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Joe Biden beats Donald Trump, officially making Trump a one-term twice impeached, twice popular-vote losing president

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The Democratic National Committee and NBC News, the host of the first debates, announced the makeup of the debate stages for the June 26 and June 27 debates through a random selection in New York, where NBC News executives and producers drew names from a set of two boxes to determine the two groups — one dubbed "purple," the other "orange" — before deciding which group would debate first.



The first night should have been Purple and Orange fighting to the death.



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23 minutes ago, PaladinSolo said:

The gop house rep in charge of recruiting, especially women after getting hammered in 2018 has instead decided to call it quits lol. 




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Will be interesting to see if Warren is hurt or helped by being put in the kids table debate. 



I think there is a chance that she shines next to(mostly) lower tier candidates. But there's always a chance that one of them could decide they have nothing to lose and dive bomb her like Christie with Rubio-bot. Also a danger that less people might tune in to see her because the other debate will be seen as the main event.


The good thing about Warren is that I think she is both so competent and likable with a great message that I think she can cut through all that horse race bullshit if she just goes out there, lays out her plans and is just herself.

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28 minutes ago, Chairslinger said:

Will be interesting to see if Warren is hurt or helped by being put in the kids table debate. 



I think there is a chance that she shines next to(mostly) lower tier candidates. But there's always a chance that one of them could decide they have nothing to lose and dive bomb her like Christie with Rubio-bot. Also a danger that less people might tune in to see her because the other debate will be seen as the main event.


The good thing about Warren is that I think she is both so competent and likable with a great message that I think she can cut through all that horse race bullshit if she just goes out there, lays out her plans and is just herself.


Eh, I think kids' table may be overplaying it. The 2016 GOP undercard was kids' table level, but the bold would be the bottom-tier in polling:


Night One: June 26
Cory Booker, senator from New Jersey

Julián Castro, former housing secretary

Bill de Blasio, mayor of New York

John Delaney, former representative from Maryland

Tulsi Gabbard, representative from Hawaii

Jay Inslee, governor of Washington

Amy Klobuchar, senator from Minnesota

Beto O’Rourke, former representative from Texas

Tim Ryan, representative from Ohio

Elizabeth Warren, senator from Massachusetts


Night Two: June 27
Michael Bennet, senator from Colorado

Joseph R. Biden Jr., former vice president

Pete Buttigieg, mayor of South Bend, Ind.

Kirsten Gillibrand, senator from New York

Kamala Harris, senator from California

John Hickenlooper, former governor of Colorado

Bernie Sanders, senator from Vermont

Eric Swalwell, representative from California

Marianne Williamson, self-help author

Andrew Yang, former tech executive


It's actually a pretty good split; it just probably could have used Harris or Biden or Buttigieg in exchange for Booker or Klobuchar. But even then, Beto was polling a lot better a couple months ago than, say, Buttigieg, so who knows what it would look like in a couple months.

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@SFLUFAN what do you think of this?


Taxing income is an increasingly ineffective and inefficient way to generate revenue over time.  Take a company like Amazon—it can do tens of billions in business and pay no income tax in a given period while storing its income overseas.  A Value-Added Tax is much more efficient way to capture the true value of the American infrastructure and will be increasingly necessary over time as more and more work is done by software, robots and artificial intelligence. With a VAT of half the European level, we can pay for Universal Basic Income for all American adults of $1,000 per month.



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I would support a steep VAT paired with a standard monthly dividend payment that covers the cost of the tax up to the poverty level.  This makes the VAT progressive without too much bureaucracy and peering into people's financial lives. 


EDIT: The income tax would have to go away though. 

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