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Official "Look How Insane and Shitty ALL GOP Officials Are" Thread

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3 hours ago, MarSolo said:

I still can’t tell what she asked him.


She implied that he doesn't think Jesus is a real person because of a quote where he used some word salad. It's honestly a pretty silly criticism but you can see all the yokels lapping it up. And his reaction to a 10 year old should have been "My words were a bit jumbled, obviously I believe in Jesus etc." to this girl instead of "Don't ever question my faith!"

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1 hour ago, GeneticBlueprint said:


She implied that he doesn't think Jesus is a real person because of a quote where he used some word salad. It's honestly a pretty silly criticism but you can see all the yokels lapping it up. And his reaction to a 10 year old should have been "My words were a bit jumbled, obviously I believe in Jesus etc." to this girl instead of "Don't ever question my faith!"

It's funny how with even the tiniest bit of pressure these losers crumple and collapse.

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What's really upsetting about that is that those rules were passed by the legislature last year allowing counties to do those things while forbidding the state to do so. So these counties were playing by the rules but that still upset all of the GQP so right at the start of this session the Senate started undoing all the work they did last year.

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8 hours ago, MarSolo said:

Let’s take jobs AWAY from Georgia:


Interesting that she lists a bunch of reasons why Georgia is the economic hub of the south by listing a bunch of publicly funded transit infrastructure that she would 100% vote to defund in favor of blasting more freeways through Atlanta.


"Look at all the economic benefits we get from having trains, massive airports, and massive port-ports!"

"Cool, let's fund expansion of those things to make them better and more easily accessible."

"... no, my truck can't fit in a train. How about we spend hundreds of millions in eminent domain and blast a couple more lanes through Atlanta, evicting 10,000 people or so."

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