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Doctor Strange Sequel

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Scott Derrickson is returning to direct Doctor Strange 2. Marvel Studios is just starting to reveal details on the end of Phase 3, but their Phase 4 plans are already beginning to take shape. One major question regarding how things could shake out though was the status of the next solo movie for Benedict Cumberbatch.


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Dr. Stange was awesome... I would even say it's a bit underrated.  Strange was awesome in Infinity War


22 hours ago, Brick said:

Dormammu is probably going to be the next big bad after Thanos. 


My guess, with The Eternals coming, is that the next big bad(s) in the MCU will be The Celestials. They've been mentioned several times in the films and I believe Thanos was mentored by them. There's a quick Easter egg in Guardians 2 that shows Ego walking with what looked like a young Thanos.

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  • 1 year later...
3 hours ago, sexy_shapiro said:

The speculation is that Derickson wanted the sequel to be a straight-up horror movie and Marvel wasn’t comfortable with that direction. This seems likely considering that it was Derickson who first said it would be a horror movie before Feige later walked back that statement.


When did Feige "walk back" that statement? As I recall he said it would be horror at Comic Con (or one of the cons). Speculation for this kind of thing is always baseless because it's coming from fans that know nothing about how the industry works. For all we know "creative differences" could mean a disagreement in casting, not some grand disagreement about the vision for what the movie should be like. 

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5 hours ago, silentbob said:

Who do you get to replace him. I’m think Jordan Peele would be a cool choice if they want to get in some horror like elements that he seems great at, and humour 

There is no way Jordan Peele would agree to do this lol. He is way above marvel movies. He does it and people will just bitch at him. Unless Peele has ridiculous demands, he will get his next movie made no prob. 

he also said he doesn’t see himself casting a white person as the lead of a movie. 

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1 minute ago, johnny said:

There is no way Jordan Peele would agree to do this lol. He is way above marvel movies. He does it and people will just bitch at him. Unless Peele has ridiculous demands, he will get his next movie made no prob. 

he also said he doesn’t see himself casting a white person as the lead of a movie. 

Well he has expressed interest in wanting to make Disney’s Gargoyles into a live action movie (which I am so game for) Maybe he steps into the directors chair for Dr. Strange for them, and they allow him to make his Gargoyles film as well in exchange

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18 hours ago, Brick said:


When did Feige "walk back" that statement? As I recall he said it would be horror at Comic Con (or one of the cons). Speculation for this kind of thing is always baseless because it's coming from fans that know nothing about how the industry works. For all we know "creative differences" could mean a disagreement in casting, not some grand disagreement about the vision for what the movie should be like. 

At Comic-Con it was being sold as a horror movie but then last month Feige said it wasn’t quite a horror movie. It’s speculation,  but it’s not baseless speculation.



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  • 4 weeks later...

That's a hell of a good choice, especially if this is indeed a horror film. A horror comedy superhero movie is right up Raimi's wheelhouse. Sure his early stuff was very much R rated, but there's no reason he can't make it work with a PG-13 rating.

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