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~Rate The Last Movie/TV Show You Watched Thread~

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Outlander, S1 8/10

I actually think I’m enjoying the show more than I did the book. Of course, having a red-headed Highlander with that sexy accent helps a ton. I think I might hold off on starting the second season for a bit, trying to decide if I wanna attempt the second book first. 

Halloween Kills 5/10

Pretty forgettable. It just felt inconsistent. I am eager to see the final showdown next year, though. 

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Watched two movies over the weekend:


Trick 'R Treat - 9/10


Just a great little Halloween mainstay for me for some years now. It's actually really funny, gory, atmospheric and has some really great costumes and sets. 


The Wailing - 8/10


I think this was recommended quite some time ago by @Greatoneshere? I think at least. Anyway, I really enjoyed this movie and I'd rate it a 9/10 but I admit, I didn't really understand quite a bit of it ultimately. I thought I did until the end hit and I felt like it missing another few minutes or something. I'm wondering if it's because of some cultural aspects and the subtitles maybe lacking? But even with that, I thought it was great. The transition from many lighthearted, and even funny, scenes into a complete clusterfuck was very well done and subtle. 

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5 hours ago, Bloodporne said:

The Wailing - 8/10


I think this was recommended quite some time ago by @Greatoneshere? I think at least. Anyway, I really enjoyed this movie and I'd rate it a 9/10 but I admit, I didn't really understand quite a bit of it ultimately. I thought I did until the end hit and I felt like it missing another few minutes or something. I'm wondering if it's because of some cultural aspects and the subtitles maybe lacking? But even with that, I thought it was great. The transition from many lighthearted, and even funny, scenes into a complete clusterfuck was very well done and subtle. 


I'm a big The Wailing fan so that likely was me! Glad you really enjoyed it - I also found the film very confusing at times but always engaging as well.

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Carole & Tuesday: 9/10 - With the impeding release of live action Cowboy Bebop coming out, it sparked a conversation of what the better Watanabe anime was (Samurai Champloo or Cowboy Bebop) so it prompted me to ask, what has done lately? The answer is Carole & Tuesday. Another Bones animated production and the look is quite striking. The level of detail is quite good, the colors are vibrant and the animation is very fluid. I was seriously impressed by the look of the show.


The show is about a neglected politician's daughter (Tuesday) who runs away from home and meets Carole, an orphan who's been scrapping by and they both want to make music. So the show is about their journey to be discovered and then what comes after. It's not a musical, but there are a lot of beautiful songs. It's full of happiness, drama and sometimes even some genuine laughs. There aren't many things wrong with the show. I would say maybe the Mars Brightest part went on for a bit too long, but even that wasn't too bad since it did mix up things a bit. And yes, it does take place on Mars at some point in the future (obviously) but it's the kind of "sci-fi" that appeals to me, futuristic but somewhat grounded in realism. But the more things change the more they stay the same, seems like people of Mars are dealing with the same problems as the people of Earth. In any case I can't recommend seeing this more. Forget Cowboy Bebop and watch this instead!


Also, pro tip: Watch the opening and closing credits at least once. Netflix does that annoying auto skip credits thing and hearing the music on the show (Especially during the credits) is particularly important.

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Maid on Netflix. Just came out and I'm on the last episode. It's about a single mom who experienced abuse from her bf and is striving to live on her own. It's very well made and keeps your interest. I hope it ends well tonight.


I'd give it a solid 8/10

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On 11/1/2021 at 9:03 PM, Greatoneshere said:


I'm a big The Wailing fan so that likely was me! Glad you really enjoyed it - I also found the film very confusing at times but always engaging as well.

On another note, my girlfriend loved the somewhat ambiguous nature and psychological elements of it so I'm using this as a slippery way to set David Lynch movies loose on her this weekend. She's not a big movie watcher in general but I've been introducing her to more 'weird' cinema slowly and she really loved Dead Ringers the other week and now The Wailing, both surprised me quite a bit. She's pursuing a career in psychiatry so I'm cheaply using that against her to get her into my taste in psychological-nightmare movies har har har

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Dune (2021) - 7/10


It gets too heavy on the exposition dumps sometimes, but it still never felt like too much of a drag despite being 2.5 hours long. The cinematography is fucking increidble. Also, I know it's only part 1, but I definitely kind of wish there was more of a climax at the end.

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2 hours ago, Bloodporne said:

On another note, my girlfriend loved the somewhat ambiguous nature and psychological elements of it so I'm using this as a slippery way to set David Lynch movies loose on her this weekend. She's not a big movie watcher in general but I've been introducing her to more 'weird' cinema slowly and she really loved Dead Ringers the other week and now The Wailing, both surprised me quite a bit. She's pursuing a career in psychiatry so I'm cheaply using that against her to get her into my taste in psychological-nightmare movies har har har


Nice! David Lynch should fit in snugly there in terms of viewing then if she likes Dead Ringers and The Wailing I would think. Let us know what she thinks if you show her Lynch films! Both my parents are doctors and both my younger brothers are MD psychiatrists so I get where you are coming from haha. Though my brothers at this point experience so much real life horribleness with their patients they tend to avoid this kind of stuff in film lol.

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Just now, Greatoneshere said:


Nice! David Lynch should fit in snugly there in terms of viewing then if she likes Dead Ringers and The Wailing I would think. Let us know what she thinks if you show her Lynch films!

I'll probably show her Mulholland Drive this weekend. I kind of gave her my personal breakdown of what I think the movie is and she was very interested in seeing it based on that at least. 

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1 minute ago, Bloodporne said:

I'll probably show her Mulholland Drive this weekend. I kind of gave her my personal breakdown of what I think the movie is and she was very interested in seeing it based on that at least. 


Probably the best entry point from a psych perspective I think - or Blue Velvet or The Elephant Man.

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18 hours ago, Greatoneshere said:


Probably the best entry point from a psych perspective I think - or Blue Velvet or The Elephant Man.

Actually she rewatched The Wailing last night (and so did I) to try to figure it out. Still a lot of questions but I liked it even more the second time. Also, it's incredibly well paced for a 2:40h movie. 

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My Bloody Valentine (3D): 4/10 - So this is the final leg of my October horror movie watching, a bit of an overflow but thank you for reading regardless.


So I guess this is a remake of a 1981 movie of the same name so I can't really say how well it stacks up to the original. Clearly the main draw here is for the 3D and most everything else feels like an afterthought. I did not watch it in 3D but it's quite obvious the points which the 3D kicks in. Without having seen it in 3D I do question some of the shots. Sometimes the 3D is going away from the camera which I feel would be less exciting.


As for the rest of the movie, I thought it was very strange. Usually you don't criticize "common sense" in a horror movie but it felt odd how everything went down. I also think this is almost an anti-horror movie. Most of the gruesome stuff happens off camera. The film opens with the killer, Harry Warden, in a hospital bed then we only see the aftermath of his killing (like killing a whole wing of a hospital and getting way) when it would have been more interesting (possibly) seeing the slaughter on screen.


The story is pretty predictable. You pretty much figure out who it's going to be at the beginning but the worst part of it is that it justifies a character who was an asshole from the beginning, and reinforces bad police work. At the same time undermines the importance of good support and any type of mental health treatment after traumatizing events. To me the movie went from dumb but watchable to terrible and maddening.

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MST3k Live - Making Contact


Not sure if a live theater performance while watching a movie counts but it was great time in judging on my clearly biased curve. If this is the cast for the new season we are in good shape. Some excellent songs.




Making Contact itself is just max rip off of all 80s kids movies



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Midnight Mass - 8/10


Really, really fucking good. The acting and writing is incredible. Every character, even down to the ones we barely see (like Bowl) feel three dimensional even in brief glimpses.


The last episode gets a little sanctimonious, and I feel like the series as a whole probably hits harder to people who grew up religious. I did not, so the show felt a little preachy to me at times, ironically. A little Sorkin-esque, if you will, for both good and ill.


Other than that, it was a masterpiece, and I can't wait for The Midnight Club.

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The Haunting of Hill House - 6/10


It has a lot of the same stuff that made midnight mass great, but doesn't quiiiite nail it as well. The balance of "horror-family drama" isn't quite as well paced. Sometimes the dialogue dragged too long.


And while the ending was good, the way it got there kind of... sucked a little bit?

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The Witch's Diner: 8/10 - I know I'm not as popular as @thewhyteboar so many will probably gloss over this review. If you're looking for the next squid game this isn't necessarily it. It is surprisingly dark though. It's about a witch (duh) that has a diner (double duh) who grants people's wishes when they eat her meal. The catch is it's a total monkey's paw situation, the wish will come true but it comes at a cost. For instance in the first episode a guy wishes to win the lotto, that night he wins but on the way to cash in his ticket he drowns. That is probably the most tame of the curses as the tradeoffs escalate and become more devastatingly intense. But beyond the wishes is everyday life, kids getting bullied, shitty employers, and even backstabbing business deals. All that being said there is a payoff at the end to this brief 8 episode series. It's certainly worth watching if you can handle the subject matter.

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The Haunting of Hill House - 7/10


Not as good as Midnight Mass, but still pretty damn enjoyable. It's a drama about a dysfunctional family masquerading as a horror series. Mike Flanagan has proven that he is a master of narrative structure and tight storytelling. There are no cheap frights; every scene has a purpose. Some of the underlying parts of the supernatural stuff in the show start to get a little bonkers if you think about them too much, though. The red room thing doesn't really make any sense, but in the grand scheme of things it's not really that important.

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The Nameless: 7/10 - So you may recall a couple weeks ago I watched a movie called Beneath Still Waters where I mentioned the gore effects were probably the most remarkable thing about the movie. Something stood out to me during the opening credits of that movie and that the production company had a special shout out. Fantastic Factory, or as they are known now as Filmax, is a Spanish production company and as it turns out I had seen a previous movie from the same production company that also had gore effects that stood out, Faust. So I looked into a bunch of movies that Filmax produced and this was one of them. Unlike the previous two movies I had seen this movie is actually competent.


Los Sin Nombre or The Nameless is what I'd call a psychological mystery I suppose. A body of a girl is found in the opening scene of a movie, the body was so mutilated it could not be identified. However, two clues led them to believe the identity of a certain girl (although the parents were advised not to see the body and of course it couldn't be identified HINT HINT) Five years later the mother gets a phone call from the daughter that was presumed dead and so the rest of the movie is not only trying to figure out where and what's up with the girl but a deeper conspiracy surrounding her disappearance.


As I said earlier, the story is a lot more compelling and well put together than previous Filmax movies, in fact I would even recommend watching this one. It is not super gory really, for the most part and certainly not to the extreme of the other movies I've mentioned. My only gripe is that after all the build up the ending is a bit of a head-scratcher but most everything else is pretty entertaining. A small aside here, the director of this movie, Jaume Balagueró, went on to make the series of REC movies (if you've seen them, I haven't) but these series of movies were the inspiration for the movie Quarantine (which I also did not see) so for me this was a pointless aside if only to make me think about seeing REC :lol:

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Red Notice - 2/10


So that was aggressively stupid. I love a good heist movie as much as the next person, I love Ryan Reynolds as much as the next person, I love The Rock as much as the next person, but for some reason you put it all together in this case and it is so, so, so fucking bad. There are some fun moments, but in general it's predictable at best and aggressively dumb at worst.


If you're curious, since the Rock is in this movie, the answer is "yes" - part of this movie does take place in a jungle.

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