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8 hours ago, atom631 said:

Lots of Battlefield V. 


After like 35hrs, Im still up in the air on how I feel about it (at least compared to BF1, which is still fresh in my memory). It feels like there is a great a base here, but the lack of content and bugs make it feel unfinished. Most people seem to think this is a huge step in the right direction to get BF back to it roots. I do love that the spotting is gone. The sniping feels good in this one. I HATE HATE HATE the KE7 (but I hear its getting nerfed in the Dec 4th path - good!). From reading on the BF subreddit my issues with the TTK are actually more to do with TTD. Now that I understand that, I am good with the TTK. The problem is with the netcode and certain guns (presumably) with a high ROF that dont register the hits individually. They register as one frame therefore its instadeath. Its incredibly frustrating right now, but i hear they are working on it. However, it seems they arent sure if they can fix the issue without messing with the TTK, which I think would suck. Other than that, there is geometry clipping and movement suffers because of it. 


Overall, I think in 6 months this game will be really really good. 


EDIT- - btw @The def star - I completed the Turner SMLE mastery! Not sure how I did it, but its done!! My all-gold SMLE is beautiful! 



I have fallen for this game,no spotting makes harassing the enemy so much fun.The SMLE and the Gewehr are blast.I am on the last Mastery for the Gewehr but its bugged so I am waiting for a patch. The TTKs are out , Big KEV has faster TTK then the Automatico under 10 meters,its due to be nerfed. 

EDIT: The TTK will never feel right on consoles unless they up the servers from 30 to 60.

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13 hours ago, SimpleG said:

I have fallen for this game,no spotting makes harassing the enemy so much fun.The SMLE and the Gewehr are blast.I am on the last Mastery for the Gewehr but its bugged so I am waiting for a patch. The TTKs are out , Big KEV has faster TTK then the Automatico under 10 meters,its due to be nerfed. 

EDIT: The TTK will never feel right on consoles unless they up the servers from 30 to 60.


I cannot wait for the KE7 nerf. I loathe that gun. If I die 10 times in a match, 8 of em are from that gun and at varying ranges. Its WAY OP right now. Seriously, if I see someone who is like a level 10 support rocking that gun...It drives me nuts. They know exactly whats wrong with it and are spamming it anyway. They are BFV equivalent of the Arty spammers. Cant wait for them to actually have to learn how to aim with the nerfbat comes. 


With that, yes... game is good. My opinion of it has changed since I first started. I still feel like though if they just removed spotting or heavily toned it down in BF1, it wouldve been the better game. As good as BFV is, its still missing that chaos that I loved about BF1.


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DQXI - post game content. 



I feel like if I had this game as a kid, I would devour all of it and buy the strategy guide. Unfortunately, I’m itching to move on. My party is lvl 50-52 which I think is too low for the end game boss, but I’m struggling to do the necessary grinding. 


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1 hour ago, ManUtdRedDevils said:

DQXI - post game content. 


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Obviously didn't read your spoilers. I'm about to start this game up. How was it?

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4 hours ago, best3444 said:


Obviously didn't read your spoilers. I'm about to start this game up. How was it?

I really like it. It’s an old school RPG with modern touches.  My main gripe with the game is that the MC doesn’t talk, which hurts some really good story moments.  Besides that, it is up there with Persona 5 as my favorite JRPG this generation. 


The end game content is surprisingly great. I loaded it just to see what it would be about with zero intention to play it, but now feel compelled to finish it. The game deserved to sell better out in the West.  SE didn’t help the game out with its release date. If it launched in July like the Japan version, I think it would have done much better. 

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10 hours ago, ManUtdRedDevils said:

DQXI - post game content. 


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I feel like if I had this game as a kid, I would devour all of it and buy the strategy guide. Unfortunately, I’m itching to move on. My party is lvl 50-52 which I think is too low for the end game boss, but I’m struggling to do the necessary grinding. 



FYI, if you haven't reforged a certain weapon, the big post-game boss will be too tough at most any level.


It kind of does a poor job explaining how to use it too.  One of the few big gripes I have with the game.


At lvl 50 would still be quite difficult regardless.  But there's enough post game content to make grinding (in the old school sense) needless.

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20 hours ago, EternallDarkness said:

Played a ton of Shadow of the Tomb Raider, man I'm loving this one. 

It's fun while it lasts... got some great set pieces. I played some Red Dead and PUBG today... posted that I rediscovered my love for PUBG now and it eats into my single player time. I want to try and play Ass. Creed Odyssey before the year is out. Still have a ton to do in Origins though. Want to at least do all the Gladiator stuff and kill all the War Elephants. Got two so far.

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Trying out Red Dead Online.


My favorite part so far has been that I created Townes Van Zandt in the character creator.


Update: This reminds me of why I don't play online. I feel like a jackass playing with a bunch of teenagers screaming "fag", "bitch ass motherfucker" and "i fucked yur mom bruh" every 10 seconds.

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4 hours ago, Remarkableriots said:

What happened?


While trying to take out John (first boss) he jumps in a plane and I jump in one as well to try and take him down (dog fighting sucks in this game) well he shoots me down a few times but I always respawned back in the cockpit at the start of the fight, then I have him nearly dead and suddenly I start getting this message that I am going out of bounds or something..out of bounds I'm following him in a damn plane....so it keeps resetting me back 'in bounds', so I let him kill me so I just get respawned at the start....which it does, then in the new dog fight I end up crashing or rather crash landing. I slam into the woods, but I don't die, I somehow land wedged between some trees so I can't take off again and am forced to jump out of the plane, John then starts taunting me telling me to get a plane and come get him. Well that would be fine but there are NO PLANES anywhere. I searched everywhere and there isn't a plane ot be found. I finally said screw it, bit the bullet and blew a ton of cash on a helicopter and then shot him down. 

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4 minutes ago, EternallDarkness said:


While trying to take out John (first boss) he jumps in a plane and I jump in one as well to try and take him down (dog fighting sucks in this game) well he shoots me down a few times but I always respawned back in the cockpit at the start of the fight, then I have him nearly dead and suddenly I start getting this message that I am going out of bounds or something..out of bounds I'm following him in a damn plane....so it keeps resetting me back 'in bounds', so I let him kill me so I just get respawned at the start....which it does, then in the new dog fight I end up crashing or rather crash landing. I slam into the woods, but I don't die, I somehow land wedged between some trees so I can't take off again and am forced to jump out of the plane, John then starts taunting me telling me to get a plane and come get him. Well that would be fine but there are NO PLANES anywhere. I searched everywhere and there isn't a plane ot be found. I finally said screw it, bit the bullet and blew a ton of cash on a helicopter and then shot him down. 

That mission definitely was a pain! Helicopters were a lot easier to use.

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