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Joe Biden beats Donald Trump, officially making Trump a one-term twice impeached, twice popular-vote losing president

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6 hours ago, Ricofoley said:

Yep, hopefully everybody enjoyed Dems winning Georgia once, because they're gonna make sure that that never happens again.


They already tried to do that; that's what Stacey Abram's attack on Kemp, stating that everything he did leading up to the 2018 election was deliberate, was all about. They saw the change in Georgia and tried to stop it and couldn't.

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After the election, Obama’s USDA (under Vilsack’s control) and the Justice Department set out on a five-city listening tour of farm country, hearing stories about Big Ag price discrimination, abuse of market power, and intimidation. Farmers who spoke out risked retaliation from big producers who could crush them. But after the hearings, no enforcement actions were taken, more mergers were approved, and GIPSA rules were delayed and ultimately weakened. Obama’s team dubiously asserted that their hands were tied by the antitrust laws.


“He did nothing, and Vilsack did nothing and the Department of Justice did nothing,” says Callicrate. “They totally betrayed us.” This created a lack of trust that has now spread to both parties. If Biden broke with this past and brought in new advisers with a commitment to protecting family farms, that trust could begin to be rebuilt. But instead, the Biden team has returned to the same old corporate-ag well.

Good article, not great assessment of vilsak as AG secretary

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25 minutes ago, CitizenVectron said:

So basically it will be bad by historical standards, but will be amazing by Trump standards, so will get a pass by the country (and media) at large.

We all knew this was exactly what a Biden presidency would be.


Our political choices in this century boil down to a bowl of shit vs. a bowl of radioactive shit.

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34 minutes ago, CitizenVectron said:

So basically it will be bad by historical standards, but will be amazing by Trump standards, so will get a pass by the country (and media) at large.

Absolutely and I'm on board with it after the last four years of waking up to Trump news every day. I do vastly prefer regular old Awful Politicians Say The Darndest Things shenanigans, yes. I don't like that this is our reality but it is what it is at least as far as I'm concerned. 

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9 minutes ago, Joe said:

People are just looking for ways to shit on the Biden administration before he even gets inaugurated. 


Why do we have to wait for the inauguration to shit on people who have proven track records of being worthy of being shat upon?

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12 minutes ago, Jason said:


Why do we have to wait for the inauguration to shit on people who have proven track records of being worthy of being shat upon?


It's a lazy hit piece. They get mad that Marcia Fudge was nominated for HUD because that's racist or something and claim she was "pressured" to accept the role without evidence. This moron then proceeds to call Lujan Grisham a person of color, which is just absolutely fucking aggravating and far more egregious than nominating someone to a post that she accepted lol. Also weird to hit Biden for the "stereotypical" Fudge nomination after he just finished nominating the first ever Black secretary of defense.

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13 minutes ago, Joe said:


It's a lazy hit piece. They get mad that Marcia Fudge was nominated for HUD because that's racist or something and claim she was "pressured" to accept the role without evidence. This moron then proceeds to call Lujan Grisham a person of color, which is just absolutely fucking aggravating and far more egregious than nominating someone to a post that she accepted lol. Also weird to hit Biden for the "stereotypical" Fudge nomination after he just finished nominating the first ever Black secretary of defense.

My problem is that it appears that fudge would be far better suited for Ag based on her experience and that vilsack seems to be another goddamn lobbyist for big Ag who was the lead government official of the most important rural industry during a historic collapse of the democratic party in rural areas. There might be a connection there! We don't have to keep brining back the same fucking people for the same fucking jobs 


Being better than trump only gets you so far. 

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3 minutes ago, Commissar SFLUFAN said:

I'm on an all-hands call with my DoD agency right now and they're practically going out of their way to say "PRESIDENT-ELECT Biden" at every available opportunity.


And I do mean that they are OVER-EMPHASIZING the "President-Elect" part.


I imagine most of the DoD is pleased at Biden's victory.

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17 minutes ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

My problem is that it appears that fudge would be far better suited for Ag based on her experience and that vilsack seems to be another goddamn lobbyist for big Ag who was the lead government official of the most important rural industry during a historic collapse of the democratic party in rural areas. There might be a connection there! We don't have to keep brining back the same fucking people for the same fucking jobs 


Being better than trump only gets you so far. 


Oh it's fine to critique the nomination. I admittedly don't know a ton about Vilsack, which is why I didn't mention him in the post. But the author of that article has a clear agenda and suggested a lot of stupid things.

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38 minutes ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

lots of dangerous stuff circulating on the right wing side




Ok, this is truly amazing.


I was wondering what it was that Texas would be claiming as the injury that gave them standing, and I kind of figured it had to be this claim. But seeing it in writing made me realize how insane it is.


Any state that makes it easier to vote than Texas is injuring Texas voters.


The first thought here would be like that PA curing case. If we are going to follow this argument shouldn't Texas be improving the franchise rather than insisting that everyone sink to their level?


But that's not the best part. Take this to it's logical conclusion. If any state making it easier to vote than any other is an injury to that state, Mississippi or some other shithole could pass Jim Crow on steroids and any state that didn't match their draconian, voter disenfranchising laws would be breaking the law!

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8 minutes ago, Jason said:



8 minutes ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

It's almost like it wasn't close enough for shenanigans to hold

The alarming thing should be that the seal has been pulled back on this type of behavior. If anyone thinks that Trump will be the only Republican to attempt this now that it’s a thing is kidding themselves. 

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