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What are your most proud multiplayer moments?


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I have two that particularly stick out:


- In the early days of Overwatch, doing something insane like 47-1 as Symmetra on Cairo. We defended and I turned each point into palaces of death.


- Mario Kart 8 online, getting 1st on 200cc Big Blue. God himself could not drive a better race than I did that night.

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1 minute ago, Commissar SFLUFAN said:

Oh, I'm also pretty sure that I was a significant contributors to many team victories in Overwatch through my superior Mercy healing skills!


Good support rounds in Overwatch are amongst the most satisfying in all of gaming. Blizzard did an excellent job of designing systems that encouraged all play types.

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Building a baton pass sleep team in Pokémon D&P, and ensnaring my victims for an hour of silent joyless misery.  All buffs, all debuffs.


I played real dirty, and it wasn’t totally unbeatable, but I’m proud of the effort and planning it took to build it.  When it did work (which it typically did) it was totally one sided.


Nintendo wisened up since and stopped letting you baton pass buffs.

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I remember playing 4 player Super Smash Bros on the N64 at my buddies house, and it came down to me and my best friend, last bit of health and last life. We both just chucked an item at each other and both saw our characters go rocketing out of bounds at the same time. We are waiting to see what would happen and then you heard 2 pings go off but my buddy dinged first and I got the win.



Rainbow Six Three on the Xbox and playing with my brother against 6 others online. The other team pretty much destroyed my entire team, but me. Slowly but surely I took out the team to 2 players, but running out of ammo. Still had my pistil and waited in an office room for them to come to me. They could of waited out the clock to win but both raided the office, took them out and won the round for my team with 3 secs left on the clock.

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I did a “snaking” race against some rando online in Mario Kart DS and I beat him (her?) so bad they raged quit. It’s a guilty pleasure, but it felt good.


Back in college, my buddy and I made custom characters in Wrestlemania 2000 on N64. He made this like, huge, hulking, muscle-bound monster of a character. And I did a close approximation of Alyson Hannigan’s “Vampire Willow” from Buffy the Vampire Slayer. A small, measly-looking character by comparison. But the moveset I gave her? Wiped the floor with the beast my roommate made. Multiple times. We played over a dozen matches and he could NOT beat me. He couldn’t believe it. “This is ri-god-damn-diculous!” He kept shouting over and over. It was glorious.

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I'm sure most of you remember the Xbox Madden League we had on the boards for all those years.  Well I won quite a few Superbowls in those years.  This one specific moment is an all time though in the Superbowl against probably my biggest rival in the league.



4th Quarter, 2 minutes to go, down 3 points, 4th and 19... 


Other moments are some of the 1st time Destiny Raid clears.  I remember finishing Skolas for the first time and how amazing it felt.


The first Chicken Dinner in PUBG, being the last one left alive and clutching the win.


BF1 was a game I put a lot of time into.  I'd top the Leaderboard what felt like almost every game.  Pulling up my stats, I had a 75% wins in Conquest, 52% of matches were Ace Squad, and 29% of matches I was MVP.  Really not bad when you consider games were 64 players.  



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I used to kick ass with Blanka in Street Fighter IV.


But I remember when I finally, actually got gud on Halo 3 and was MVP for one of the games. I started that game sucking wind at multiplayer, but at some point, I was getting legitimately good. I took a picture with one of those old-school digital cameras when I made MVP since screenshots weren't a thing, but now it looks like I took it to share the memory with my kids someday. :lol: 


Still, it felt good, and many good times were had.

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Probably a lot of wins in COD 4 in team tactical. It was 3 on 3 and it was my brother and I and a friend that would play every Saturday. A lot of trash talking and great wins in that era. Incredible online experience. 

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Pretty good at the BF series, I routinely placed top 3 or better. In the games with silenced smg like BFBC2 I would get a lot of hate mail for killing in the back field on rush maps. Also got a lot of hate mail for playing a slug Wookiee. 

I have won a few tournaments in my local FGC back in the day, Tekken was my jam.

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I don't really play multiplayer much, but one time me and my friends took turns trying to pass the S license test in Gran Turismo while taking a shot every time we failed and I passed. Took a whole bottle of vodka and miraculously no alcohol poisoning. It's the closest I'll ever get to drunk driving and probably my greatest achievement ever. It's been downhill ever since.

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4 hours ago, Bloodporne said:

I destroyed some dude that was a higher level than me in Street Fighter V approximately six or seven times in a row. The last time he rage quit out of the match and ended up sending me some broken English hate message calling me a "FAGOT BITCH"


Those are the best. Something similar happened to me while playing Street Fighter IV back in 2009/2010 on 360. Got a hate mail message after they quit. 


Their intention was to cause me pain, but really all it did was make me happy. 

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The Counter-Strike pub server I went to back in the day hosted a 5v5 tournament one time.  There was a team made up of the best players, those always at the top of the scoreboard, and then a bunch of what I considered middling teams.  This was my first official/ranked CS match and tourney, and somehow our team made it to the finals and bested the pub-stompers.  Still not sure how we did it, because 2 players on the opposing team just had incredible aim far superior to anyone else.


In a Team Fortress 2 league, some people called me the best engineer for a couple of years, then I got picked up on a new team when my buddies stopped playing and we ended up winning it all that season.  Was definitely the height of my engineer performance and aim.

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I was flying around in a jet in BF3, shooting at a sniper on a rooftop when I realized that it would probably be a good idea to pull up to avoid crashing into the building. I barely managed to avoid a crash as I hit the building and then flew away. When @Brick expressed his displeasure over voice chat I realized I had roadkilled him in a jet while in flight.

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31 minutes ago, dualhunter said:

I was flying around in a jet in BF3, shooting at a sniper on a rooftop when I realized that it would probably be a good idea to pull up to avoid crashing into the building. I barely managed to avoid a crash as I hit the building and then flew away. When @Brick expressed his displeasure over voice chat I realized I had roadkilled him in a jet while in flight.


Lol wtf I don't even remember that. I do remember one time either in BF3 or 4 I think on the Gulf of Oman map I was sniping ontop of a building, saw I think it was @Dangerdriving around in a buggy, so I took aim and got the headshot. He was very surprised.

"What?! How?"

"Because I'm a good sniper." :D


I remember another time I was in a tank, I believe it was at the beginning of the match, and I just randomly shot over a hill, and couldn't see where the shell landed as it dropped over the hill, but it hit someone. Not sure who here it was, but that was a pleasant surprise when I got the kill confirmation.


I miss our D1P gaming nights. 

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Kill an entire team in Gears after my entire team died. So it was like a 1 v 5 in on a map that had the boomshot and either sinper or torque bow. I basically would kill one and run away. Kill another and run away. Never stood my round. I'm sure it was playing cheap as hell too. It was great, and my friends cheered me on. 


Also in gears, I had the torq on blood drive. Was running away from a guy. He was on my ass, but not close enough to gnasher me down. Not sure if I was the only one left or not, but I shot my torq at my feet. I didn't charge it up and the arrow just fell on the ground. The explosive arrow was a ticking timebomb. The guy behind ran right into the arrow on the ground and blew the fuck up. Literally everyone I was playing with saw. Shit was 1337 AF. 


In CoD4 I went 16-0 in SnD with my M16. Killed the whole enemy team one round as the last man standing. M16 wasn't silenced so I was the other team always knew where I was when I shot. Didn't matter cuz the m16 with stopping power was OP led to an EZ win. 


I also got this sick no scope in halo reach 


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On 6/8/2021 at 9:39 PM, Commissar SFLUFAN said:

Because I'm absolutely terrible at multiplayer, I really have none, but I'm a DAMNED good Squad Leader when it comes to Battlefield games.  If I'm your SL, you're guaranteed to be near the top of the leaderboards because I actually know how to command a squad!


I wonder how well you'd do in Warzone then :thinking:

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4 hours ago, Brick said:

I wonder how well you'd do in Warzone then :thinking:


Warzone is just group COD.

Battlefield at least has secondary things you can do, like spot enemies and stuff that adds to your contribution.



3 hours ago, Commissar SFLUFAN said:

I can't stand Battle Royale.


What about Alcatraz / Rebirth Island mode?

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