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~*Official #COVID-19 Thread of Doom*~ Revenge of Omicron Prime

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14 minutes ago, Iculus said:

My wife is nodding in agreement. It's basically impossible to create accurate models because we just don't have enough data. She's created a few that are absolutely terrifying, while others are only mildly horrific.

I get somewhat frustrated with people posting — “xx deaths are going to happen, ‘cause science. Didn’t you see the model results posted on medium?”

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I don't doubt that China is lying about numbers, but if we set that aside for a moment, I think this report out of Wuhan should be rather sobering. Wuhan went into lockdown Jan 23, and closed down to a far greater extent than I expect anywhere in the US to ever come close to matching. Their version of "reopening" involves only allowing people out of their homes if they have right to work passes and their government issued health code on their phone glows green. So their "re-opening" is more of a lockdown than our lockdowns, and despite that, they're again seeing new cases, forcing some of the small number of businesses that did reopen to close again.


This is going to go on for longer than people think.

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18 minutes ago, TwinIon said:

I don't doubt that China is lying about numbers, but if we set that aside for a moment, I think this report out of Wuhan should be rather sobering. Wuhan went into lockdown Jan 23, and closed down to a far greater extent than I expect anywhere in the US to ever come close to matching. Their version of "reopening" involves only allowing people out of their homes if they have right to work passes and their government issued health code on their phone glows green. So their "re-opening" is more of a lockdown than our lockdowns, and despite that, they're again seeing new cases, forcing some of the small number of businesses that did reopen to close again.


This is going to go on for longer than people think.

I’ve been telling people since Cali first announced their shelter at home order that I anticipate we go through cycles of tightening and loosening restrictions for at least a year. I stand by that, but I don’t think we’ve quite reached the peak of tightening in places that do have current shelter at home orders. I can foresee them further limiting the ability to be out of your home.

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59 minutes ago, Kal-El814 said:


Anti vaxxers overstate the danger of vaccines and their contents, they overestimate the risks of vaccines, and they generally don't understand how something why you could still get the flu if you get the flu shot. I've seen them doubt the utility of something like the polio vaccine because of the scarcity of polio, I've not seen them doubt that the diseases that vaccines treat actually exist, or doubt the efficacy of things like the MMR vaccine.


It's a dumb meme.



I had a claim where our client had polio. The polio isn't wasn't part of the claim other than her prior medical history just that there is this random person with polio who has been in a wheelchair their entire life could be coming in contact with some kid who was never vaccinated because their parents are stupid. So at some point one of these morons is going to get their kid one of these diseases, and while it will suck hopefully it will be the end of the movement. 

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1 hour ago, TwinIon said:

I don't doubt that China is lying about numbers, but if we set that aside for a moment, I think this report out of Wuhan should be rather sobering. Wuhan went into lockdown Jan 23, and closed down to a far greater extent than I expect anywhere in the US to ever come close to matching. Their version of "reopening" involves only allowing people out of their homes if they have right to work passes and their government issued health code on their phone glows green. So their "re-opening" is more of a lockdown than our lockdowns, and despite that, they're again seeing new cases, forcing some of the small number of businesses that did reopen to close again.


This is going to go on for longer than people think.

I wonder if they will lockdown some businesses they currently consider essential businesses or limit how long they can be open?

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2 minutes ago, finaljedi said:


How is a state with so many old people at risk have a governor who gives the least amount of shits?


So here is my theory:


Way back, people had leaders who believed in stuff (good and bad). Then, in more recent times, leaders became savvy and just pretended to believe in the same stuff, but really were fairly smart either way, just devious. I believe we are reverting, especially on the right-wing, where the leaders really are as dumb as they sound. The true believers are gaining power again from their base, and that is bad.

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Governor Abbott’s newest order allows for

drive up church services. I’ve already got two churches signed up at $2500 a pop for Easter service at the drive in.


Also working on deals to hold graduation ceremonies for a bunch of the school districts around here. This stuff could end up more profitable than playing movies :lol:

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3 minutes ago, sblfilms said:


Governor Abbott’s newest order allows for

drive up church services. I’ve already got two churches signed up at $2500 a pop for Easter service at the drive in.


Also working on deals to hold graduation ceremonies for a bunch of the school districts around here. This stuff could end up more profitable than playing movies :lol:


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11 minutes ago, CitizenVectron said:


So here is my theory:


Way back, people had leaders who believed in stuff (good and bad). Then, in more recent times, leaders became savvy and just pretended to believe in the same stuff, but really were fairly smart either way, just devious. I believe we are reverting, especially on the right-wing, where the leaders really are as dumb as they sound. The true believers are gaining power again from their base, and that is bad.


That's what's going on with people like Trump and Gym Jordan. They've spent decades being brainwashed by Rush, Fox, etc and are now the inmates taking over the asylum.

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3 minutes ago, johnny said:

We can come up with better but unfortunately so many Americans hate homeless people just for being homeless. 

Because we equate material possessions with the value of a person. Somebody who has no home has essentially no possessions and thus no value. And it’s all probably their fault.


We are a sick culture.

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Well if they worked harder they would have a home


Due to addiction issues they are not able to financially independent. We can increase funding to get them off, and help them out


Well they shouldn't have used drugs


They got into drugs because they were involved in dealing on the corner


Well they shouldn't have done that!


They had no other job opportunities because they were turned away from places due to their skin colour and/or mental illnesses


Well I think they should just work harder. I work hard.


A mock conversation with the type of people who hate the homeless, and the reason nothing good can ever be done.

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2 minutes ago, CitizenVectron said:

State Honoured Hero Elon Musk maaaaay have lied about that gift of ventilators:





I read an article on NPR thy suggested using CPAP machines was a cause of virus spread because unlike actual ventilators which are closed systems with filtration, CPAP just constantly pushes air beyond the capacity of the individual to inhale so you end up turning the virus into an aerosol...

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We've been WFH for two and a half weeks now, and an email just went out that one of our project managers no longer works with the agency 'effective immediately' (said ex-employee is also related to one of our c-suite executives). How the hell do you get yourself fired during a WFH period, especially when you are well connected? Even a modicum of effort will keep you off anyone's radar.

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27 minutes ago, mclumber1 said:

Just spit balling here, but wouldn't it be better to be outside like these homeless people are compared to crammed inside of a shelter during this pandemic?  

Here is a crazy thought how about using one of many completely empty hotels? Pathetic that this is the best Steve Sisolak could do.

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15 minutes ago, Chris- said:

We've been WFH for two and a half weeks now, and an email just went out that one of our project managers no longer works with the agency 'effective immediately' (said ex-employee is also related to one of our c-suite executives). How the hell do you get yourself fired during a WFH period, especially when you are well connected? Even a modicum of effort will keep you off anyone's radar.


Maybe they were watching his Steam activity.

  • Haha 2
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54 minutes ago, sblfilms said:


Governor Abbott’s newest order allows for

drive up church services. I’ve already got two churches signed up at $2500 a pop for Easter service at the drive in.


Also working on deals to hold graduation ceremonies for a bunch of the school districts around here. This stuff could end up more profitable than playing movies :lol:

I love this so much 

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26 minutes ago, Chris- said:

We've been WFH for two and a half weeks now, and an email just went out that one of our project managers no longer works with the agency 'effective immediately' (said ex-employee is also related to one of our c-suite executives). How the hell do you get yourself fired during a WFH period, especially when you are well connected? Even a modicum of effort will keep you off anyone's radar.

Video conference with his Pikmin out?

  • Thanks 1
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50 minutes ago, CitizenVectron said:

Well if they worked harder they would have a home


Due to addiction issues they are not able to financially independent. We can increase funding to get them off, and help them out


Well they shouldn't have used drugs


They got into drugs because they were involved in dealing on the corner


Well they shouldn't have done that!


They had no other job opportunities because they were turned away from places due to their skin colour and/or mental illnesses


Well I think they should just work harder. I work hard.


A mock conversation with the type of people who hate the homeless, and the reason nothing good can ever be done.

This is an oversimplification but I get your point. 

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