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List one film, one book, and one album/song you think no other D1Per has experienced

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In other words, post things you are sure no one else on the board has seen, read, listened to, or known about; then, we can see if we are wrong!


My selections:


Film - 'The Night is Short, Walk on Girl'




Book - 'See You in Paradise' by J. Robert Lennon





Album/Song - 'My Dog's Eyes' by Zammuto


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Book: Masters of Doom.  Not the most high-brow literature, but it's a fun look st how the video game industry was back in the early to late 90s.


Film: The Thief and the Cobbler: The Recobbled Cut.  One of the most fascinating animated films ever with an even more intriguing backstory.


Music: Push by Matchbox 20.  Probably doesn't belong here since it was a hit when it came out, but I'm a bit drunk and on a 90s nostalgic binge right now so whatever

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27 minutes ago, marioandsonic said:

Book: Masters of Doom.  Not the most high-brow literature, but it's a fun look st how the video game industry was back in the early to late 90s.


Film: The Thief and the Cobbler: The Recobbled Cut.  One of the most fascinating animated films ever with an even more intriguing backstory.


Music: Push by Matchbox 20.  Probably doesn't belong here since it was a hit when it came out, but I'm a bit drunk and on a 90s nostalgic binge right now so whatever

I still have a thing for Matchbox 20.


Really don't think I could do movie and music, because I'm far less into those areas than some people here. I'll have to think on book. surely there's something on my shelves.

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I add the movie later cuz I can't remember the name.  But I am basically cheating cuz it was a mail order children's movie. 


Literally any Japanese or Chinese Novel series but 


Despite the cover this series is about fantasy medieval economics. Or at least that is what everyone will say it is about. 


If you have heard this it might be because I have posted it previously



If you have heard that then what about this!



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This film is The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai: Across the Eighth Dimension. And it is simply indescribable. It is probably one of my all time favorite movies. 




A great historical fiction book I read a while back is Child 44 by Tom Rob Smith. 

If you like murder mysteries and the Soviet Union, this one's for you!




Some of you guys know I love prog rock. But I also love Elton John. Well, what if we COMBINED the two?


This here is a song done by the group Simon Dupree and the Big Sound--which later became the wonderfully complex and formidable Gentle Giant. But the song was written by Bernie Taupin. Elton John (performing under his birth name, Reggie Dwight) plays piano on this song. And it is a wonderful boogie. 



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I will skip books and movies and go straight to songs. I can only recommend all of Matthew Good's longer songs. He's a Canadian rock/alternative/folk/experimental musician who has put out something like 13 albums. His albums always include one or two long songs with great builds and instrumentation, big explosions, and strong themes. I strongly recommend these songs. My current favourites (first one is IMO his best song ever). He has worked with the Vancouver Symphony Orchestra on numerous albums, but does all of the orchestration himself, and hires bands and others to play with him. IMO he's the best musician Canada has ever produced. If you're going to listen though, you have to commit to the entire song:







Seeing the last one (Champions of Nothing) live ten years ago was probably the music highlight of my life. Such a dark song (written in the hospital when he was recovering from a suicide attempt, and was diagnosed as bipolar).


When Hollywood runs out of Indians, and the bar stars melt and their golden hair turns to glass

When Hollywood runs out of Indians, and the bubble bursts and the first are come for by the last



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8 hours ago, CayceG said:

This film is The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai: Across the Eighth Dimension. And it is simply indescribable. It is probably one of my all time favorite movies. 




A great historical fiction book I read a while back is Child 44 by Tom Rob Smith. 

If you like murder mysteries and the Soviet Union, this one's for you!




Some of you guys know I love prog rock. But I also love Elton John. Well, what if we COMBINED the two?


This here is a song done by the group Simon Dupree and the Big Sound--which later became the wonderfully complex and formidable Gentle Giant. But the song was written by Bernie Taupin. Elton John (performing under his birth name, Reggie Dwight) plays piano on this song. And it is a wonderful boogie. 




My friend and I have been watching movies “together” on Sunday’s as something to do during social distancing and taking turns picking the movie. I’m glad it’s my week because I’m totally making that movie my pick! Going to get high as fuck.

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I don't have a book or song I doubt anyone else has seen, but I've got a few movies. Hard to pick one, but Norte, the End of History is probably the one others are least likely to have seen. It's a 250 minute long film from the Philippines that made all of $10k at the box office. Leviathan is my second pick. An experimental documentary about the commercial fishing industry, it wasn't easy to find, or pleasant to sit through.

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Movie: Kakurenbo - You might have seen this if you watched it on Adult Swim on Halloween in 2005. Other than that its pretty obscure.

Book: Transall Saga - I'm not a huge reader, but I do enjoy the occasional book. This was really the only thing I could think off the top of my head that might not have been read by other members. It was one of the first books that I read as a kid that really got me into reading.

Music: Silence - Dead Presidents - Probably one of my favorite metalcore albums. I could have picked some really obscure EDM music, but thats not fun.

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I can more or less guarantee the album, 90% on the book, and the movie who knows.


Album:  Goin' After Pussy




I bought this on sale during a school trip to Boston purely for the name.  Apparently it was a compilation of some sort for a small punk/hardcore label.  


Book: Breaking the Circle of Satanic Ritual Abuse




This is a really fascinating book written entirely seriously about Satanic ritual abuse in America, a moral panic that was somewhat prevalent in the late 80's and early 90's.  A guidance counselor gave this to a friend of mine in the early 00's because she honestly thought it would be helpful to her.  It's an amazing read if you're into the sort of circular logic and self delusion required to believe something so utterly absurd.


Film: Fist of Fear Touch of Death




A shitty Brucesploitation movie.  Notable only for the ending of the scene about 19 minutes in.

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Movie - Thomas Edison (1940) Self explanatory.  


Book - Alas Babylon by Pat Frank (1959) A novel that details the before, during, and after of a full blown nuclear war between the Soviet Union and the United States.  The story centers around a bachelor and his neighbors in a small central Florida town who do what they need to survive a nuclear apocalypse.  In my opinion, it's a more realistic take on nuclear war than most other movies and books.  I originally read it in my senior year lit class, and I reread it again about 10 years ago I think. 


Song - Demons by Guster (1997) Guster is a really cool band that has been around for a few decades now.  I've always enjoyed their laid back music.  Strong use of bongos. 

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