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1 hour ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

In no other instance does the fbi comment on ongoing investigations

They told congress it was closed, and later found out there was more. This was far different than any other case, and Comey was in an impossible situation. If he didn't report it right away, and Trump lost while the GOP kept the house and senate, he'd have been eaten alive. He had two bad choices, and he did rhe one he felt was right.


But maybe its just me who believes congress should know if a candidate for President is under investigation.


He's a convenient scapegoat when Hillary caused the problem on her own. 


Look, we all know Trump did far worse, but Trumps base didn't give a damn. They saw this crap as a point of pride.

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2 minutes ago, BloodyHell said:

They told congress it was closed, and later found out there was more. This was far different than any other case, and Comey was in an impossible situation. If he didn't report it right away, and Trump lost while the GOP kept the house and senate, he'd have been eaten alive. He had two bad choices, and he did rhe one he felt was right.


But maybe its just me who believes congress should know if a candidate for President is under investigation.


He's a convenient scapegoat when Hillary caused the problem on her own. 


Look, we all know Trump did far worse, but Trumps base didn't give a fuck. They saw this shit as a point of pride.

The danger of having the fbi drop in late October with an announcement "reopening" a criminal investigation is far more dangerous than any benefits gleamed  from supposed transparency in the last few days of a presidential campaign.

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19 minutes ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

The danger of having the fbi drop in late October with an announcement "reopening" a criminal investigation is far more dangerous than any benefits gleamed  from supposed transparency in the last few days of a presidential campaign.

Again, none of us have ever been in the situation he was in, and things would have been no better had he waited till after the election. The person who was wrongwas the person who directly put him in this position.


Had he waited and Trump lost, Republicans would have destroyed the FBI.



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3 minutes ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:


Cool, just making sure the Dems don’t accidentally set a precedent if Schumer leads the impeachment trial in the Senate after the 20th.


I can imagine Republicans getting impeachment happy towards Obama and Biden in 2024 if they retake the House, Senate, and Presidency.


Also, I wanted to shut down the Comey talk because NO ONE GIVES A FUCK ABOUT WHAT HE THINKS IN THE YEAR OF OUR LORD HARRISON FORD 2021???

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1 minute ago, MarSolo said:

Cool, just making sure the Dems don’t accidentally set a precedent if Schumer leads the impeachment trial in the Senate after the 20th.


I can imagine Republicans getting impeachment happy towards Obama and Biden in 2024 if they retake the House, Senate, and Presidency.


Also, I wanted to shut down the Comey talk because NO ONE GIVES A FUCK ABOUT WHAT HE THINKS IN THE YEAR OF OUR LORD HARRISON FORD 2021???

It can be used to bar someone from future office, but it won't stop Tom Cotton from making the argument so he can vote no

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Just now, Joe said:


You don't honestly think this, do you? :p


Why not? He's already looted embassies.



The US president decided he wanted pieces from ambassador’s residence during a 2018 visit and took them back to the White House without notice


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1 minute ago, Jason said:


Why not? He's already looted embassies.



The US president decided he wanted pieces from ambassador’s residence during a 2018 visit and took them back to the White House without notice



I didn't know that! Crazy.




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