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Joe Biden beats Donald Trump, officially making Trump a one-term twice impeached, twice popular-vote losing president

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2 hours ago, Anathema- said:


Branding has real power, and I think trump's proven that. With an especially large field it's going to be important to distinguish yourself not only so you're recognizable but also so you have an opportunity to push the party leaders on your policy preferences. 


Basically what I'm saying is that politicians could learn something from how the WWE makes stars.  Other than the steroids. 

I disagree.


I think what 2020 needs is a hell in the cell match to determine who is president.


Also if climate change is his issue, I'm behind him 100%

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26 minutes ago, TheBladeRoden said:

It looks like someone is just learning how to use the gradient tool


Now I'm just imagining this conversation between him and his graphic designer.


Inslee: That's perfect

Designer: It's not done yet

Inslee: No, it's perfect

Designer: I have nothing but text up. What are you even looking at?

Inslee: That. It's perfect

Designer: That's just Photoshop's color wheel

Inslee: Yeah, it's perfect

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3 minutes ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

Yeah, the Spectre of the Soviet Union is gone, so the "socialist" label is losing its sting. That, and sheer overuse of the term for all matters great and small 


First they came for the hamberders, but I said nothing... 

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NBC poll has Trump losing to generic Dem by 7 points, Obama, and GWB never trailed in generic polling, and is trailing by double digits with people under 50, women, and independents, also...


"On issues, the poll found more problems for Republicans than Democrats. Fifty percent or more of Americans called the GOP stance "outside the mainstream" on climate change, abortion, health care and immigration.

The worst Democrats fared on any policy area was "fiscal issues, such as taxing and spending," where 47 percent called them "outside the mainstream. An identical 47 percent called Republicans outside the mainstream on fiscal issues.


College-educated white women favor a Democrat by 26 percentage points, while Hispanic voters back the opposition party nominee by 40 points. Six in 10 Americans oppose his declaration of national emergency on the southern border with Mexico and believe he has not been honest about Russian interference in the 2016 presidential race."

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