't know. 


No! What they have is a willingness to drop all your shit, get a cheap bus ticket and a bag and move with NOTHING to start over. White people aren't willing to do that. 


I did that when my parents came to this country, I did it when I went to college, I did it again when I got my first job, and again for my second one. But now the last 2 moves have been with movers because I can afford it. All the moves I'm describing are to different states, this doesn't even count the (let me count) 13 apts, and 5+ temporary housings. And no, I didn't know anyone in most those places. 


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You all are describing the difference between moving for survival vs. moving for luxury. Those moving for luxury want to move with luxury: aka movers, having a house bought in the new location, surveyed areas for good school, work situation sorted out ahead of time, connections made in the new area, etc. That takes money and time (and is literally the process I’m going through right now as I am planning a move out of Texas).

You can’t compare that to people moving to escape persecution, threat of violence, lack of jobs, etc. It’s completely different, and as a first gen immigrant have seen the difference. Let white people bitch and moan about how hard moving is, but also stop listening to that useless noise. I’ve seen families uproot to Europe, Canada and liberal states to escape this shit. If they truly wanted changed, they’d make changes. 


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Also, both things can be true, that it's easy to move (in terms of dropping things and leaving) while also being difficult in other ways. 


And if we're going to judge people for saying it's too difficult for them to leave where they live, are we also going to judge all the people here who live in shitty states like Texas and Florida that aren't moving right now?

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I’m probably wrong in some aspects (was in a weird place last night writing that) but I’ve moved across states before (once with just my truck, some clothes, and my mattress) and I’m not saying it isn’t possible. I can’t say it isn’t possible because I’ve done it. But moving away from friends and family and people you know—actual community and support, not just a dominant culture, this is my distinction— isn’t for everyone especially going blind to a new place. Moving across country is fucking hard!

I will say that telling allies in shitty places to just move away seems like a dumb as bricks move long term though! Especially from someone who days ago said that people are persuadable! 

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19 minutes ago, CitizenVectron said:

Also, both things can be true, that it's easy to move (in terms of dropping things and leaving) while also being difficult in other ways. 


And if we're going to judge people for saying it's too difficult for them to leave where they live, are we also going to judge all the people here who live in shitty states like Texas and Florida that aren't moving right now?


Well there’s lots of good liberals in states like Florida and Texas that would rather stay and fight, which is worthy of respect!

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I know I could move and I’m certainly not ruling it out someday. I’m at least fortunate enough to live in a blue city and not having kids does help. I definitely wouldn’t want to raise kids in this state. 

But I’ve also made a comfortable life for myself here and it would be hard to move somewhere with a much higher cost of living and not being able to have quite the same lifestyle. Especially with the housing market now. 

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13 minutes ago, Joe said:


Well there’s lots of good liberals in states like Florida and Texas that would rather stay and fight, which is worthy of respect!

Yeah fuck that. I’m not using the livelihood of my kids as fucking collateral for a losing political fight me and my family have waged for decades. Enough is enough. 

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1 minute ago, Uaarkson said:

Lol people shouldn’t have to move around for basic rights in a developed 21st century society. I think you’re all missing the point here.


But no one said they should? We’re saying, or at least I’m saying, it’s the only way to make the best out of a shitty situation.

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1 hour ago, Comet said:

You can’t compare that to people moving to escape persecution, threat of violence, lack of jobs, etc. It’s completely different, and as a first gen immigrant have seen the difference. Let white people bitch and moan about how hard moving is, but also stop listening to that useless noise. I’ve seen families uproot to Europe, Canada and liberal states to escape this shit. If they truly wanted changed, they’d make changes. 

Yup, which like…context, people! @Signifyin(g)Monkeywas talking about how the short term feels bleak, but they are hopeful for the future. If that is your POV, that things are going to be really bad before they get better two decades down the line, the solution to your problem is to move from states where this grim reality is upon you to one’s that share your values.


But given that this board is predominantly of the straight/white/male variety, they all know despite their doom posting that everywhere is their oyster. This is actually why most won’t do something like move to a different state. They are fine, they know they will be fine. And that is also fine :p


I don’t think people should move or that they should stay, but when I see the whining about moving being hard in the context of the belief that society is collapsing and your enemies are taking over, it is always white dudes saying it. 

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8 minutes ago, Massdriver said:

Sometimes people have family obligations, like a sick relative that would make moving wrong. 

Read the replies here. None of these people are talking about family obligations :p 

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My two cents is I mostly agree with @sblfilms, Sure things look bleak/hard in the moment but in reality you'll learn to survive and be fine in the end.


People need to learn how to get out of their comfort zone from time to time. I say this as someone who had moved from california to montreal at 19, alone, then 7 years later moved from montreal to toronto with just me and the wife.

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My wife's friend and her family moved from Oregon to Idaho for political reasons alone. They couldn't stand the hippie dippie bullshit (in their minds) and wanted to move to a state with more conservative values.  


If conservatives can do it to escape liberal states, than liberals can do the same to get out of conservative states.  But yeah, there is a lot of the "white man's burden" or whatever, in this thread. 

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