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Joe Biden beats Donald Trump, officially making Trump a one-term twice impeached, twice popular-vote losing president

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"Let’s get something straight. She attacked me," Biden told CNN moderator Erin Burnett in response to a question about his comments on Warren.


"What specifically is elitist about how she’s pursuing Medicare for All?" Burnett asked.


"The attitude that you know better than ordinary people what’s in their interests," Biden said. "'I know more than you, let me tell you what to do.' It wasn’t 'she’s elitist.' The attitude is elitist that people can’t make up their own mind."


"Where I come from, growing up in a middle class neighborhood, the last thing I liked was people telling my family and me what we should know, what we should believe, as if somehow we weren’t informed, that we — just because we didn’t have money we weren’t knowledgeable," he said. "I resent that."



Biden also took aim at the idea that he is "running in the wrong presidential primary," as Warren suggested earlier this month.

"I’m more of a Democrat from my shoe sole to my ears than about anybody running in this party," he said.

"Including her?" Burnett asked.


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3 hours ago, PaladinSolo said:

His buddies from Bain Capital are scared that Biden is going to screw it up, thats literally it, these guys are all insane thinking they're going to jump in and have a shot in hell, lol.


They are worried that Biden will fail, so they are entering 2 or 3 people to replace him...thus guaranteeing that Warren wins.

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Mark Sanford suspends presidential campaign



"I am suspending my race for the Presidency because impeachment has made my goal of making the debt, deficit and spending issue a part of this presidential debate impossible right now," Sanford said in a statement. "From day one, I was fully aware of how hard it would be to elevate these issues with a sitting president of my own party ignoring them. Impeachment noise has moved what was hard to herculean as nearly everything in Republican Party politics is currently viewed through the prism of impeachment."

Sanford -- who emerged as a vocal Republican critic of the President before losing his congressional seat in a GOP primary contest last year -- made the announcement during a press conference at the New Hampshire statehouse.

While he blamed the impeachment process, Sanford failed to gain traction during his short-lived primary challenge. Sanford was one of three Republicans running to unseat Trump; former Illinois Rep. Joe Walsh and former Massachusetts Gov. Bill Weld remain in the race.


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Sanders Couldn’t Stop Laughing at Report of Bezos Asking Bloomberg About Presidential Run



When U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders learned Saturday that Amazon owner Jeff Bezos reportedly asked fellow billionaire Michael Bloomberg about running for president, Sanders couldn’t contain his laughter to speak.


U.S. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who was in Iowa campaigning for Sanders, jumped in while Sanders composed himself.


“Of course!” she said in an interview with the Des Moines Register. “They’ve got class solidarity. The billionaires are looking out for each other. They’re willing to transcend difference and background and even politics.


"The fact that Bill Gates seems more willing to vote for Donald Trump than anyone else tells you everything you need to know about how far they’re willing to go to protect their excess, at the cost to everyday Americans.”




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