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Joe Biden beats Donald Trump, officially making Trump a one-term twice impeached, twice popular-vote losing president

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14 minutes ago, CitizenVectron said:


I am guess that the actual counting of mail-in votes for many states will take weeks. Now, it could be that Biden comes out so far ahead that the remaining states don't matter...but I don't think that's likely (I think that he'll win, but it will be tighter than the polls are now). So, the day after election day, when no official winner is called (but we are simply waiting for votes to be counted), how likely is it for Trump and his allies to declare the results rigged or invalid, based on those delays? I think it's pretty likely. It's ridiculous, of course, since elections did often taken many days and weeks to tabulate prior to instant communication across the continent. Just because something takes time, that does not make it less valid. But Trump's supports are very dumb, and they are used to elections being called almost instantly, so I think they would go along with it and we're going to have a situation where around 30-35% of the country will agree that the results aren't legal.

Most likely outcome if he loses.

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38 minutes ago, Emperor Diocletian II said:

This is his signal that he's going to reject the results of the election should he lose.


He still rejects the results of the election he WON, why wouldn't he reject a loss? 

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Within a week it will be accepted political reality that it is an open question whether or not Trump can delay the election.



2 hours ago, SaysWho? said:

Everyone on board the "Distract from GDP report" train. 


Choo choo!



Nothing against you personally man, but these types of posts have become to me like claims of hypocrisy are to Wade.


Calling out the distraction does not rob it of it's power. 9 times out of 10 the "distraction" is something that is serious enough that it deserves attention as much as the thing as it's supposedly distracting from.



2 hours ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:




I remember I tried a while back to actually game out what it would look like if Trump decided to run for a third term. It started out as a pessimistic half joke, but the more I actually considered the nuts and bolts of it the more I worried it is a legitimate concern. Despite the assurances of some that it would be impossible, I came the conclusion that there's a good chance it would simply come down to how much other Republicans were willing to support him if he tried.


I have a feeling that delaying the election and/or denying the results have similar endgames.


Pompeo's statement already hints that they may be looking into a defacto delay with some kind of court challenge that stretches beyond Nov. 3rd.

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Ive always thought, and still think, the biggest issue will be trumps stormroopers going to majority black neighborhoods and polling places  in swing states to terrorize and intimidate enforce the voting rights act, but as an added bonus now fucking with the goddamn mail (selectively fucked with mind you) to hurt absentee voting in these same neighborhoods

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15 minutes ago, Chairslinger said:

Nothing against you personally man, but these types of posts have become to me like claims of hypocrisy are to Wade.


Calling out the distraction does not rob it of it's power. 9 times out of 10 the "distraction" is something that is serious enough that it deserves attention as much as the thing as it's supposedly distracting from.


We've already seen that the number of things people can pay attention to are limited. More people care about a bad economy, unrest in the nation, and 150k COVID deaths than a Trump tweet about something he can't do. He timed it out about 10 or 15 minutes after the GDP news.


You're falling for it. The things I mentioned are more important than his stupid tweet.

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7 minutes ago, SaysWho? said:


We've already seen that the number of things people can pay attention to are limited. More people care about a bad economy, unrest in the nation, and 150k COVID deaths than a Trump tweet about something he can't do. He timed it out about 10 or 15 minutes after the GDP news.


You're falling for it. The things I mentioned are more important than his stupid tweet.


What people "care about" really only even vaguely matters if a free and fair election actually occurs.

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2 minutes ago, Chairslinger said:

What people "care about" really only even vaguely matters if a free and fair election actually occurs.


Congress has that power, not him. And he ain't doing shit; he sent that tweet 15 minutes after the GDP report dropped to distract you, and it's working magnificently.


Choo choo!

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Acting like this is an immediate-term distraction from the economic numbers seems like it's missing the point given that it references the clearly longer setup here on destroying the Post Office to give him a basis for whining that the mail-in votes are taking forever to come in and that there's something fishy about that.

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2 minutes ago, Jason said:

Acting like this is an immediate-term distraction from the economic numbers


I'm sure the timing is coincidental.


3 minutes ago, Jason said:

seems like it's missing the point given that it references the clearly longer setup here on destroying the Post Office to give him a basis for whining that the mail-in votes are taking forever to come in and that there's something fishy about that.


Then make it about the post office. 

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3 minutes ago, Emperor Diocletian II said:

The Imbecile may be limited in what he can do directly, but he's laying the groundwork for GOP secretaries of state to withhold cerification of their state results and throwing them to the courts with the resulting political and economic chaos that will ensue.

This isn't a real concern. AZ, MI, WI, MN, ME, NH, and NC have either a democratic SoS or Board of Elections. As far as I can tell, GA, TX, OH, IA, FL, and NV are republicans, with WA and OR as republicans as well. OR and WA won't be close, and already do universal vote by mail, and if anything is close enough I doubt these Dem swing state SoS's will bow to trumps demands and not certify the election results, and their states would be enough for Biden to win

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Think of it this way: we're simultaneously saying that he's playing this clever long game, hurting the post office to make mail-in more difficult (there's already a too-high rejection rate, so it seems more plausible to me that this would encourage Republicans to vote in-person to be rejected less often, if anything), and then dispute the election if he's leading, and hand this off to GOP SoS, yet despite this being a large plan with plenty of moving parts, he decides to blurt out postponing the election. And coincidentally right after news that we just had the worst GDP report on record and he wanted to run on the economy.

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12 minutes ago, mclumber1 said:

Trump supporters:  "He was clearly saying this in jest.  It's a joke!"


Trump:  Pins this tweet to the top of his Twitter page. 

Trump: Manages to get election postponed. 


Trump supporters: It was the only thing that could be done given the circumstances. He is trying to save us from the radical left.

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4 hours ago, Jason said:

Acting like this is an immediate-term distraction from the economic numbers seems like it's missing the point given that it references the clearly longer setup here on destroying the Post Office to give him a basis for whining that the mail-in votes are taking forever to come in and that there's something fishy about that.





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