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Dorian could be hurricane when it reaches Puerto Rico

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The roof had blown clean off. Outside, the ocean surged, swallowing the land. Brent Lowe knew he had to escape — and take his 24-year-old son, who has cerebral palsy and can’t walk, with him.

But Mr. Lowe had another problem. He’s blind.

So he put his grown son on his shoulders, then stepped off his porch, he said. The swirling current outside came up to his chin.


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An ocean ‘heat-wave’ has formed in the Pacific Ocean over the last few months, and its resemblance to the ‘Warm Blob’ of 2014 and 2015 has scientists worried.

“It’s on a trajectory to be as strong as the prior event,” explains Dr. Andrew Leising, a research scientist at NOAA Fisheries’ Southwest Fisheries Science Center and developer of a marine heat-wave tracker. “Already, on its own, it is one of the most significant events that we’ve seen.”

Based on research led by the University of Washington’s Hillary Scannell, the timing of this heat wave, about 5 years after the last, makes a lot of sense.

But, that does not mean this blob is destined to be as bad as the last. “It looks bad, but it could also go away pretty quickly if the unusually persistent weather patterns that caused it change,” says Dr. Nate Mantua, a research scientist at the Southwest Fisheries Science Center.


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Maybe Trump confused where Alabama and South Carolina were like I did... True story: I was in South Carolina last week visiting my grandmother and I kept telling everyone that we didn't have to worry about the Hurricane hitting us because it wasn't going anywhere near the Gulf of Mexico. What does that have to do with South Carolina you ask? Well in my head, I thought that North Carolina and South Carolina are where Alabama and Tennessee are :p I didn't realize that the Carolinas are on the East Coast and didn't realize my error until I saw a News report that showed a map of the US. My Mother said to me "I was wondering why you kept talking about the Gulf of Mexico" :lol:


Maybe Trump is just as bad at geography as I am :p

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i cannot fucking believe that this whole Alabama thing is still a topic. Instead of just saying " hey, i apologize for the mistake. i had looked at earlier models and thought Alabama might be impacted and just wanted everyone that area to be prepared and safe. " 


thats it. thats all that needed be done. its almost a fucking week of tantrums over this. its cringe-worthy that this is the leader of our country behaving like this. move. the. fuck. on. 


even more incredible is his base defending him. its just mind-numbingly incredible. 

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38 minutes ago, atom631 said:

i cannot fucking believe that this whole Alabama thing is still a topic. Instead of just saying " hey, i apologize for the mistake. i had looked at earlier models and thought Alabama might be impacted and just wanted everyone that area to be prepared and safe. " 


thats it. thats all that needed be done. its almost a fucking week of tantrums over this. its cringe-worthy that this is the leader of our country behaving like this. move. the. fuck. on. 


even more incredible is his base defending him. its just mind-numbingly incredible. 

He could also just ignore it, like every other major issue. 

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49 minutes ago, atom631 said:

i cannot fucking believe that this whole Alabama thing is still a topic. Instead of just saying " hey, i apologize for the mistake. i had looked at earlier models and thought Alabama might be impacted and just wanted everyone that area to be prepared and safe. " 


thats it. thats all that needed be done. its almost a fucking week of tantrums over this. its cringe-worthy that this is the leader of our country behaving like this. move. the. fuck. on. 


even more incredible is his base defending him. its just mind-numbingly incredible. 


His campaign is now selling markers now to try and capitalize off of this "controversy" :|



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37 minutes ago, skillzdadirecta said:


His campaign is now selling markers now to try and capitalize off of this "controversy" :|



jesus christ. im convinced trump is the greatest troll that ever lived. its all an act. 


either way, this timeline will be studied/analyzed/debated for the next 80 years on how it came to this. 

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Donald Trump is an embarrassment to the human race. Anyone still in his corner is a total dipshit idiot worthy of a lifetime of scorn. Seriously, fuck you.


How much of a worthless drooling shithead would you have to be to still try and rationalize this man's insane gibberish? How fucked in the head would you have to be?

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I have a hard time even wrapping my head around how fucking stupid you would have to be, how far up your ass the entire republican dogma would have to be to still be trying to pretend that any of this is normal or acceptable. It's not normal and it's not acceptable. If you think it is, something is very wrong with you. Very very wrong.

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