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~*Official #COVID-19 Thread of Doom*~ Revenge of Omicron Prime

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Pfizer will submit data to the FDA this week.




A Food and Drug Administration committee will meet in mid-June to review data on COVID-19 vaccines for children six months through five years old, the agency announced Monday. If all goes as expected, it could sign off on the shots for that age group within days of that meeting.


The announcement came just after Pfizer / BioNTech said in a Monday morning press release that three doses of their COVID-19 vaccine produced a strong immune response in children between six months and five years old. They plan to submit the data to the Food and Drug Administration this week.


A preliminary analysis of data from the clinical trial of 1,678 children also showed that the shots were around 80 percent effective at preventing symptomatic COVID-19 infections, according to the press release, but that was based on only a small number of cases.


The shots for this age group are at one-tenth the dose of the Pfizer / BioNTech adult vaccines. The companies had originally tested two shots of that lower-strength vaccine in children in this age group, but data released at the end of 2021 showed that two shots didn’t generate a strong immune response in that group. The companies then added a third shot to their trial. The FDA originally indicated that it would review the vaccine for kids under five before the complete data was available but walked that back in early February — a setback for parents anxious to get their young children vaccinated.


Moderna asked the FDA to authorize its vaccine for children aged six months to six years in March. It uses one-fourth the dosage as the adult shots, and the company said two shots were enough for an immune response comparable to the one in adults. The FDA will review Moderna’s data, along with Pfizer / BioNTech’s data, at the June meeting.



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One in eight Covid hospital patients have heart inflammation up to two months later, researchers find




Damage to the body’s organs including the lungs and kidneys is common in people who were admitted to hospital with Covid, with one in eight found to have heart inflammation, researchers have revealed.


As the pandemic evolved, it became clear that some people who had Covid were being left with ongoing symptoms – a condition that has been called long Covid.


Previous studies have revealed that fewer than a third of patients who have ongoing Covid symptoms after being hospitalised with the disease feel fully recovered a year later, while some experts have warned long Covid could result in a generation affected by disability.


Now researchers tracking the progress of patients who were treated in hospital for Covid say they have found evidence the disease can take a toll on a range of organs.


What’s more, they say the severity of ongoing symptoms appears to be linked to the severity of the Covid infection itself.



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14 hours ago, mclumber1 said:

My guess is that this is just me relapsing from the infection I had 2 weeks ago.  My theory is that the Paxlovid did a great job as an anti-viral - preventing replication of the virus and allowing me to get over feeling like shit.  But it also prevented my body from mounting the proper immune response to the virus.  So now the infection is back.

I just saw a report over the weekend that suspected the Paxlovid is doing exactly this. Suppressing the virus but not eliminating it. They've been seeing this in other Covd patients who have been treated with Paxlovid.

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9 hours ago, skillzdadirecta said:

But doesn't the vaccine cause Heart inflammation????


The myocarditis reaction to the mRNA vaccines has only really been observed in teenage boys/young men and it's typically very mild, far milder than the myocarditis associated with COVID-19 itself.


Furthermore, it's very rare and the recovery period is rapid:



Research Highlights: Most adolescents and young adults with suspected myocarditis following a COVID-19 vaccination experience mild symptoms and rapid clinical recovery, though many had evidence of continued heart inflammation, according to a new study...


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8 minutes ago, Comet said:

Well my 4 year old tested positive again for COVID. At this rate he'll turn 5 and be eligible for the vaccine juuuust before they approve vaccines for  < 5 year olds lol 

I’m so fucking mad at the FDA for sitting on the Moderna vaccine for under 6 since March

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4 minutes ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

I’m so fucking mad at the FDA for sitting on the Moderna vaccine for under 6 since March

Yeah no kidding, it's frustrating given how well the vaccines work. My 7 year old has been around so much COVID and has never tested positive or shown any symptoms. 

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7 hours ago, Spork3245 said:

Yes, but that’s because COVID causes it: to my understanding, it’s like a mimicked symptom because of how your body is responding to the mRNA vaccine. 


3 hours ago, Commissar SFLUFAN said:


The myocarditis reaction to the mRNA vaccines has only really been observed in teenage boys/young men and it's typically very mild, far milder than the myocarditis associated with COVID-19 itself.


Furthermore, it's very rare and the recovery period is rapid:



Research Highlights: Most adolescents and young adults with suspected myocarditis following a COVID-19 vaccination experience mild symptoms and rapid clinical recovery, though many had evidence of continued heart...


That's not what Joe Rogan says...

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Well my kiddo still has COVID. I slept with him in the same room the last two nights and he spent the last few days in my home office while I work. Doing all we can to quarantine and spare the rest of the family from getting it.


My wife just came home from work and tested positive. I still test negative, wtf. I feel tired but have had a gnarly sleep debt the last two weeks so hard to tell what it is.

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Whatever the fuck strain our family has caught is way different than Omicron. Omicron went through us last December and we barely even noticed it. Sniffles, a little lethargic and that was it. I remember running a handful of miles outside in the cold while supposedly having it. 


Now, with "natural immunity" from that infection, plus vax and boosters this current COVID episode is hitting hard. My wife is struggling to even be able to move. I'm allllright during the day but the nights continue to be riddled with body aches, chills, and headaches. 


I've been humbled by this. Glad it's happening now instead of a week from now during our planned trip to see family and our 10 year anniversary to Mexico.

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On 5/25/2022 at 9:46 PM, b_m_b_m_b_m said:


Should of popped in sooner to see this news and it’s a NO SHIT reaction from me. I kinda made it for the worse that my cousin didn’t get her shot because she says she just can’t eat anything. I kept saying the shots would maybe help alleviate that, but never did. She is still have eating issues and has dropped over +80lbs, and I’m now like her. I would say for the past 2 months I have been having the same issue as my cousin, think of food you wanna eat and just as quickly nausea builds into your thought/stomach and are completely turned off by the food you might of just been craving. I’ve been too my doctor twice and had blood work done both times, and found my red or white blood cells were low. First time they said might of been because of my long hauler Covid and my 2nd trip 2-3 weeks ago had me start taking a daily Complete Vitamin B supplement. Help promote blood cell production, energy and build up my appetite. It hasn’t done anything but maybe a little bit of energy, still craving salt/vinegar like bite too my food but my stomach hurts after a very small plate of anything in my belly. I’m probably down +40lbs since Mid Feb too, which I’m sorta grateful for but I wanna eat and I can’t. I literally have to get help from my weed in order to even eat a small plate of food, and even that doesn’t work all the time. Before this started I had go to strains I grew for hunger and they don’t work nearly the same for me, and weed overall has become hit of miss. I can take 2-3 bowls from my bong and feel completely sober an hour later (sometimes even sooner) Might be related, maybe not, but my gawd does my wrist hurt where I had my surgery and my back has felt pretty fucked up as well for over 3 weeks. Mostly bad on my left shoulder blade/rib area but travels to the other side as well. Sometimes I will feel good for most of the day and just one little slight twist to pat the dogs and I’m in agony. Same area will hurt and then a great sharp pain down my spine moving onto my right. 



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Severe undercounting undermines our efforts to ‘understand and get ahead of the virus’, researcher says after New York survey




The United States is now in its fourth-biggest Covid surge, according to official case counts – but experts believe the actual current rate is much higher.

America is averaging about 94,000 new cases every day, and hospitalizations have been ticking upward since April, though they remain much lower than previous peaks.


But Covid cases could be undercounted by a factor of 30, an early survey of the surge in New York City indicates. “It would appear official case counts are under-estimating the true burden of infection by about 30-fold, which is a huge surprise,” said Denis Nash, an author of the study and a distinguished professor of epidemiology at the City University of New York School of Public Health.


About one in five – 22% – of adult New Yorkers likely had Covid between 23 April and 8 May, according to the preprint study, which has not been peer-reviewed or published. That would mean 1.5 million adults in the city had Covid in a single two-week period – far higher than official counts during that time.


While the study focused on New York, these findings may be true throughout the rest of the country, Nash said. In fact, New Yorkers likely have better access to testing than most of the country, which means undercounting could be even worse elsewhere.



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