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Pedo guy megalomaniacal manchild officially owns Twitter

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3 minutes ago, thewhyteboar said:

Guess I gotta figure out this Mastodon thing. I'm too old for this shit.

It's basically the same as Twitter with one annoying extra step, which is that if you want to follow someone on a different network you have to go back to your own page and put their name in the search bar instead of just clicking follow.

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7 minutes ago, Ricofoley said:

It's basically the same as Twitter with one annoying extra step, which is that if you want to follow someone on a different network you have to go back to your own page and put their name in the search bar instead of just clicking follow.


and no quote-posting apparently

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10 hours ago, Jason said:


This is what I don’t get about both right-wing complaints about Twitter and complaints from certain ‘post-left’ critics who think that Twitter’s censorship is some kind of scandalous infringement on free speech.


You do not have to use Twitter.  Use. Another.  Platform.  Or better yet, build your own.


It’s like me complaining that my First Amendment rights are being trampled on because I got banned from ‘TrumpMAGAchud.org’ for posting “Trump is a complete moron”.


It wouldn’t bother me that much if it were the usual suspects complaining, but I’m hearing it from people on the left I otherwise respect—I.e., Matt Taibbi. It’s causing smart people to engage in idiocy.

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