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~*Official #COVID-19 Thread of Doom*~ Revenge of Omicron Prime

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1 minute ago, Jose said:


No one knows what's going to happen with the second wave for Sweden or for other countries. It's supposition at this point. Interesting control group though.

Certainly, and this virus has been incredibly difficult to model. But if Sweden ends July with 60% of its population having already had it, do you think they will fare better or worse than states or countries with 5-10% of their population getting it the first round? The math is certainly in favor of Sweden there, but much remains unknown!

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2 minutes ago, sblfilms said:

Certainly, and this virus has been incredibly difficult to model. But if Sweden ends July with 60% of its population having already had it, do you think they will fare better or worse than states or countries with 5-10% of their population getting it the first round? The math is certainly in favor of Sweden there, but much remains unknown!


For sure. Huge if though.

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I'm proud to be a resident of Oregon. This is great.





On Friday, Brown announced a new partnership with OHSU called Be the Key.


The statewide study will invite 100,000 pre-selected Oregonians to volunteer to participate, starting May 11 with invitations sent in the mail.


Participants will:

-Be selected at random to represent the state’s ethnic, socioeconomic and geographically diverse population.

-Monitor their temperature and other symptoms every day over 12 months using state-of-the-art technology, such as Kinsa smart thermometers, to collect real-time data.

-If they show symptoms, they will receive a home test kit. This will enable them to detect the virus at its earliest stage so they can better protect themselves, their family and the community. 

-Be referred to the Oregon Health Authority for follow-up and appropriate action as needed.


In addition, up to 10,000 randomly selected participants will also receive home testing kits to provide data about symptom-free infections, and to prevent wider spread in the community and state.


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9 minutes ago, Jose said:


For sure. Huge if though.

They are definitely WAAAY higher on percentage of population infected than even the NYC area because they are allowing younger folks to contract it. I live in the county directly south of Houston and our actual infection rate is likely well under a half percentage point. We essentially haven’t had it and will get smacked hard when the second wave rolls in without returning to strong isolation policies.


Isolation works, this is clear, that doesn’t mean it is the most wise policy. But as I mentioned earlier to Riley, the idea that is going around that we as a society did something wrong by closing up is dumb. Extreme caution in the face of death on the scale of multiple millions on a few months time is right. Where we go from here will require more thought, not just reaction. A real shame we weren’t there beforehand. Too bad our elected officials won’t actually be held accountable for their failures :/ 

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Isolation by itself is not a good or wise policy. It's to buy you time for testing, contact tracing, PPE ramp ups, and protection/quarantine the most vulnerable (if you even know who that is!) and the sick, along with R&D on a treatment/cure/vaccine.


All we did was isolation with some increase in testing, and some R&D.

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55 minutes ago, sblfilms said:

A couple weeks ago they published numbers based on random sampling of antibody testing that in Stockholm they were already north of 1/3rd of the population and anticipated being over 60% by the end of May. Haven’t seen updated numbers since then, but I wouldn’t be surprised if they were still on course for that. The rest of the country was lagging a few weeks behind, so they estimated they could be north of 60% nationwide sometime in June.


Yeah they withdrew that report.



We don’t know what other nations might have gone through if they’d followed the Swedish model — France estimates its own lockdown saved 60,000 lives. We also don’t know how much immunity has been acquired by the Swedes. An official report estimating that a third of Stockholm’s population would develop antibodies to the virus by May 1 was withdrawn after an error.


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2 minutes ago, Emperor Diocletian II said:

The Nazi-sympathizer Swedes are my least favorite Nordic nation so if they want to be a "control group" for this experiment, all the better.


I really thought the Norwegians had that affiliation moreso than the Swedes. 

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12 minutes ago, CayceG said:


I really thought the Norwegians had that affiliation moreso than the Swedes. 

The Norwegians resisted as best they could the German invasion in 1940 and the puppet government the Nazis set up were all executed at the end of the war.  It was Norwegian commandos who severely damaged the heavy water facilities at Telemark that curtailed the Nazi atomic research program.



In contrast, the "neutral" Swedes used their industrial capacity to keep the Nazis supplied with steel, ball bearings, and other materials.

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34 minutes ago, skillzdadirecta said:

There has been no statement of what the error was, but further comments from the government suggest it wasn’t some mass calculation error overstating how widespread the virus is at this point. And just normal modeling would suggest their plan has wildly higher infection rates, which also why they have many more deaths than their neighbors.

If they don’t have significantly higher infection rates, why are we doing isolation policies in the first place?

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1 hour ago, sblfilms said:

They are definitely WAAAY higher on percentage of population infected than even the NYC area because they are allowing younger folks to contract it. I live in the county directly south of Houston and our actual infection rate is likely well under a half percentage point. We essentially haven’t had it and will get smacked hard when the second wave rolls in without returning to strong isolation policies.


Isolation works, this is clear, that doesn’t mean it is the most wise policy. But as I mentioned earlier to Riley, the idea that is going around that we as a society did something wrong by closing up is dumb. Extreme caution in the face of death on the scale of multiple millions on a few months time is right. Where we go from here will require more thought, not just reaction. A real shame we weren’t there beforehand. Too bad our elected officials won’t actually be held accountable for their failures :/ 


It's especially important that we tried to lock it down quickly because, frankly, we didn't really know how deadly it was early on. In the first month or two the mortality rate was estimated as being anywhere from .2% to 3%. It seems to be on the lower end now that we've had more time (though this is still assuming that there are a lot of asymptomatic carriers out there, which we still need to test), but what if it truly had been at 3%? Some people are just ignorant of what the lock downs are even trying to accomplish.

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26 minutes ago, Emperor Diocletian II said:

The Norwegians resisted as best they could the German invasion in 1940 and the puppet government the Nazis set up were all executed at the end of the war.  It was Norwegian commandos who severely damaged the heavy water facilities at Telemark that curtailed the Nazi atomic research program.



In contrast, the "neutral" Swedes used their industrial capacity to keep the Nazis supplied with steel, ball bearings, and other materials.


Interesting! I was thinking more about modern black metal I guess and the lore they cling to in justifying that. 

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32 minutes ago, sblfilms said:

There has been no statement of what the error was, but further comments from the government suggest it wasn’t some mass calculation error overstating how widespread the virus is at this point. And just normal modeling would suggest their plan has wildly higher infection rates, which also why they have many more deaths than their neighbors.

If they don’t have significantly higher infection rates, why are we doing isolation policies in the first place?

Who knows what the error was... I was just pointing out that their initial estimate that 70% of the population would have antibodies by today was withdrawn and I think that's worth pointing out. It's also worth pointing out that there still hasn't been a definitive answer as to whether or not having antibodies for Covid 19 confers any protection at all and if so, for how long. THEY STILL DON'T KNOW.



24 minutes ago, CitizenVectron said:


It's especially important that we tried to lock it down quickly because, frankly, we didn't really know how deadly it was early on. In the first month or two the mortality rate was estimated as being anywhere from .2% to 3%. It seems to be on the lower end now that we've had more time (though this is still assuming that there are a lot of asymptomatic carriers out there, which we still need to test), but what if it truly had been at 3%? Some people are just ignorant of what the lock downs are even trying to accomplish.

We also don't know what the true death rate is because our current death count for Covid 19 seems to be an underestimate. 




So until we know what the accurate death rate is, we won't know what the mortality rate is.

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So, I was shocked to learn that my favourite twitter personality (Jeet Heer, which some of you may be familiar with) lives in my bumfuck province of Saskatchewan. Anyway, he posted a short thread on how re-opening plans will work based on the experience here so far. Our province has one of the lowest rates of infection and death in the western world thanks in part to luck (low early fly-in rates of infected people), geography (fairly low-density pop), and efforts (lock down came pretty fast and hard).


Even so...now that restrictions are starting to be lifted soon, people are already ignoring them and the infection rate is rising once again:



Basically, when rules are followed, the plan works. But people don't understand (or care) about partial lockdowns, they only comprehend it in terms of total effort vs no effort, and the plan is already falling apart a week before it was even supposed to start.

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6 hours ago, CitizenVectron said:

Imagine the current generations having to live through WWII.


Uhgggghh...but I want butter for my toaaast! I've never even seen a German, I think the government is blowing it out of proportion. If I can't buy whatever I want, then that's not freedom. End the war and let the Germans do whatever they want, it doesn't affect me, and I want my butteeeeeerrr."

I’ve said it before, if social media platforms like YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter existed in the 80s, America would have been wiped out by the AIDS epidemic.

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8 minutes ago, MarSolo said:

I’ve said it before, if social media platforms like YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter existed in the 80s, America would have been wiped out by the AIDS epidemic.

If social media, Trump, the Repubs as they exist now, and Fox News existed we would have been at best neutral in WW2. 

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5 minutes ago, Zaku3 said:

If social media, Trump, the Repubs as they exist now, and Fox News existed we would have been at best neutral in WW2. 

The Plot Against America covers what would have happened if the Republicans had ran Charles Lindbergh against Roosevelt in 1940.

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I’m from the Toronto area and the weather is finally looking better, but I’ve noticed traffic is starting to get heavier. Not too much that I still can’t breeze into work in 25minutes, but enough to notice/worry me in some ways. I’ve been out and about in the GTA area and overall I think people are still listening but I had to drop some promo stuff off at a gas station. Small area to be in and there were 8-9 in the customer area. I admit I felt a little uneasy about it and I’m not a claustrophobic guy. One guy didn’t care and filled the shelf with his jerky product and was getting close with everyone. I know I want out of there fast too but I still respect the distance. I don’t think people will  properly wait out this storm the best they can/should in the coming weeks ahead. They don’t see the dangerous lightning strikes anymore, but are still hearing/feeling the rumblings of thunder. Hopefully we’re smart enough to tough it out and wait for the storm to pass with thunder fading out into the distance, and not hear the rumblings of the next storm coming in. 

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