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Official "Look How Insane and Shitty ALL GOP Officials Are" Thread

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11 minutes ago, Chairslinger said:

This reminds me of the supposed "locker room talk" excuse with Trump. 


Super anti-gay Republican: Who among us has not had fun with half a dozen penises slapping you in the face every now and then?


Me: 0_o *slowly raises hand*


Liberal beta sheep cuck, ya gotta live for those freedoms bro


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A Cape Coral Middle School teacher claims she was fired because she spoke with her students about sexuality.



Some students asked her if they could create art expressing their sexuality.

She hung the pictures on her classroom door and that’s when school personnel contacted her.

“They said it would be in the best interest if I got rid of them now,” she said.

She snapped pictures showing how she got rid of them by placing them in a recycle bin.



She was sent home and then received a call from school administrators who informed her that she was being released from her contract.



The students also verified that Mrs. Scott revealed she was pansexual. A term understood by some students and left others confused.

Kevin Daly is with the Teachers Union of Lee County and explained that Scott could legally be fired and he confirmed she did not belong to the teachers union.


The article (and subsequent articles) are poorly written, but it sounds like her sexuality came up in class via questions from students, and she said she was pansexual. Later on during an assignment about drawing a flag that represents yourself, some drew LGBTQ+ flags. She put them up with the others, and she was fired after complaints from parents.


EDIT - This took place before Don't Say Gay came into effect, also. She was in her probationary period. However, today her firing would be legal if she'd been employed for years. The point of me posting this is to show how Florida is a shithole.

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4 hours ago, Bloodporne said:

Man, I really haven't paid attention to this Republican but reading their Wikipedia page is something else. What an asshole. 


Fixed. Now you can post that in response to any story posted in this thread.

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15 hours ago, Jason said:

So apparently Palin was a Putin plant??? 




It's really impressive to me what's going on this weekend.  Him unloading for a whole day on Meghan was a sight to read, especially since she apparently called him a pedo?



Here's the whole thing unrolled:


Sarah Palin once said the following to me. “Steve, I can take the Vice Presidential Campaign plane wherever I want. it’s my plane!” I responded, “Governor, there is some truth to that. First, though, there is no such thing as a Vice Presidential Campaign. There is a Presidential 

2/ Campaign and you are the Vice Presidential candidate. It is true that you can take that plane wherever you want but you should have a plan after that because it’s my gas card” Nicolle Wallace and I were the two people who said NO. 

3/ Whether it was @MeghanMcCain’s insanity or Palin’s. When the campaign ended I refused to let Sarah Palin speak. I placed the phone call to Barack Obama for the concession and did everything I could to make sure a beautiful speech wasn’t disgraced by the nut ball from Alaska. 

4/ Palin understood the party of personal responsibility was dead and replaced by a whining victim cult of losers who routinely lied and blamed others for their failings. Palin went on the attack after the campaign. You see, it wasn’t that she was ignorant and unprepared. 

5/ It wasn’t that she was a pathological liar who became intoxicated by fame and grievance. She was a victim! Victimized by the betrayal of her advisers. The stories rained down, each more stupid than the next. @EWErickson created a leper list to defend Sarah Palin’s honor and 

6/guess who was at the top. Palin and her disgusting team of abusive internet bullies came hard. One of them @RAMansour now heads up the toxic Breitbart sewer. I called John McCain in early December of 2008 and I asked him to intervene. Here is what he said 

7/ “No boy, I can’t do it. She’ll come after me”. @MeghanMcCain, your dad was scared shitless of the woman, he, not me, recklessly picked. He was scared shitless of the woman that was vetted by Paul Manaforts partner and a top adviser to Oleg Deripaska and Victor Yanukovych. 

8/ John McCain’s last words to Palin on election night were a warning. He said don’t be pulled in “by the extremists like Limbaugh” It was too late and he knew it. He could have confronted it. He did not. @MeghanMcCain 

9/ He put on his US Navy hat and went to the border and demagogued an issue he had led on. “Build the Darn Wall” was the tagline and it was gross. He said it and rode the tea party wave. I didn’t. I said she was unfit. I said she would be a catastrophe. I warned about this 

10/ rising insanity nonstop through today without a single contradiction ever. I spoke with my own voice and asserted my own convictions and your father was pissed. He was pissed when I went on 60 minutes and told the truth. I did the right thing @MeghanMcCain. 

11/ I only saw your Father twice after 2008. The first time was a reciprocally ice cold conversation on an Acela. The second time was on the third floor of @MSNBC when we were mutually scheduled for @Morning_Joe. It’s always a no fuss zone but that morning was different. 

12/ Pages and interns and a few junior producers descended on me trying to steer me away from my usual route. It didn’t work. I locked eyes with your father. All the fuss was over his demand that he not see me. It was the action of a petulant child. Remind you of anyone? 

13/ @MeghanMcCain I want you to know I stared him down until he broke eye contact. He was a hard man but he looked away because he was fucking ashamed of himself and he had a lot to be ashamed about in our relationship. 

14/ I was one of many, many feuds in your fathers life. He had a great capacity for reconciliation and whether it was the restoration of US /Vietnam relations 🇻🇳 with @JohnKerry and @BillClinton or dozens of other people, I reconciled with your father before he died. The last 

15/ words I heard from him were “don’t worry about all that stuff, I love you boy.” I said the same thing. When news broke about McCain’s death, a few hours passed, until stories were viciously leaked by @MeghanMcCain about who wasn’t invited to the funeral 

16/ She hit the mark. @MeghanMcCain I want you to know that was the greatest act of cruelty I ever experienced. It was for all of us that you targeted. It was humiliating and shaming. 

17/ The reason you did that was because I was the guy with the job that your mommy and daddy didn’t want and didn’t care to do. I was the guy who told you to “grow the fuck up” America has been screaming it ever since. You are almost 40 and your behavior has only gotten nastier 

18/ and more insane. Last thought, the idea of watching you play victim is ludicrous. Preposterous doesn’t begin to describe it. Veruka Salt @MeghanMcCain

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I def expect to see more and more of an anti democracy push, it doesn’t seem they can win in regular elections unless they rig the game and they seem incapable of winning the popular vote so it’s kind of the natural pivot to just be against equal voting rights or voting itself.

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3 minutes ago, Firewithin said:

He says as he and his homies are on record voting against every bill aimed to do that

Also the VA’s budget for 2022 is > $200B, the proposal for 2023 is > $300B. He’s just straight up one of the dumbest motherfuckers alive. 

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