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Joe Biden beats Donald Trump, officially making Trump a one-term twice impeached, twice popular-vote losing president

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35 minutes ago, 2user1cup said:

Man. I never thought she could do it, I'm glad she's making moves!!


I'm still a little worried about her political instincts after that DNA test fiasco,, but I've been coming around to the thought that she was advised to just get that bullshit over with well ahead of primary season, most people don't seem to remember it. 

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On 9/24/2019 at 6:06 AM, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

Warren's framing has always been you'll pay the same or less in taxes than you do in premiums. She just won't give the soundbite that she's for  increasing taxes. Bernie has been upfront about how to pay for it by raising taxes, and he's not afraid to say it, to his credit, but he also makes the same point. 


Leaving out this context is a lie by omission. It's like describing the ACA as the government forcing you to purchase health insurance, without giving the context of subsidies/expanded Medicaid/better coverage and protections etc.



That's what I've always thought, I already pay several hundred a month for my health insurance, and it still sucks. So what's the difference if that's replaced with a tax instead? 


I remember during the election here, Cinema's campaign focused heavily on healthcare, and it obviously worked. I'd gladly pay a healthcare tax for good health care that actually works than the expensive, still expensive if I need to actually use it shit I have now. 

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3 minutes ago, Jason said:


I'm still a little worried about her political instincts after that DNA test fiasco,, but I've been coming around to the thought that she was advised to just get that bullshit over with well ahead of primary season, most people don't seem to remember it. 


It makes sense to. Once people have been exposed to something they are less likely to be moved by it later on.

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10 minutes ago, Jason said:


I'm still a little worried about her political instincts after that DNA test fiasco,, but I've been coming around to the thought that she was advised to just get that bullshit over with well ahead of primary season, most people don't seem to remember it. 

I'm pretty sure Trump will just repeat it over and over.

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1 minute ago, RedSoxFan9 said:



this will be in a ton of commercials if she gets the nomination 


I wish she would just say (if she has I haven't seen it):


"Like many Americans, I grew up asking questions about my family ancestry. And like many Americans, I was told by my parents and grandparents that we were Native American. I was proud of this heritage. It was part of my identity. But also like my Americans, I learned the stories and history of my family weren't accurate. While being Native American was part of my upbringing, it's not part of my bloodline. I'm sorry to those I've hurt, and forgive my parents for the lies they told me."



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2 minutes ago, osxmatt said:


I wish she would just say (if she has I haven't seen it):


"Like many Americans, I grew up asking questions about my family ancestry. And like many Americans, I was told by my parents and grandparents that we were Native American. I was proud of this heritage. It was part of my identity. But also like my Americans, I learned the stories and history of my family weren't accurate. While being Native American was part of my upbringing, it's not part of my bloodline. I'm sorry to those I've hurt, and forgive my parents for the lies they told me."



No she must personally apologize to every single native American, not good enough

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24 minutes ago, osxmatt said:


I wish she would just say (if she has I haven't seen it):


"Like many Americans, I grew up asking questions about my family ancestry. And like many Americans, I was told by my parents and grandparents that we were Native American. I was proud of this heritage. It was part of my identity. But also like my Americans, I learned the stories and history of my family weren't accurate. While being Native American was part of my upbringing, it's not part of my bloodline. I'm sorry to those I've hurt, and forgive my parents for the lies they told me."



I'd leave out the forgive my parents part, they probably believed it too, and she does have *some* native American ancestry, so it could be the same thing repeated for 4-5 generations.

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Pretty sure this whole Ukraine scandal is going to tank Biden's numbers and hand the nomination to Warren. The similarities are too close to 2016's smears, he's not handling it well enough, his perception among black voters as the most likely too beat trump is what's helping to keep that inflated. As soon as a critical mass of people see Clinton 2.0 in Biden's candidacy his numbers will implode and the best second choice right now is clearly Warren.

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32 minutes ago, Anathema- said:

In fact if Biden were really truly serious about defeating trump he'd take his lumps for a while and bow out voluntarily early.


I agree, but what's the best way for him to get out. If he drops out Trump will claim victory, it might be better for him to just get his ass kicked in Iowa then leave. I don't know. 

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I am living in northeastern Oklahoma at the moment (was also born here and lived here for several years).


I feel like 3 out of 4 cars on the road have the "Cherokee nation" license plate. Most of the people I am working with have it; they are all extremely "white."


Like, absolutely nothing about their ethnic appearance, their hobbies, their culture, their family traditions, their dress would ever give you the impression that they are anything other than good ole corn-fed midwestern honkies (like me).


I don't know how "Indian" you have to be to be considered "Indian" in Oklahoma, but I'm guessing the bar is extreeeeemely low.


Warren is from Oklahoma. I haven't followed this story that closely, and I don't know what her explanation was for listing herself as American Indian, but I could absolutely believe that she was told, as many people here are, that because of her trace Indian ancestry, she's Indian.

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33 minutes ago, Scott said:

Warren is from Oklahoma. I haven't followed this story that closely, and I don't know what her explanation was for listing herself as American Indian, but I could absolutely believe that she was told, as many people here are, that because of her trace Indian ancestry, she's Indian.


Warren's story was that she was told growing up that she had a "however many greats" grandmother or something that was Native American.

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4 hours ago, Anathema- said:

In fact if Biden were really truly serious about defeating trump he'd take his lumps for a while and bow out voluntarily early.

Biden is concerned Warren is too far left which decreases the probability of a victory in his mind. He will stick with it because he thinks he’s the best old person for the job. 

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25 minutes ago, Massdriver said:

Biden is concerned Warren is too far left which decreases the probability of a victory in his mind. He will stick with it because he thinks he’s the best old person for the job. 

Any chance that if he bows out he clears a way for another centrist to step in or do you think the nomination fight is destined to play out between different standard-bearers of the party's nationalist left flank?

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59 minutes ago, Signifyin(g)Monkey said:

Any chance that if he bows out he clears a way for another centrist to step in or do you think the nomination fight is destined to play out between different standard-bearers of the party's nationalist left flank?

I think there is a chance, but it is becoming very unlikely. I think a percentage of Biden supporters would just go Warren instead of a more moderate candidate  if Biden left the race. I would like to see a Buttigieg, Delaney, or Beto presidency, but Butti is the only one that has a slight chance of pulling it off. 

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11 hours ago, Massdriver said:

Biden is concerned Warren is too far left which decreases the probability of a victory in his mind. He will stick with it because he thinks he’s the best old person for the job. 


I didn't realize it until you mentioned old person that Warren would be 71 in November 2020, why they hell is so hard to get a person born after Truman was in office to have a shot at the white house these last couple of elections. 

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