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Trump backers applaud Warren in heart of MAGA country



KERMIT, W. Va. — It was a startling spectacle in the heart of Trump country: At least a dozen supporters of the president — some wearing MAGA stickers — nodding their heads, at times even clapping, for liberal firebrand Elizabeth Warren.


The sighting alone of a Democratic presidential candidate in this town of fewer than 400 people — in a county where more than four in five voters cast their ballot for Trump in 2016 — was unusual. Warren’s team was apprehensive about how she’d be received.



The 63-year-old fire chief, Wilburn “Tommy” Preece, warned Warren and her team beforehand that the area was “Trump country” and to not necessarily expect a friendly reception. But he also told her that the town would welcome anyone, of any party, who wanted to address the opioid crisis. Preece was the first responder to a reported overdose two years ago only to discover that the victim was his younger brother Timmy, who died.


Preece said after the event that he voted for Trump and that the president has revitalized the area economically. But he gave Warren props for showing up.


“She done good,” he said.



LeeAnn Blankenship, a 38-year-old coach and supervisor at a home visitation company who grew up in Kermit and wore a sharp pink suit, said she may now support Warren in 2020 after voting for Trump in 2016.

“She’s a good ol’ country girl like anyone else,” she said of Warren, who grew up in Oklahoma. “She’s earned where she is, it wasn’t given to her. I respect that.”

But Warren didn’t come to rural West Virginia primarily in search of votes. The tiny state likely won’t decide the nomination, and is all but certain to back Trump in the general election.

Instead, Warren was here to try to send a message that she’s serious about tackling the problems of remote communities like this one.


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Beto is rebooting his campaign



In a tacit recognition that this approach isn’t working, O’Rourke is planning to try again, taking a hands-on role in staging a “reintroduction” ahead of next month’s premier Democratic presidential debate. As he finalizes his plans, O’Rourke has entered an intentional “quiet period” to build out campaign infrastructure, according to an adviser who spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss the campaign’s strategy.


That will end soon.


O’Rourke plans to step up his national media appearances after skipping most of that kind of exposure in recent months. He is scheduled to appear on MSNBC’s “Rachel Maddow Show” on Monday night and ABC’s “The View” the next day.



His top aides deny that a full reinvention or “Beto 2.0” is in the works. They note that O’Rourke plans to keep packing days with as many as half a dozen campaign events. He’ll still venture into off-the-beaten path locales that include rural, heavily Republican areas. Those were the trademarks of his Senate campaign last fall, when he nearly toppled Republican Sen. Ted Cruz by visiting all of deep-red Texas’ 254 counties.


But his team also acknowledges that for all its excitement, O’Rourke’s initial campaign launch exposed some disorganization. 



The work to bolster the campaign has begun to stabilize things. Earlier this week, O’Rourke announced hiring Jeff Berman, a top delegate guru who helped Obama navigate the complicated process of locking up enough support to secure the Democratic presidential nomination.


I found this part kind of funny.



Marcia Fulton, a 78-year-old retired teacher and school administrator who saw O’Rourke at a restored train depot in Creston, Iowa, said she’s not decided who she’ll vote for yet, but he “was really impressive, more so than I expected.”


“He was prepared and that was a real question, given his youth,” Fulton added.


But O’Rourke also begins every stop with a rapid-fire, 20-minute stump speech decrying climate change, skyrocketing student loans and the Trump administration’s immigration policies while promising to drastically expand health insurance coverage and insisting he can achieve bipartisan cooperation in Washington. It’s too much for some.


“He’s going to have to slow down a bit,” said Sandy Sothman, the co-vice chairwoman of the Cass County Democrats who watched O’Rourke speak at a sunny hillside park in Atlantic, Iowa. “When he gets going and talks about so many things at once, it becomes a little like, ‘Is he riffing or what?’”


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I agree with Bill Maher in that Democratic candidates should spend as much time as possible on Fox. Those viewers likely don’t click over to CNN and MSNBC to see the other end of the political spectrum. Their only exposure to Democrats is whatever gets filtered through Hannity, Tucker, and Trump. Rather than take a principled stand against Fox, Dems oughta infiltrate it. 

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38 minutes ago, Scott said:

I agree with Bill Maher in that Democratic candidates should spend as much time as possible on Fox. Those viewers likely don’t click over to CNN and MSNBC to see the other end of the political spectrum. Their only exposure to Democrats is whatever gets filtered through Hannity, Tucker, and Trump. Rather than take a principled stand against Fox, Dems oughta infiltrate it. 

No Democrat should ever decline the opportunity to go into the lion's den, not because it will sway any votes, but because it's good practice for confronting the enemy.  They should view it as a "live fire" training exercise.

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1 hour ago, Massdriver said:

Beto should have run for senate again and then run for Lt Governor if he failed. Democrats continue to have far too many people interested in becoming president instead of taking governorships, senator seats, and state legislatures. 

It's truly frustrating to me that the party doesn't seem to have figured that out despite ample evidence that they CAN win at the state and local level -- even in the reddest of areas -- when they set their minds and resources to it.

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It's not like there's a writer's team coming up with twenty some people to run, it's a bunch of individual egotistical assholes who see a chance to make their mark and make a national profile with enough rubes who will donate the dough to entertain it. I doubt even half of them make it to Iowa. There's still enough time to quit and run for senate.

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3 hours ago, SFLUFAN said:

It's truly frustrating to me that the party doesn't seem to have figured that out despite ample evidence that they CAN win at the state and local level -- even in the reddest of areas -- when they set their minds and resources to it.

It’s really frustrating for Texans since Beto has a lot of power to help turn this state purple. My bet is the Texas House would go blue if he ran for US Senate which would give Dems veto power over redistricting. That’s real meaningful change for the long term here. And if he lost to Cornyn, he would still be a hero and could challenge Dan Patrick, an unpopular Lt gov here. He is accomplishing nothing on the same stage as 20+ other candidates. 


Part of my motive for being for Beto for president is I know it would help moderate our state out by bringing out the Texas vote. But it’s just not meant to be. 

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